File #: 2024-0229   
Type: Program Status: Passed
File created: 4/3/2024 In control: Planning and Programming Committee
On agenda: 7/17/2024 Final action: 7/25/2024
Title: CONSIDER: A. APPROVING $33,688,564 in additional programming within the capacity of Measure R Multimodal Highway Subregional Programs and funding changes via the updated project list shown in Attachment A. Projects within this Measure R Multimodal Highway Subregional Program are inclusive of traffic signal, pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and roadway improvements; B. APPROVING the deobligation of $1,800,000 in previously approved Measure R Multimodal Highway Subregional Program funds for re-allocation to other existing Board-approved Measure R projects as shown in Attachment A; and C. AUTHORIZING the CEO or their designee to negotiate and execute all necessary agreements for Board-approved projects. NAJARIAN AMENDMENT: Approve item 5 and hold for discussion the recommendations listed in Attachment A regarding the Arroyo Verdugo Operational Improvements. Approve the item and all the areas except for project MR310.10.
Sponsors: Board of Directors - Regular Board Meeting
Indexes: "Hot Spots" Program, 405 110 105 Sr91 Ramp&Interch (Project), Active Transportation Program, Agreements, Ara Najarian, Arroyo Verdugo subregion, Artesia, Bicycling, Budgeting, Burbank, Bus rapid transit, Capital Project, Commerce, Complete streets, Construction, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Deobligation, Downey, Eb Sr91 Atlantic Avenue /Cherry Avenue Auxiliary Lane Improvement (Project), Florence, Gateway Cities (Southeast LA County) Service Sector, Gateway Cities subregion, Grant Aid, Hawthorne, Highway Operational Improvements In Arroyo Verdugo Subregion (Project), Highway planning, Huntington Park, Hwy Opr Imp Virgenes/Malibu (Project), I-105, I-110, I-405, I-5, I-605, I-605 Beverly Interchange Imp (Project), I-605 Corridor "Hot Spot" (Project), I-605 Hot Spots- Wb (Westbound) Sr-91 Improvements From Alondra To Shoemaker (Project), I-605/Sr-60 Interchange Improvements (Project), I-605/Valley Blvd Interchange Improvement Project (Project), I-710, I710 South Early Action Project (Project), Interchange Improvements (Project), Interchanges, Intersections, Lakewood, Lancaster, Las Virgenes-Malibu Council of Governments, Las Virgenes/Malibu subregion, Long Beach, Lynwood, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Measure M, Measure R, Metro Busway G Line, Metro Rail A Line, Metro Rail B Line, Multimodal, North San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor, Palmdale, Pedestrian safety, Pedestrians, Plan, Professional Services, Program, Project, Safety, Safety programs, Safety vehicles, San Fernando Valley Service Sector, San Fernando Valley subregion, Sidewalks, Signal Synchronization, South Bay Cities subregion, South Gate, Southern California Highways, Sr-138 Capacity Enhancements - Additional Segments (Project), Sr-91 Acacia Court To Central Avenue Improvement Project (Project), Strategic planning, Striping, Subsidies, Topanga, Traffic signals, Transit traffic, Travel time, Turning lanes, Vehicle safety, Visibility
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - MR Multimodal Highway Subregional Prog.-July '24, 2. Presentation
Related files: 2024-0937




JULY 17, 2024














A.                     APPROVING $33,688,564 in additional programming within the capacity of Measure R Multimodal Highway Subregional Programs and funding changes via the updated project list shown in Attachment A. Projects within this Measure R Multimodal Highway Subregional Program are inclusive of traffic signal, pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and roadway improvements;


B.                     APPROVING the deobligation of $1,800,000 in previously approved Measure R Multimodal Highway Subregional Program funds for re-allocation to other existing Board-approved Measure R projects as shown in Attachment A; and


C.                     AUTHORIZING the CEO or their designee to negotiate and execute all necessary agreements for Board-approved projects.


NAJARIAN AMENDMENT: Approve item 5 and hold for discussion the recommendations listed in Attachment A regarding the Arroyo Verdugo Operational Improvements. Approve the item and all the areas except for project MR310.10.





The Measure R Multimodal Subregional Programs update allows Metro staff and each lead agency to revise project priorities and amend budgets for implementation of the Measure R multimodal subregional projects. In June 2021, the Board approved the Metro Highway Modernization Program, <> expanding funding eligibility for active transportation and complete street projects within Measure R and Measure M guidelines. Metro staff works with local jurisdictions on the inclusion of multimodal elements.


The attached updated project list includes projects that have received prior Board approval and proposed changes related to schedules, scope, and funding allocations for existing projects (Attachment A). The Board’s approval is required as the updated project list serves as the basis for Metro to enter into agreements with the respective implementing agencies.





Per the Measure R Expenditure Plan, Arroyo Verdugo Subregion (Line 31), Las Virgenes/Malibu Subregion (Line 32), South Bay Subregion (Line 33), I-710 South and/or Early Action Projects (Line 37) and SR-138 Capacity Enhancements (Line 38) allocate funds for multimodal highway operational improvement subfund programs. In coordination with local jurisdictions, Metro staff lead the implementation and development of muti-jurisdictional and regionally significant highway and arterial projects. Staff also lead projects on behalf of local jurisdictions at their request or assist in developing projects with these subfunds.


Additionally, Metro staff manage grants in the Arroyo Verdugo, Las Virgenes/Malibu, Gateway, North Los Angeles County, and South Bay subregions to fund transportation improvements developed and prioritized locally.


Local jurisdictions prioritize and develop projects that are within the eligibility for both Measure R and Measure M program criteria. Metro staff work with cities, subregions, and grant recipients to review projects for eligibility and compliance with the Board-adopted policies outlined in Metro’s Complete Streets Policy, Active Transportation Strategic Plan, and First/Last Mile Strategic Plan. Projects are also further evaluated to ensure that projects aim to reduce congestion, resolve operational deficiencies, improve safety, and incorporate multimodal investments, as determined by Metro and as applicable.


A total allocation of $1.89 billion has been designated from the Measure R Expenditure Plan for multimodal highway operational improvements. This funding supports a diverse assortment of 345 projects across numerous cities, jurisdictions, and agencies in Los Angeles County while at the same time maintaining consistency with Metro’s charge towards multimodal improvements and support for the region’s mobility needs and support of safe, sustainable, environmentally friendly, and equitable transportation improvements. In addition, each project represents a collaborative effort involving multi-departmental coordination during a project’s early implementation phases when viable and warranted.





The Measure R Expenditure Plan provides subregional funding for the implementation of multimodal highway capital projects. The Measure R Expenditure Plan does not individually identify multimodal highway capital projects; rather, local jurisdictions within the subregions identify projects that require Metro staff to validate and approve for funding. Metro staff confirm project eligibility, reconfirm project funding eligibility to projects that request scope changes, and establish a project nexus to the project eligibility criteria. Through this evaluation period, staff will work with local jurisdictions to refine and integrate multimodal elements into a project before being included in Attachment A for Board approval. Projects within this Measure R Multimodal Highway Subregional Program are inclusive of traffic signal, pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and roadway improvements.


The changes in this update include $33,688,564 in additional programming for projects in the Arroyo Verdugo, Las Virgenes/Malibu, South Bay, and Gateway Cities. subregions as detailed in Attachment A, in addition to the deobligation of $1,800,000.


Arroyo Verdugo Operational Improvements


A total of $129,181,226has been programmed for projects in the subregion. This update includes funding adjustments for seven existing projects.




Reprogram $3,897,000 for MR310.10 - Olive Avenue Bridge and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Station Project (previously known as the Widen Olive Avenue/I-5 Bridge for Center-Turn Lane). The funds are being reprogrammed as follows: $1,000,000 in FY24-25, and $2,897,000 in FY25-26; the budget remains the same at $3,897,000. The Project is in the PID phase and funds are being reprogrammed to meet current timelines for PID, PA&ED, PS&E phases. This project includes bike and sidewalk improvements to provide connectivity to the planned North Hollywood to Pasadena BRT station stop.


Reprogram $3,455,000 for MR310.11 - Olive Avenue/Verdugo Avenue Intersection Improvements. The funds are being reprogrammed as follows: $900,000 in FY24-25, and $2,555,000 in FY25-26; the budget remains the same at $3,600,000. This project is in the PA&ED phase and funds are being reprogrammed to meet current timelines for PA&ED, PS&E, and construction phases. This project includes bike and pedestrian facilities improvements to improve access to the planned North Hollywood to Pasadena BRT stations.


Reprogram $3,300,000 for MR310.46 - Glenoaks Boulevard Arterial and First Street Signal Improvements. The funds are being reprogrammed as follows: $3,300,000 in FY24-25; the budget remains the same at $6,000,000. The Project is in the construction phase and funds are being reprogrammed due to delays caused by supply chain issues, staff shortages, and delays to construction capital projects during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Project includes modifying traffic signals and updating obsolete equipment, including traffic signal poles, safety lighting, signal indicators, signal wiring, vehicle detectors, and pedestrian push buttons.


Program an additional $1,500,000 for MR310.55 - I-5 Corridor Arterial Signal Improvements - Phase 3 for a revised budget of $2,900,000. In addition, reprogram $2,900,000 as follows: $1,000,000 in FY24-25 and $1,900,000 in FY25-26. The Project is in the construction phase and funds are being added and reprogrammed due to supply chain issues, staff shortages, and delays to construction capital projects during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Project includes the design and reconstruction of four traffic signals, upgrades to traffic signal poles, signal indicators, signal cabinets and controllers, safety lighting, and signal wiring.


Program an additional $125,000 for MR310.56 - Victory Boulevard and Buena Vista Street Signal Synchronization for a revised budget of $375,000. In addition, reprogram $375,000 as follows: $375,000 in FY24-25. The Project is in the construction phase and funds are being added and reprogrammed due to supply chain issues, staff shortages, and delays to construction capital projects during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Project includes upgrading of wiring at three locations and synchronization of intersections which will take place weekday morning, midday afternoon, and Saturday periods.


Program an additional $175,000 for MR310.57 - Olive Avenue and Glenoaks Boulevard Signal Synchronization for a revised budget of $525,000. In addition, reprogram $525,000 as follows: $525,000 in FY26-27. The Project is in construction and funds are being added and reprogrammed due to supply chain issues, staff shortages, and delays to construction capital projects during the COVID-19 pandemic. The project includes upgrading of wiring at four locations and synchronization of intersections which will take place weekday morning, midday afternoon, and Saturday periods.


Program an additional $185,000 for MR310.58 - Downtown Burbank Signal Synchronization for a revised budget of $435,000. In addition, reprogram $435,000 as follows: $435,000 in FY25-26. The Project is in the construction phase and funds are being added and reprogrammed due to supply chain issues, staff shortages, and delays to construction capital projects during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Project includes upgrading of wiring at ten locations and synchronization of intersections which will take place weekday morning, midday afternoon, and Saturday periods.



Las Virgenes Malibu Operational Improvements


A total of $173,668,000 has been programmed for projects in the subregion. This update includes funding adjustments for two existing projects.




Program an additional $1,800,000 for MR311.11 - PCH Signal Improvements from John Tyler Drive to Topanga Canyon Boulevard in FY24-25 for a revised budget of $17,600,000. The Project is in the construction phase and funds are being programmed to fund pedestrian safety enhancement devices, and upgrade and interconnect the highway intersections and traffic signals to facilitate signal timing and manage traffic flow.


Deobligate $1,800,000 for MR311.26 - PCH Raised Median and Channelization from John Tyler to Puerco for a revised budget of $3,950,000. This project is currently in the construction phase, and funds are being deobligated to fund another high-priority transportation improvement project (MR311.11). This project includes removing and reinstalling the raised medians and reducing the width of the medians to provide additional space for multimodal use.


South Bay I-405, I-110, I-105 & SR-91 Improvements


A total of $453,600,337 has been programmed for projects in the subregion. This update includes funding adjustments for seven existing projects.




Reprogram $1,687,854 for MR312.66 - Imperial Highway Signal Improvements and Intersection Capacity Enhancements. The funds are being reprogrammed as follows: $300,000 in FY24-25, $300,000 in FY25-26, and $1,087,854 in FY26-27; the budget remains the same at $1,995,000. The Project includes designing and constructing intersection widening and upgrading traffic signal timing and equipment.


Reprogram $2,914,885 for MR312.67 - Rosecrans Avenue signal Improvements and Intersection Capacity Enhancements. The funds are being reprogrammed as follows: $20,000 in FY24-25, $167,500 in FY25-26, $688,500 in FY26-27, and $2,038,885 in FY27-28; the budget remains the same at $3,200,000. The Project includes designing and constructing intersection widening and upgrading traffic signal timing and equipment.


Reprogram $1,806,446 for MR312.68 - El Segundo Boulevard Improvements Phase I. The funds are being reprogrammed as follows: $80,000 in FY24-25, $200,000 in FY25-26, $200,000 in FY26-27, and $1,326,446 in FY27-28; the budget remains the same at $2,000,000. The Project includes designing and constructing intersection widening and upgrading traffic signal timing and equipment.


Program an additional $2,837,036 MR312.81 - 120th Street Improvements Crenshaw Boulevard to Felton Avenue in FY24-25 for a revised budget of $6,437,036. The Project is currently in the construction phase and funds are being added to match the increase in construction costs. The Project includes street and intersection widening improvement to improve safety and reduce vehicle conflicts with pedestrians and bicycles.


Manhattan Beach


Program an additional $350,000 for MR312.34 - Aviation Boulevard at Artesia Boulevard Southbound to Westbound Right Turn Lane Improvement Project in FY24-25 for a revised budget of $1,850,000. This project construction is completed, and funds are being added to aid in the remaining right-of-way activities. The Project includes operational improvements that widen the west side of Aviation Boulevard north of Artesia to provide a southbound to westbound right-turn lane.




Program an additional $3,000,000 for MR312.84 - I-105 Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) in FY24-25 for a revised budget of $22,850,000. This project is currently in the design phase and funds are being added to match the increase in construction costs. This project will develop, design, and construct detection, traffic management, communications, and traffic control systems that will enable real-time traffic management capabilities between Caltrans and local agencies on I-105.


Redondo Beach


Program an additional $1,000,000 for MR312.20 - Aviation Boulevard Intersection Improvements Northbound Right Turn Lane in FY24-25 for a revised budget of $3,457,000. The Project is currently in the right-of-way and construction phases, and funds are being added to match the increase in right-of-way and construction costs. The Project includes the installation of a right-turn lane, traffic striping modification, new signal loop detection, and removal/relocation of an existing sidewalk.


Gateway Cities I-605 Corridor “Hot Spots” Interchange Improvements


A total of $424,225,819 has been programmed for projects in the subregion. This update includes funding adjustments for three existing projects.




Program an additional $841,000 for MR315.73 - I-605/Valley Boulevard Interchange Improvements Project for a revised budget of $6,131,700. The $841,000 funds are to be programmed as follows: $420,000 in FY25-26 and $421,000 in FY26-27. The Project is in the final design phase and funds are being programmed to provide design support services throughout the construction phase. The Project includes operational and safety upgrades that consist of reconfiguring the freeway on- and off-ramps to improve mobility and address operational inefficiencies. In addition, infrastructure upgrades will include curb ramps, sidewalks, driveways, and signals for pedestrians, traffic, and railroads.




Reprogram $4,220,044 for MR315.27 - Lakewood-Florence Intersection Improvements.

The funds are being reprogrammed as follows: $1,703,000 in FY24-25 and $2,517,044 in FY25-26; the budget remains the same at $4,925,000. This project is in the PS&E, right-of-way acquisition, and utility relocation phase and funds are being reprogrammed to account for delays in right-of-way acquisition and utility relocation. The Project includes the reconstruction of the intersection with a concrete intersection, double left-turn lanes in the north and southbound directions along Lakewood Boulevard, an exclusive westbound right-turn lane on Florence Avenue, traffic signal modification, signing, striping, pavement markings, and right-of-way acquisition and utility relocation as necessary.


Reprogram $3,795,000 for MR315.66 - Lakewood-Firestone Boulevard Intersection Improvements in FY24-25; the budget remains the same at $3,993,000. This project is in the final PS&E phase and funds are being reprogrammed due to a delay in the relocation of utilities, further delaying the construction start date by one year. The Project includes the reconstruction of the intersection, double left-turn lanes in the north and southbound directions along Lakewood Boulevard, traffic signal modifications, signage, striping, and pavement markings.


Gateway Cities I-710 South Early Action Projects


A total of $348,703,108 has been programmed for projects in the subregion. This update includes funding adjustments for five existing projects.




Program an additional $592,612 for Long Beach-East Los Angeles Corridor Mobility Improvement Plan (LB-ELA CMIP) in FY24-25 for a revised budget of $1,545,012. The LB-ELA CMIP was approved by the Board in May 2024 and the funds are being added to support the supplemental outreach for the LB-ELA CMIP. The LB-ELA CMIP was directed by the Board in 2021 and staff has been working on the development of the CMIP since 2021, with its culmination in the May 2024 Board approval. The Project features five Modal Programs that aim to improve mobility and efficiency in the corridor and 15 Community Programs that provide effective growth strategies to supplement the modal programs and allow for micro and macro socio-economic improvements for residents living in the corridor.




Program an additional $12,032,800 for MR306.64 - Slauson Corridor Improvements in FY24-25 for a revised budget of $14,262,800. The Project is in the construction phase and funds are being added to complete the full design and match the increased construction costs. The Project includes improving street lighting along the corridor to enhance safety for drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians by installing high-visibility crosswalks, and enhanced bus stops with bus shelters, benches, and trash cans where applicable.


Huntington Park


Program an additional $3,800,000 for MR306.53 - Slauson Avenue Congestion Relief Project in FY24-25 for a revised budget of $9,400,000. The Project is in the construction phase and funds are being added to match the increased construction costs. The Project includes upgrading signalized intersections with the implementation of the County's Traffic Signal Synchronization Program (TSSP) from Santa Fe Avenue eastward through new signal poles, conduit, wiring, and controller cabinets with video detection.




Program an additional $500,000 for MR306.59 - Imperial Highway Capacity Improvements Project in FY24-25 for a revised budget of $6,465,000. This project is in the construction phase and funds are being added to match the increased construction costs. The Project includes providing protected signal phases, signage, striping, raised medians, and visibility improvements to 11 intersections, 6 of which include additional geometric improvements.


South Gate


Program an additional $6,750,000 for MR306.24 - Reconfiguration of Firestone Boulevard On-Ramp to I-710 Southbound Freeway Project for a revised budget of $8,200,000. The Project is in the design phase and funds are being added to complete full design and match the increased construction costs. The Project will widen Firestone Boulevard and realign the southbound on-ramp to add a fourth eastbound travel lane for dedicated access to the I-710 freeway. The project would have added net benefits of modifying drainage systems to allow for on-ramp widening, incorporating a design pollution prevention infiltration area, installing smart irrigation controllers to minimize maintenance, and reducing water usage.





The multimodal subregional programs support the development of a safer transportation system that will provide high-quality multimodal mobility options to enable people to spend less time traveling.





The highway projects are funded from the Measure R 20% Highway Capital subfund earmarked for the subregions. FY25 funds are allocated for Arroyo Verdugo Project No.460310 and Las Virgenes-Malibu Project No. 460311 under Cost Center 0442 in Account 54001 (Subsidies to Others).


For the South Bay subregion, FY25 funds are allocated in Cost Centers 0442, 4720, 4740, Accounts 54001 (Subsidies to Others), and 50316 (Professional Services) in Projects 460312, 461312, 462312, and 463312.


For the Gateway Cities subregion, FY24 funding for the I-605 Corridor “Hot Spots” Projects is allocated to Project No. 460314, Cost Centers 4720, 0442, Account 54001 (Subsidies to Others), and Account 50316 (Professional Services) in Projects 461314, 462314, 463314, 460345, 460348, 460350, and 460351. I-710 Early Action Project funds have been budgeted in Project No. 460316 in Cost Center 0442.


The remaining funds are distributed from the Measure R 20% Highway Capital subfund via funding agreements to Caltrans and the cities of Palmdale and Lancaster in the FY24 budget under Cost Center 0442 in Project No. 460330, Account 54001 (Subsidies to Others).


Since the Measure R Multimodal Highway Subregional Programs are multiyear programs that contain various projects, Countywide Planning and Development will be responsible for budgeting the costs in current and future years.


Impact to Budget


This action will not impact the approved FY25 budget. Staff will rebalance the approved FY25 budget as necessary to fund the identified priorities and revisit the budgetary needs using the quarterly and mid-year adjustment processes subject to the availability of funds.


The source of funds for these projects is Measure R 20% Highway Funds. This fund source is not eligible for transit capital or operations expenses.





This semi-annual update funds subsequent phases of Board-approved Highway Subsidy grants aligned with the Measure R Board-approved guidelines and the Metro Objectives for Multimodal Highway Investments <>. Complete Streets and Highways staff have also provided technical assistance to Equity Focus Communities (EFCs) in various subregions. For example, Metro staff collaborated closely with jurisdictions to review project eligibility, proposed scope of work, schedules, and budget adjustments, aiming to maximize success, optimize resource allocation, and align with other projects and programs. This collaborative approach also facilitated Metro staff and local jurisdiction engagement, promoted knowledge sharing, and enhanced risk management. The Highway Subsidy Grants do not have a direct equity impact; rather, through staff’s technical assistance, they aim to provide context sensitive and more equitable project development through city contracts that could reduce transportation disparities.


Each city and/or agency, independently and in coordination with its subregion, undertakes its jurisdictionally determined community engagement process specific to the type of transportation improvement it seeks to develop. These locally determined and prioritized projects represent the needs of cities. This update includes additional funding for the EFCs of Commerce, Downey, Huntington Park, Long Beach, and South Gate as well as unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County, including the community of East Los Angeles.





The recommendation supports the strategic plan goal:


“Goal 1: Provide high-quality mobility options that enable people to spend less time traveling.”


Goal 1.1. Approval of the multimodal highway subregional programs will expand the transportation system as responsibly and quickly as possible as approved in Measure R and M to strengthen and expand LA County’s transportation system.


“Goal 4: Transform LA County through regional collaboration.”


Goal 4.1. Metro will work closely with municipalities, council of governments, Caltrans to implement holistic strategies for advancing mobility goals.”





The Board may choose not to approve the revised project list and funding allocations. However, this option is not recommended as it will delay the development of locally prioritized improvements. In addition, projects initiating or currently in the construction phase will face significant cost implications by delaying the required funding agreements, amendments, or time extensions.





Metro’s staff will continue working with subregions and local jurisdictions for their consideration of multimodal investments within the Measure R Multimodal Highway Subregional Program. Updates will be provided to the Board on a semiannual and as-needed basis.





Attachment A - Measure R Multimodal Highway Subregional Programs - July 2024



Prepared by:                     Roberto Machuca, Deputy Executive Officer, Complete Streets and Highways, (213) 418-3467

Michelle Smith, Executive Officer, Complete Streets and Highways, (213) 547-4368

Avital Barnea, Senior Executive Officer, Multimodal Integrated Planning, (213) 547-4317



Reviewed by:                     Ray Sosa, Chief Planning Officer, (213) 547-4274