JANUARY 19, 2022
A. APPROVING $103,609,000 in additional programming within the capacity of the Measure R Highway Subregional Programs and funding changes via the updated project list shown in Attachment A for:
• I-405, I-110, I-105, SR-91 Interchange Improvements (South Bay)
• I-605 Corridor “Hot Spots” Interchange Improvements in Gateway Cities
• I-710 South Local Streets and Community-Benefiting Early action projects in Gateway Cities.
B. APPROVING deobligation of $250,000 of previously approved Measure R Highway Subregional Program funds for re-allocation to the MR306.05 - I-710 Integrated Corridor Management project.
C. AUTHORIZE the CEO or designee to negotiate and execute all necessary agreements for the Board-approved projects.
The Measure R Highway Subregional Program update allows the Metro Highway Program and each subregion or lead agency to revise delivery priorities and amend project budgets for the implementation of the Measure R Highway subregional projects. The attached updated project lists include projects which have received prior Board approval, as well as proposed changes related to schedules, scope and funding allocations for projects. The Board’s approval is required as the updated project lists serve as the basis for Metro to enter into agreements with the respective implementing agencies.
Lines 31, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 26 of the 2008 Measure R Expenditure Plan address Highway Operational Improvement subfunds. The Highway Programs group in Countywide Planning and Development leads the implementation and development of multi-jurisdictional and regionally significant highway and arterial projects. Staff also lead projects on behalf of local jurisdictions at their request or assist in the development of projects with these subfunds.
Additionally, the Highway Programs staff manage grants to fund transportation improvements that are developed and prioritized locally. Lead agencies develop the scope and type of improvements and highway staff reviews the project for eligibility and compliance with the program guidelines and requirements. To be eligible for funding, projects must reduce congestion, resolve operational deficiencies and improve safety, pedestrian, bicycle, and multimodal access.
As the project lead for regionally significant/multi-jurisdictional projects or grant manager to locally prioritized/developed projects, Metro Highway Program staff work with the subregions and grant recipients to deliver the projects. Updates on progress in the development and implementation of the subregional highway projects and programs are presented to the Board semi-annually and on an as-needed basis.
The Subregional Highway capital projects are not individually defined in the Measure R Expenditure Plan. Eligible projects are identified by project sponsors and validated/ approved by Metro Highway Programs staff for funding.
The changes in this update include $103,609,000 in additional programming for projects in the South Bay and Gateway subregions - as detailed in Attachment A.
A nexus determination has been completed for each new project. All projects on the attached project lists are expected to provide highway operational benefits and meet the Highway Operational and Ramp/Interchange improvement definition approved by the Board.
I-405, I-110, I-105 and SR-91 Ramp and Interchange Improvements (South Bay)
To date, $432,815,300 has been programmed for projects. This update includes a funding adjustment to 1 existing project for the subregion.
Manhattan Beach
Program an additional $1,066,000 for MR312.35 - Manhattan Beach Blvd at Sepulveda Blvd Improvements. The funds will be used to complete the final design and right of way phases of the project.
I-605 Corridor “Hot Spots” Interchanges
This refers to a cluster of projects in the Measure R expenditure plan. Later, through a multi-corridor study, the corridors expanded to projects on SR-91 and I-405. To date, $413,870,400 has been programmed for projects. This update includes funding adjustments for 3 existing projects for the subregion.
Long Beach
Program an additional $1,300,000 for MR315.60 - Soundwalls on NB-I-605 near Spring St. The funds will be used for final design and construction.
Program an additional $46,030,000 for MR315.74 - WB SR-91 Alondra Blvd to Shoemaker Ave Improvements. The funds will be used to complete final design and as the local construction match for the awarded SB-1 TCEP grant.
Program an additional $38,801,000 for SR-91 Atlantic to Cherry EB Aux Lane. The funds will be used as the local construction match for the awarded SB-1 TCEP grant.
I-710 South Local Streets and Community-Benefiting Early Action Projects
To date, $284,006,500 has been programmed for projects. This update includes funding adjustments for 5 existing projects as shown below. These funds are not spent on the freeway mainline improvements.
Huntington Park
Program an additional $4,200,000 for MR306.53 - Slauson Ave Congestion Relief Improvements. The funds will be used for construction.
Long Beach
Program an additional $9,112,000 for MR315.70 - Artesia Boulevard Improvements. The funds will be used for construction.
Program an additional $3,100,000 for MR306.59 - Imperial Highway Corridor Capacity Enhancements. The funds will be used for final design and construction.
Program an additional $250,000 for MR306.05 - I-710 Integrated Corridor Management. The additional funds will be used for the completion of final design.
Deobligate $250,000 from I-710 ITS/Air Quality Grant Match Bucket. The funds are being deobligated and reprogrammed to MR306.05 - I-710 ICM Project.
Approval of the recommendations in this report will have no adverse impact on the safety of Metro’s patrons and employees and the users of the reference transportation facilities.
Approval of Recommendation A will not require an FY22 Budget amendment at this time. The Highway Programs project management staff will monitor the projects and adjust funding as required to meet project needs within the Adopted FY22 Highway budget subject to availability of funds.
Funding for the highway projects is from the Measure R 20% Highway Capital subfund earmarked for the subregions. FY22 funds are allocated for Arroyo Verdugo Project No.460310 and Las Virgenes- Malibu Project No. 460311 under Cost Center 0442 in Account 54001 (Subsidies to Others).
For the South Bay subregion, FY22 funds are allocated in Cost Centers 0442, 4730, 4740, Accounts 54001 (Subsidies to Others) and 50316 (Professional Services) in Projects 460312, 461312 and 462312. FY22 funding for the I-605 Corridor “Hot Spots” Projects, is allocated to Project No. 460314, Cost Centers 4720, 4730 & 0442, Account 54001 (Subsidies to Others) and account 50316 (Professional Services) in Projects 461314, 462314, 463314, 460345, 460346, 460348, 460350, 460351. I-710 Early Action Project funds have been budgeted in Project No. 460316 in Cost Center 0442, Account 54001 (Subsidies to Others) and also under 462316; 463316; 463416; and 463516, 463616 in Account 50316 (Professional Services) in Cost Centers 4720 and 4740 are all included in the FY22 budget. Staff will work within the adopted FY22 budget subject to available funds.
The remaining funds are distributed from the Measure R 20% Highway Capital Subfund via funding agreements to Caltrans, and the cities of Palmdale and Lancaster under Cost Center 0442 in Project No. 460330, Account 54001 (Subsidies to Others).
For the North County Operational Improvements Projects (I-5/SR-14 Direct Connector Line #26), FY22 funds are included in Project No. 465501, Cost Center 0442, Account 54001 (Subsidies to Others).
Moreover, programmed funds are based on estimated revenues. Since each MRHSP is a multi-year program with various projects, the Project Managers, the Cost Center Manager and the Chief Planning Officer will be responsible for budgeting the costs in current and future years.
Impact to Budget
Upon approval of recommendations, staff will rebalance the approved FY22 budget to fund the identified priorities. Should additional funds be required for the FY22 period, staff will revisit the budgetary needs using the quarterly and mid-year adjustment processes subject to the availability of funds.
The source of funds for these projects is Measure R 20% Highway Funds. This fund source is not eligible for transit operations or capital expenses.
Utilization of the Highway Program Measure R Subsidy Grants will enable equitable opportunities by providing technical assistance to Equity Focus Communities (EFCs), such as Lynwood and Huntington Park. The Subsidy Grants do not have a direct equity impact, rather it will allow for the development of equity opportunities via the development of projects through city contracts that can reduce transportation disparities.
The Measure R Highway Subregional Board report consolidates project requests from various subregions and seeks board approval to fund eligible Measure R Highway Operational Improvement. The jurisdictional requests are proposed by the cities and approved by the subregions. Cities lead and prioritize all elements of the proposed transportation improvements including, procurement, the environmental process, outreach, final design and construction. Each city and/or agency independently and in coordination with their subregion undertake their jurisdictionally determined community engagement process specific to the type of transportation improvement they seek to develop. These locally determined and prioritized projects represent the needs of cities.
Through this report, cities that are within the defined subregional boundaries of the Measure R highway operational improvement programs and have EFCs including, but not limited to, Huntington Park, Lynwood and Long Beach, will be able to develop projects that provide benefits and opportunities to their residents.
The proposed projects are consistent with the following goals of the Metro Vision 2028 Strategic Plan:
Goal 1: Provide high-quality mobility options that enable people to spend less time traveling by alleviating the current operational deficiencies and improving mobility along the State highways and eligible local arterials.
Goal 4: Transform LA County through regional collaboration by partnering with the various subregions to identify the needed improvements and development and implement mobility improvement projects.
The Board may choose to not approve the revised project lists and funding allocations. However, this option is not recommended as it will delay the development of the needed improvements.
Metro Highway Programs staff will continue to work with the subregions to identify and deliver projects. As work progresses, updates will be provided to the Board on a semi-annual and as-needed basis.
Attachment A - Projects Receiving Measure R funds
Prepared by: Isidro Panuco, Sr. Manager Transportation Planning, (213) 418-3208
Abdollah Ansari, Sr. Executive Officer, (213) 922-4781
Reviewed by: James de la Loza, Chief Planning Officer, (213) 922-2920