SEPTEMBER 28, 2023
Motion by:
Related to Item 42: MicroTransit Pilot Project - Part B
Launched in 2020, the Micro Transit Pilot Program provides flexible, on-demand transit service in 8 Micro Transit Zones throughout Los Angeles County. The goal of the program includes focusing on the customer experience and ease of use, improving connections to the larger Metro system and local and regional operators by providing improved 1st mile/last mile connections, providing better service where fixed routes performed poorly, as well as addressing inequities in the availability and affordability of on-demand ride-hailing services in communities of color and areas with lower median incomes. The program is a quality option that is safe, clean, and comfortable in areas with more limited transit options, especially in Equity Focused Communities (EFCs).
When initially proposed, the goal for the cost per ride was $20.00-25.00. The current cost is an average of $42.00 per ride - more than 4 times the cost per rider on our fixed-route bus lines. At $42.00 per ride, the program's sustainability becomes a challenge. Ridership performance by zone ranges from a high of just over 500 per day to a low of 115 per day. If the goal is to continue this service, the program must be sustainable and operational changes are necessary.
A driving factor in the cost per ride is Passengers per Vehicle per Hour (PVH). The PVH is based on demand which impacts performance and cost. The PVH program goal is 5-7 riders per vehicle per hour to meet the cost goals of $20.00-$25.00 per ride. The current average PVH for the program is 2.5-3.9.
The current request is for a one-year contract extension with an additional 6-month extension, if necessary. Staff is recommending making several operational changes to improve performance and address costs including streamlining operating hours, raising fares to $2.50...
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