| 2. | Minutes | APPROVE Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held October 22, 2020. | | |
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| 5. | Agreement | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to execute a three (3)-year lease agreement with two (2) one-year options commencing December 1, 2020 with Priceless Westchester Investment, LLC (“Lessor”), for the LA Metro rail operator layover space located at 8305 Hindry Avenue in Los Angeles at a rate of $4,810.00 per month with escalations of three percent (3%) annually and approximately $500,000 in tenant improvements for a total of $906,627.39 over the initial term and options, if needed (see Attachment B - Deal Points). | | |
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| 8. | Program | CONSIDER:
1. Programming of additional $1,214,476 within the capacity of Measure M Multi-Year Subregional Program (MSP) - Modal Connectivity and Complete Streets Program, as shown in Attachment A;
2. Programming of additional $3,951,366 within the capacity of Measure M MSP - Transit Program, as shown in Attachment B;
3. Inter-program borrowing and programming of additional $1,820,407 from the Subregion’s Measure M MSP - Modal Connectivity and Complete Streets Program to the Measure M MSP - Active Transportation Program, as shown in Attachment C;
4. Deobligating of $1,140,000 previously approved Measure M MSP - Highway Efficiency, Noise Mitigation and Arterial Program, as shown in Attachment D; and
B. AUTHORIZING the CEO or his designee to negotiate and execute all necessary agreements and/or amendments for approved projects. | | |
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| 11. | Plan | CONSIDER:
1. ADOPTING East San Fernando Valley Light Rail Transit First/Last Mile Plan (Attachment A); and
2. DIRECTING staff to return to the Board with implementation recommendations following completion of the First/Last Mile Guidelines. | | |
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| 12. | Agreement | CONSIDER:
A. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer to execute an amendment to an existing Exclusive Negotiation Agreement and Planning Document (“ENA”) with East LA Community Corporation (“ELACC”), that extends the term of the ENA six (6) months to June 15, 2021 and provides for three additional six (6) month extensions;
B. DIRECTING staff to establish key milestones in the amended ENA for community outreach and cultural preservation; and
C. DIRECTING staff to report back to the Board prior to the exercise of any of the three options to extend. | | |
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| 14. | Contract | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to award and execute a 54-month, firm fixed price Contract No. PS68039000 to Arellano Associates LLC, for the Sepulveda Transit Corridor Community Participation Program, in the total amount of $4,861,759 (inclusive of four optional tasks: Task 3.1.1 for Copywriting and Mailing Support in the amount of $81,417, Task 4.1.1 for Printing in the amount of $25,167, Task 5.2 for Video Production in the amount of $167,234, and Task 11 for the expansion of the program to include the Westside-LAX area in the amount of $1,073,011), subject to the resolution of protest(s), if any. | | |
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| 16. | Contract | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to award a four-year, indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity Contract No. SD69847000 to DSM&T Company Inc., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for electrical harness kits. The Contract two-year base amount is $696,420 inclusive of sales tax with a one-year option amount of $435,263, inclusive of sales tax and a second-year option amount of $435,262, for a total contract amount of $1,566,945, subject to resolution of protest(s), if any. | | |
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| 17. | Contract | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to execute Modification No. 5 to Contract No. PS193893601 with FRS Environmental, Inc., to provide parts washer leasing, maintenance and repair services to increase contract value by $100,000 from $1,346,202 to a total not-to-exceed contract amount of $1,446,202 and extending the period of performance from January 31, 2021 to April 30, 2021. | | |
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| 25. | Contract | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to award a five-year, indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity Contract No. MA67067000 for Near Zero Emission Natural Gas Fueled Heavy Duty Engines to Cummins Pacific, LLC for a not-to-exceed amount of $55,716,263, inclusive of sales tax. | | |
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| 26. | Budget | ESTABLISH the Life-of-Project for the following capital projects:
A. INCREASE the Life-of-Project for Facilities Hardening by $2,168,027.80 to $3,298,827.80. The project was awarded FY20 Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP) funds of $3,500,000, and $1,331,972.20 (38%) was aligned with the Metro Center Street Project LOP approved in October 2020.
B. APPROVE the Life-of-Project for Video Management System/Security Intelligence for $632,189.40. The project was awarded Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP) funds of $5,268,245, and $4,636,055.60 (88%) was aligned with the Metro Center Street Project LOP approved in October 2020.
C. APPROVE the Life-of-Project for Cyber Security Architecture Assessments for $2,079,807.80. The project was awarded Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP) funds of $3,411,780, and $1,331,972.20 (39%) was aligned with the Metro Center Street Project LOP approved in October 2020.
D. Amend the FY21 Budget to include the FY20 TSGP grant award of $4,880,025.00. | | |
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| 27. | Contract | AUTHORIZE Contract Modification No. 11 Supplemental 3 (CCO 11S3) by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for the construction contract of Segment 2 (Valley View) of the I-5 South Capacity Enhancements Project from Orange County Line to I-605 (Project) under Funding Agreement No. MOU.P0004292, Amendment No. 4, in the amount of up to $500,000 within the overall corridor Life of Project (LOP) budget. | | |
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| 28. | Contract | AUTHORIZE Contract Modification No. 141 (CCO 141) by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for the construction contract of Segment 4 (Imperial Highway) of the I-5 South Capacity Enhancements Project from Orange County Line to I-605 (Project) under Funding Agreement No. MOU.P0004292, Amendment No. 4, in the amount of up to $1,230,002.97 1,230,003.23 within the overall corridor Life of Project (LOP) budget. | | |
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| 32. | Program | AUTHORIZE:
A. The Chief Executive Officer to execute a cost-plus fixed fee Contract No. PS66383MC077 with PreScience Corporation to provide construction support services for the Rosecrans/Marquadt Grade Separation Project, at the negotiated contract amount not-to-exceed $4,397,321.49 for 4 years plus a 1-year option at $838,462, staff will return to the Board to approve the exercise the option should it be necessary; and
B. Contract Modification Authority in the amount of $439,732 or 10% of the total contract not-to-exceed amount and authorize the CEO to execute individual Contract Modifications within the Board approved Contract Modification Authority. | | |
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| 38. | Project | ADOPT Station names for Purple (D Line) Extension Section 1. Adopt the following official and operational station names for the three (3) stations that comprise Metro Rail’s Purple (D Line) Extension Section 1:
Official Station Name Operational Station Name
1. Wilshire / La Brea Wilshire / La Brea
2. Wilshire / Fairfax Wilshire / Fairfax
3. Wilshire / La Cienega Wilshire / La Cienega | | |
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| 39. | Oral Report / Presentation | RECEIVE oral report on Recovery Task Force Draft Final Recommendations. | | |
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| 40. | Motion / Motion Response | APPROVE Motion by Directors Hahn, Garcetti, Solis, Butts, and Bonin that the Board direct the CEO to:
A. Meet with the County of Los Angeles, City of Los Angeles, the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles, and neighboring transit agencies to discuss potential private property, joint-use, and public right of way opportunities for charging stations that could serve the Harbor Area, beginning with the Silver Line
B. Provide recommendations on how to fully electrify the Silver Line in the Zero Emission Bus Implementation Master Plan due before the Board in Spring of 2021
C. Continue Silver Line service to San Pedro until the Board discusses and chooses a recommendation on how to move forward | | |
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| 3. | Oral Report / Presentation | RECEIVE remarks by the Chair.
· Presentations in honor of Director Ridley-Thomas and Director Fasana | | |
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| 4. | Oral Report / Presentation | RECEIVE report by the Chief Executive Officer. | | |
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| 10. | Project | CONSIDER:
A. Approving the East San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor Project (Project), an at-grade light rail transit (LRT) line with 14 stations;
B. Certifying, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the Final Environmental Impact Report, which includes an option to construct the Project in phases;
C. Adopting, in accordance with CEQA, the:
1. Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations, and
2. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan;
D. Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to file a Notice of Determination with the Los Angeles County Clerk and the State of California Clearinghouse; and
E. Instructing staff, in coordination with the FTA, to work with the Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRRA) and the City of San Fernando to address new issues raised along the 2.5-mile shared railroad ROW.
· Report back to the Board on any supplemental environmental clearance, design evaluations and associated traffic analysis needed. This will be done prior to proceeding with any construction activities on this section of the | | |
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| 10.1. | Motion / Motion Response | APPROVE Motion by Directors Najarian and Kuehl that the CEO direct staff to develop a plan to complete the necessary studies as expeditiously as possible. The plan should include an analysis of data and a path forward for all parties, including Metrolink, with mitigative options, which may or may not include grade separations, be brought back to the Planning and Programming Committee in February 2021. | | |
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| 12.1. | Motion / Motion Response | APPROVE Motion by Directors Solis and Dupont-Walker that the Board direct the Chief Executive Officer to report back at the May 2021 Planning and Programming Committee meeting with:
A. Recommendations to streamline the management of Mariachi Plaza as it relates to event programming and maintenance. Metro should collaborate with the City of Los Angeles and Boyle Heights stakeholders to identify potential management frameworks.
B. A cultural preservation strategy for Mariachi Plaza developed in partnership with the City of Los Angeles, and local Boyle Heights stakeholders. The strategy should consider data on the use of the plaza, including the number of artists and musicians that utilize the plaza for performances, in order to ensure that the history and cultural significance of Mariachi Plaza is preserved, celebrated and uplifted.
WE FURTHER MOVE that the Board direct the Chief Executive Officer to collaborate with the East Los Angeles Community Corporation to explore strategies to meet the housing needs of the immediate neighborhood, especially people experiencing homeless | | |
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| 13. | Agreement | AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to execute an amendment to an existing Exclusive Negotiation Agreement and Planning Document with a joint venture between Bridge Housing Corporation - Southern California and East LA Community Corporation extending the term for twelve (12) months to December 30, 2021 and providing for up to an additional twelve-month term extension, if deemed necessary or prudent, to allow for the continued pursuit of a joint development of Metro-owned property at 1st and Soto Streets in Boyle Heights. | | |
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| 20. | Plan | ADOPT the 2020 Customer Experience Plan. | | |
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| 35. | Federal Legislation / State Legislation (Position) | CONSIDER:
A. RECEIVING the State and Federal Legislative Report;
B. ADOPTING the proposed 2021 Federal Legislative Program as outlined in Attachment A; and
C. ADOPTING the proposed 2021 State Legislative Program as outlined in Attachment B. | | |
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| 35.1. | Motion / Motion Response | APPROVE Motion by Directors Barger, Najarian, Garcetti, Krekorian, and Hahn that the 2021 Federal and State Legislative Program Goals be amended to include the following:
Support legislation and funding programs that promote the accelerated certification of new rail vehicle technologies, prioritizing zero emission propulsion, and pilot programs which test their viability, and pursue funding opportunities to deploy such technology whenever and wherever they become available. | | |
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| 41. | Informational Report | RECEIVE oral report on Crenshaw/LAX Project. | | |
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| 42. | Motion / Motion Response | APPROVE Motion by Directors Garcetti, Solis, Hahn, Kuehl, Butts, and Garcia that the Board direct the CEO to:
A. In consultation with LA28, the cities of Los Angeles, Inglewood, Carson, and Long Beach, Caltrans, Metrolink, and other relevant jurisdictions, prepare a mobility concept plan of permanent transit and transit-supportive projects and programs that can help serve the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games, including but not limited to:
1. Core Transportation Modes
i. 28 by ’28 projects;
ii. NextGen bus-only lanes and bus priority infrastructure (e.g., ATMS);
iii. Metro Rail service optimization and reliability improvements (e.g., Flower St. Wye, Centinela Grade Separation);
iv. Zero Emission Buses and charging infrastructure;
v. Regional rail improvements;
vi. Regionally-significant active transportation corridors and connections;
2. First-Last Mile Connectivity
i. Station and bus stop area sidewalk and bicycle improvements;
ii. Slow streets, open streets, and other local activations;
iii. Partnerships on street furniture and shade/tree cover detailed in the Cu | | |
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| 43. | Motion / Motion Response | APPROVE Motion by Directors Bonin, Solis, Najarian, Krekorian, and Kuehl that the Board direct the CEO to report back to the Planning & Programming Committee in February 2021 with the following information:
A. Which projects could benefit from the additional street design flexibility created by left-side bus boarding? Can community-supported amenities, such as street trees, medians, and bike lanes be added/retained if left-side boarding is introduced?
B. What tradeoffs are there for passenger capacity and/or customer experience, if any?
C. How did other U.S. transit agencies procure their buses with boarding on both sides and are those procurement options available to Metro?
D. How many buses would need to have this feature if left-side boarding were pursued on BRT projects currently under development? What would be the marginal capital and/or operational/maintenance costs, if any?
E. Would existing BRT lines, such as the Silver Line, operationally benefit from the introduction of left-side boarding?
F. How could buses with boarding on both sides be incorporated int | | |
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| 44. | Policy | CONSIDER:
A. Holding a public hearing on the proposed Resolution of Necessity.
B. Adopt the Resolution of Necessity authorizing the commencement of an eminent domain action to acquire Subsurface Tunnel Easements in the parcels identified on Attachment “A”. The parcels listed above are herein referred to as “the Property.”
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| | Informational Report | RECEIVE General Public Comment | | |
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