MARCH 21, 2024
AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to:
A. AWARD task order-based Contract No. AE10769700000 for Program Management Support Services (PMSS) to Ramos Consulting Services, Inc., in the amount of $38,699,165 for a five-year base period and $7,603,641 for two, one-year options for a total of seven years at a maximum contract value of $46,302,806 subject to resolution of protest(s), if any; and
B. EXECUTE individual Contract Modifications within the CEO’s Board approved authority.
A PMSS contract is required to assist Metro Program Management staff with program and construction management support to deliver the final design and construction of the North Hollywood to Pasadena Bus Rapid Transit Project (Project). This work will include project management services, preconstruction and design management activities, construction management services, and contract closeout. PMSS services to assist Metro staff with program and construction management support to deliver design and construction scope for the North San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor (NSFVTC) improvements are also contemplated and will be provided on an as needed basis under this contract. The NSFVTC improvements are currently at an early stage of design development, and many of the improvements are expected to be delivered by City of Los Angeles resources. The option to utilize the PMSS contract on an as needed basis for delivery of the NSFVTC improvements was included to provide flexibility as the responsibility for delivery of the NSFVTC improvements is finalized with the City of Los Angeles.
The Project is a 19-mile bus rapid transit (BRT) corridor with 22 stations. The Project serves as a key regional connection between the San Fernando and San Gabriel Valleys and traverses the communities of North Hollywood, Burbank, Glendale, Eagle Rock, and Pasadena. Each community has dense residential populations and many cultural, entertainment, shopping, and employment areas, including the NoHo Arts District, Burbank Media District, Glendale Galleria, Americana at Brand, Eagle Rock Plaza, and Old Pasadena.
Following the completion of the environmental phase in April 2022, the Board certified the final environmental impact report (FEIR) and approved the Project. The approved project entered Advanced Preliminary Engineering (APE), which includes advancing design work and continued coordination with the cities and communities along the corridor, and the Preliminary Engineering (PE) phase was completed in December of 2023.
The Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) approach will be used to deliver and construct the project. Utilizing CM/GC provides the benefit of construction contractor input during the design phase before the start of construction.
There is currently an active procurement for the Plans, Specifications, and Engineering (PS&E) contract, and the CM/GC procurement activities began in early 2024. Once the procurement processes are completed, recommendations to award the PS&E and CM/GC contracts will be brought to the Board for consideration.
The Project Goals are to:
• Advance a premium transit service that is more competitive with private automobile travel
• Improve accessibility for disadvantaged communities
• Improve transit access to major activity and employment centers
• Enhance connectivity to Metro and other regional transit services
• Provide improved passenger comfort and convenience; and
• Support community plans and transit-oriented community goals.
The proposed PMSS consultant would support the Program Management department by providing highly skilled and qualified individuals to support Metro staff with program management, design management, and construction management services and be co-located with Metro staff to establish an Integrated Project Management Office. The PMSS consultant will provide administration, inspection services, and technical support during the project's design, construction, and closeout phases.
The CM/GC project delivery approach will be used to deliver and construct the project. With CM/GC, Metro will hire a construction contractor to provide feedback during the design phase before the start of construction. The PMSS team will work with the PS&E and CM/GC contractors to provide strategic guidance and direction to achieve effective coordination for the design and construction of the Project.
The Project alignment runs through four municipalities and is built entirely within the public right-of-way. The PMSS team will support Metro, the PS&E, and CM/GC in coordinating and collaborating with the relevant jurisdictions. Utilizing CM/GC facilitates phasing the design and construction of the project to optimize the schedule while accommodating the different design review and approval processes applicable to each of the four municipalities.
The PMSS team, with oversight and guidance of Metro Program Control, will provide independent cost estimates for Metro to work with the CM/GC to establish the final cost for the construction of the Project. Metro will manage the Task Orders to ensure overall coordination, collaboration, and efficiency between the PMSS, PS&E, and CM/GC contractors.
The PMSS team will also support the Metro Community and Construction Relations team in advancing an outreach and communications plan for this project that will maintain a transparent and timely engagement strategy. This effort will build upon the robust stakeholder engagement and focused outreach activities completed during the planning and environmental phase.
The procurement and deployment timeframe for the Project, including the design and construction phases, will last approximately four years. The performance period for the PMSS contract shall be five years, with two, one-year options for a total of seven years if required that would provide for program and construction management staff augmentation necessary to provide resources and technical expertise during this timeframe efficiently.
This action will have no detrimental impact on safety.
The FY2024 Adopted budget includes $1.5 million in Cost Center 8510 and Project 471401 for the Project PMSS. Since this is a multi-year contract, the Chief PMO and Project Manager will be responsible for budgeting in the future years.
Impact to Budget
The source of funds for this action is Measure M 35% Transit Capital dedicated for this project. These funds are not eligible for bus or rail operating expenses.
The Diversity and Economic Opportunity Department (DEOD) established a 27% Small Business Enterprise (SBE) and 3% Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) goal for this solicitation. The proposed contractor team exceeded Metro’s small business goals by making a 35.59% Small Business Enterprise and 3.00% Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DBVE) commitment.
The PMSS proposal evaluation criteria allocated a possible 5 points out of 100 to the proposing firm’s demonstration of a well-defined approach to ensure that Cultural Competency is considered and executed in the performance of the Scope of Services. Proposers were instructed to reference policies and practices at the organizational level as well as values and behaviors at the individual level that will establish reciprocal relationships that support trustworthy communication within the Project teams and the community.
The Project area includes several Equity Focus Communities (EFCs) in North Hollywood, Burbank, Glendale, and Pasadena and will provide the benefits of enhanced mobility and regional access for transit riders within those communities.
The Project team provided robust stakeholder engagement and focused outreach activities to better engage transit riders and EFCs to inform the planning and environmental review and will continue this robust outreach during design and construction activities.
Recommendation supports:
• Strategic Plan Goal 1: Provide high quality mobility options that enable people to spend less time traveling;
• Strategic Plan Goal 2: Deliver outstanding trip experience for all users of the transportation system and
• Strategic Plan Goal 3: Enhance communities and lives through mobility and access to opportunity.
The Board may elect not to award and execute the Contract. This alternative is not recommended because the Project requires more experienced personnel for core project and construction management functions than are currently available. The use of PMSS consultant staff provides flexibility with appropriate experience and background needed for specific activities and durations throughout the life of the Project in accordance with the project delivery timeline. Program Management has a continued focus on developing and hiring experienced staff to deliver the project, but these efforts will not provide the staffing resources quickly enough to maintain the project delivery timeline without the resources that are provided by the PMSS contract. As one of Program Management’s Strategic Initiatives, Metro has a continued focus on developing in-house personnel and hiring experienced staff to deliver projects and is working toward achieving a 50/50 consultant to Metro staff ratio.
The PMSS contract is required to supply the necessary resources to advance the Project. Metro’s Program Management department will undertake a market analysis to evaluate Metro’s capabilities to bring the right talent in-house. As the project progresses through design and construction phases, Metro will continually assess core management competencies of construction, engineering, quality, schedule, budget, and third-party managers to be maintained in house while supplementing these with specialist resources from the PMSS team. Staffing plans will be reviewed regularly to ensure a balance between the consultant and Metro staff. Project leadership will continue to focus on filling open positions within the project’s organization and utilize consultants where necessary to deliver the project successfully.
Upon Board approval, staff will execute Contract No. AE10769700000 with Ramos Consulting Services, Inc. for Program Management Support Services.
Attachment A - Procurement Summary
Attachment B - DEOD Summary
Prepared by: Anthony DeFrenza, Director, (213) 922-7170
Mark Van Gessel, Executive Officer (310) 431-3354
Carolina Coppolo, Interim Deputy Chief Vendor/Contract Management Officer (213) 922-4471
Reviewed by:
Darcy Buryniuk, Chief Program Management Officer, (213) 922-2250