File #: 2015-1157   
Type: Budget Status: Passed
File created: 7/21/2015 In control: System Safety, Security and Operations Committee
On agenda: 1/21/2016 Final action: 1/28/2016
Title: CONSIDER: A. APPROVING a $19.9 million multi-year life-of-project budget for Union Station Capital Improvements project for Fire-Life-Safety (FLS) and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance to acquire and install a back-up generator, to integrate safety, security and emergency lighting upgrades, to complete ADA retrofitting of Union Station West; and B. ADOPTING a Life-of-Project (LOP) budget for Los Angeles Union Station (LAUS) FLS/ADA compliance capital program improvements of $19.9 million for the following: 1. Emergency back-up generator and fire alarm system for $10.3M 2. Safety, security and emergency energy efficient lighting system for $3.8M 3. ADA compliance - ADA access retrofitting the historic Union Station for $5.8M.
Sponsors: System Safety, Security and Operations Committee
Indexes: Budget, Budgeting, Capital Improvement Program, Capital Project, Construction, Deferred maintenance, Fire detection systems, Hubs, Location 199, Los Angeles Union Station, Metro Rail A Line, Plan, Power loss, Professional Services, Project, Retrofitting, Safety, Safety and security, Security, State Of Good Repair, System safety, Threats, Union Station Master Plan



JANUARY 21, 2016













A.                     APPROVING a $19.9 million multi-year life-of-project budget for Union Station Capital Improvements project for Fire-Life-Safety (FLS) and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance to acquire and install a back-up generator, to integrate safety, security and emergency lighting upgrades, to complete ADA retrofitting of Union Station West; and


B.                     ADOPTING a Life-of-Project (LOP) budget for Los Angeles Union Station (LAUS) FLS/ADA compliance capital program improvements of $19.9 million for the following:


1.                     Emergency back-up generator and fire alarm system for $10.3M


2.                     Safety, security and emergency energy efficient lighting system for $3.8M


3.                     ADA compliance - ADA access retrofitting the historic Union Station for $5.8M.





The existing Los Angeles Union Station building is over seventy six years (76 years) old.  Preventive maintenance and structural enhancement had been neglected by the previous owner.  The FLS system, the lighting systems, and the architectural building system components have experienced a great deal of deferred maintenance requiring repairs, retrofitting, refurbishment, and/or replacement to keep the iconic station in a state of good repair.  The facility also requires significant repairs and retrofitting in order to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.  Currently Union Station does not have an Emergency  Back-Up Generator (BUG), and the existing FLS alarm system is well beyond its useful life span per Metro risk threat assessments (e.g., Union Station Power Outage Drill October 4, 2014 After-Action Report/Corrective Action Plan, October 7, 2014) and Metro’s safety standards.


During a power outage, there is zero candle light in much of the historic station potentially creating safety and ADA issues.  There have been six power outages in the historic station in the past nine months lasting from five minutes to two and one-half hours.  Fortunately all outages were during low traffic daylight hours.  Installation of an emergency back-up generator will address the threats caused by power outages. The existing lighting system needs to be modernized per Metro’s safety and energy standards by installing Light-Emitting-Diode (LED) lighting. In place historic fixtures will be protected in the modernization process.


Similarly, the existing historic Union Station’s disabled access improvements are deficient per Metro’s standards, the State of California’s Title 24, Building Code (CBC), California Amendments and the federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) as noted in the Blackseth Site Inspection Disabled Access Report dated November 2013. 


These recommendations are supported by Metro’s risk managers, facility managers,  ADA and security professionals as necessary for bringing Metro’s Union Station into regulatory compliance and mitigating risk to a significant degree. The approval of these safety improvements for this Metro-owned facility supports Metro’s commitment to providing a safe and adequately engineered Union Station environment for the public’s use and enjoyment.  This historic rail/transit hub and heart of Los Angeles is integral in the Southern California Rail Improvement Plan (SCRIP), California’s High Speed Rail Plan (CHSRP) and the Union Station Master Plan.





Previously, to protect and preserve Union Station, the Board approved a variety of capital projects including exterior paint, wood and metal restorations, passageway restoration and way-finding signage. All of which have been completed.  The Board also authorized the current roofing and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning capital projects as both are protective measure and a significant initial step toward the future of Union Station as a destination.   These projects were completed in December 2015.  However, there remain outstanding deferred maintenance and modernization steps to make Union Station consistent with Metro’s current standards and compliant with the ADA.  Our historic architect expert is advising Metro on a balance between making Union Station compliant with the updated building and the ADA codes without sacrificing the station’s historic character in the process.


The proposed corrective actions and capital program plans by Metro’s engineering consultants to design and retrofit the historic station’s existing limited FLS system creates an opportunity for efficiency in an ADA improvement that also includes lighting for the visually impaired.  The plan is to manage the construction of these improvements such that there will be little or no impact on the building occupants and the general public.


The primary benefits are safety, security and operational improvements, which alleviate the most critical FLS and ADA issues.  The program’s phasing of the work at Union Station will minimize the disruptions. 


The following report further supports the project:


                     The Union Station Power Outage Drill of October 4, 2014 After-Action Report/Corrective Action Plan of October 7, 2014.  This report notes the dangers associated with inadequate power back-up and poor visibility observed in the simulation of a Gold Line “Fire on a Train” drill.  The ADA compliance improvement allows any patron, able-bodied or disabled, to safely and securely exit in an emergency.


Observations contained in the report include:


                     “The measurable lighting created by battery back-up is insufficient in the historic portion of Union Station for emergency evacuation.”


                     “The lighting as measured was not sufficient for persons in Union Station, during hours of darkness, to safely negotiate passage to an exit in the event of an emergency.”


There remain continued deferred maintenance issues that are under review.  At this time we are coming to the Board to move forward on critical fire, life, safety and ADA issues.  At a later date, the Board will be asked to review and approve a state of good repair refurbishment budget that will complete the safety improvements needed for Union Station’s architectural system components (e.g., plumbing, floors, walls, ceilings, and seismic strengthening).  In all of the foregoing there is no negative impact to the Master Plan.





Approval of this item will improve the integrity of the historic building by adding a modern code compliant FLS system, compliant accessibility for individuals with disabilities, and a safe and well lit station.  As mentioned above, future safety improvements will be brought to the Board.





Approval of this action will establish a $19.9 million Life of Project budget for the Union Station FLS/ADA Improvements, Back-Up Generator and Lighting Upgrades project.  Funds will be allocated to cost center 4520 - Union Station Operations and Management, Account 50316 - Professional and Technical Services.  Since this will be a multi-year contract, the Project Manager and Chief Planning Officer will be responsible for future fiscal year budgeting.


 Impact to Budget


Funding for this project will come from Proposition C 40% Discretionary cash and debt, which is consistent with the funding source for the existing Union Station capital projects.  These funds are eligible for Metro Planning, Construction and Bus / Rail Operations. 


Cashflow is critical for funding this new project.  The required cashflow of the project are forecasted as follows:


Union Station FLS/ADA Compliance Capital Program Improvements

a. Emergency back-up generator and fire alarm system for $10.3M

b. Safety, security and emergency energy efficient lighting system for $3.8M

c. ADA compliance - ADA access retrofitting the historic Union Station for $5.8M.






An alternative would be to continue operations without the recommended projects. This is not recommended because this would compromise Metro’s commitment to public safety and expose the agency to liabilities for ADA deficiencies. Another alternative is to replace the existing deficient battery operated emergency lighting and exiting system with a similar or “like-for-like” design that does not include a back-up generator and the associated infrastructure. This alternative is not recommended because a serious uncontrolled real-life power outage has occurred that would outlast battery systems putting the public and employees at risk.  The current battery operated design has proven obsolete, inadequate, and was not intended to provide for a prolonged power outage.  Union Station is a critical central hub that should not be subject to the potential of a catastrophic loss of power.  The liability and risk of not being supported by an emergency back-up generator during a power loss is simply too great.





Upon the Board’s approval and authorization, engineering and early bid packaging will be completed for Morlin Asset Management to proceed with the projects.




Prepared by:                      Rich Darby, Project Manager, (213) 922-2365

                     Ken Pratt, Director, Union Station Property Management, (213) 922-6288

                     Cal Hollis, Managing Executive Officer, (213) 922-7319



Reviewed by:   Calvin E. Hollis, Interim Chief Planning Officer, (213) 922-7319