JANUARY 19, 2023
AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to award a firm fixed unit rate Contract No. OP917120008370 to Los Angeles Glass Company Inc. for systemwide glass replacement and installation service. The contract three-year base term not-to-exceed amount is $3,544,842, effective March 1, 2023, subject to resolution of protest(s), if any.
The existing as-needed glass replacement and installation services four-year base contract term expires on August 31, 2023. Due to the ongoing broken glass vandalism targeted at elevators and map cases systemwide, there is insufficient contract authority remaining. To avoid lapse in service and continue providing safe and timely glass replacement and installation services, a new contract award is required effective March 1, 2023.
On August 14, 2019, Metro executed a four-year base, firm fixed unit rate Contract No. OP1405120003367 with Los Angeles Glass Company, Inc., a Metro certified Small Business Enterprise (SBE) to provide systemwide glass replacement and installation services, effective September 1, 2019.
Under the existing contract, the contractor is required to provide systemwide as-needed board-up for broken glass panels, along with glass replacement and installation services.
Due to the unprecedented increase within the past two (2) years of vandalized broken glass incidents targeted at elevators and map cases systemwide, there is insufficient authority remaining within the existing contract. To continue providing the required glass replacement and installation services, a new contract award is required effective March 1, 2023. This action is necessary to ensure service continuity while providing timely response and a safe environment for our patrons.
Staff is continuously exploring opportunities to increase competition while expanding small business participation. In preparation for a new glass replacement and installation services solicitation, two (2) outreach events were conducted on June 22 and June 29, 2022. Staff provided an overview of the upcoming procurement and participants had the opportunity to ask questions accordingly.
Under the new contract, the contractor is required to provide systemwide as-needed board-up for broken glass panels, along with glass replacement and installation services.
There are various types of glass panels used throughout the Metro system for map cases, security guard shacks, fire hose and fire extinguisher cabinets, and elevators within the elevator cab, hoistway and doors. Standard glass panels are used for map cases, while special tempered laminated glass panels are used for the elevator hoistway, cabs and doors in accordance with State Elevator Safety codes. When vandalized, elevator glass panel replacements require additional manpower, longer installation times and significantly higher material cost when compared to the replacement cost of vandalized map case glass panels.
Due to the unprecedented increase within the past two (2) years of vandalized broken glass incidents targeted at elevators and map cases systemwide, and in an effort to explore available options to provide safe, timely, reliable, and cost-effective glass replacement and installation services, staff tasked a Metro consultant to conduct a study with an in-depth feasibility review and cost-benefit analysis of possible alternatives. Based on the evaluation conducted, along with the cost/benefit analysis, the annual estimated cost for the option to bring this service in-house is $5.5 million, which is three (3) times higher than the current average annual cost within the past two (2) years. Therefore, continuing to contract out the glass replacement and installation services is the recommended cost-effective option.
Concurrently, as of July 2022, staff initiated a new program to install a ¼” thick fire rated clear polycarbonate protective shield that is approved for use within the elevator cab and hoistway. The polycarbonate protective shield is a cost-effective option considering product’s extended minimum life expectancy of five (5) years, with specifications confirming product’s resilience to sharp objects and significant strong force applications, when compared with shattered glass panels exposed to similar conditions. To-date, the polycarbonate protective shield has been installed throughout 23 of the 129 transit elevators system-wide. Also, 11 of the 77 applicable transit elevator doors with glass inserts have been replaced with solid stainless-steel doors. To-date, the polycarbonate shields installed remain intact, providing the necessary protection to the elevator glass panels while enhancing units’ availability.
Additionally, with cameras installed inside 10 elevator cabs along Metro B Line (Red) throughout Pershing Square, Civic Center and 7th/Metro stations, this effort is ongoing to ensure installing cameras inside all other 105 elevator cabs systemwide. In addition, cameras exist inside elevator cabs along Metro L (Gold) Line Foothill Extension, Metro E (Expo) Line and Metro K (Crenshaw/LAX) Line as part of the system expansion projects.
Staff will continue these enhancement projects along with timely response for as-needed glass replacement and installation services to further improve safety, cleanliness and accessibility to Metro’s transit system, enhance customer experience and protect Metro’s assets.
The annual amount for the contract recommended for award is comparable to the existing contract annual amount and it is 6% below the Independent Cost Estimate (ICE). Therefore, the recommended contract award pricing is deemed fair and reasonable.
System Security & Law Enforcement (SSLE) Support & Vandalism Task Force
System Security & Law Enforcement (SSLE) leads the Vandalism Task Force comprised of various Metro stakeholders including Facilities Contracted Maintenance Services (FCM), Infrastructure Maintenance and Engineering (IM&E), Physical Security, Rail Operations Control, contracted law enforcement partners (LASD, LAPD & LBPD) and private security, and continues to meet bi-weekly to address vandalism issues. The task force is taking a proactive approach to address vandalism as follows:
• Metro Transit Security has developed a fourth shift from 3AM to 11AM that will place more Transit Security Officers on the system during the hours when vandalism occurs, resulting in a higher presence (deterrence) and faster response time to these matters
• Physical Security, FCM and IM&E are currently working together to assess, install/replace CCTV cameras on rail cars and in and around elevators for prevention and suspect apprehension
• Physical Security has dedicated 115 cameras to our BriefCam/Genetec platform to aid in identifying vandalism incidents
• A Be on the Lookout (BOLO) Program has been developed where still photos from CCTV camera footage are provided to law enforcement to apprehend vandalism suspects
• SSLE is upgrading the Security Operations Center with updated technology and hiring data analysts who will help prevent vandalism through proactive measures
In addition, the new Transit Ambassador program adds another layer of presence to the Metro system to observe and report. The Transit Ambassadors report vandalism, amongst other incidents, through the Transit Watch App. This reporting allows SSLE to identify high-incident areas and be more effective through the strategic deployment of resources.
Determination Of Safety Impact
The approval of this item will ensure continuity of maintenance services with timely response to as-needed board-up for broken glass panels and glass replacement services, in an effort to provide safe, on-time and reliable services system-wide.
For the new contract, funding of $393,871 for the reminder of FY23 is allocated under cost center 8370 - Facilities Contracted Maintenance Services, account 50308, Service Contract Maintenance, under various projects.
Since this is a multi-year contract, the cost center manager and Deputy Executive Officer, Facilities Contracted Maintenance Services will be accountable for budgeting the cost in future years.
Impact to Budget
The current source of funds for this action include Fares, proposition A/C, Measure M, and State Transportation Assistance. These funding sources maximize allowable project funding use, given approved funding provisions and guidelines.
Equity Platform
Providing timely response for as-needed glass replacement and installation services is critical to Metro’s patrons to ensure elevators are operational and service is reliable and accessible to those with disabilities, older adults, and others, while providing safe and reliable environment to our patrons. Prolonged elevator downtime due to vandalized or damaged glass panels causes delays, trip disruptions, and potential safety challenges, for patrons requiring the use of elevators to complete their trip. Rail Operations are required to provide alternate accessibility services for impacted customers by requesting Access Services which extends trip times, limits access to Metro’s transit system and negatively impacts customer’s experience.
Metro customers, including those with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) can report broken glass and vandalism through the Customer Relations numbers posted throughout the rail and bus system. Customers have the option of communicating with Metro through nine (9) different languages by utilizing our translation services. Metro also ensures translated signage is posted for those reporting broken glass on the Metro system, in addition to providing signage to be posted in the multiple languages required when an elevator is out of service. Staff will continue to consult with the Office of Equity and Race to monitor any opportunities for improved customer access to glass replacement services.
This contract is part of the Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Prime (Set-Aside) Program. Los Angeles Glass Company, Inc., is a Metro certified SBE contractor and made 100% SBE commitment as the Prime.
As part of this contract solicitation, two (2) Systemwide Metro Connect Industry Forum Outreach events were conducted on June 22 and June 29, 2022, to increase SBE participation in this SBE Set-aside solicitation. Outreach events will continue to be conducted for upcoming contract solicitations to expand opportunities for engagement and participation of small businesses and groups within the Equity Platform framework.
This contract is part of the Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Prime (Set-Aside) Program. Los Angeles Glass Company, Inc., is a Metro certified SBE contractor and made 100% SBE commitment as the Prime.
This board action supports Strategic Goal 5: Provide responsive, accountable, and trustworthy governance within the Metro organization. Performing timely as-needed broken glass panel board-up and replacement services will ensure providing safe environment to our patrons, accessibility and service reliability, and enhancing customers’ overall experience.
The Board may elect not to approve this recommendation. This option is not recommended as it would result in a gap in service impacting Metro’s system safety, cleanliness, operation, and customer experience.
Upon approval by the Board, staff will execute Contract No. OP917120008370 with Los Angeles Glass Company, Inc., to provide as-needed systemwide broken glass panel board-up, glass replacement and installation services, effective March 1, 2023.
Attachment A - Procurement Summary
Attachment B - DEOD Summary
Prepared by: Lena Babayan, Deputy Executive Officer, Facilities Contracted Maintenance Services, (213) 922-6765
Carlos Martinez, Director, Facilities Contracted Maintenance Services, (213) 922-6761
Debra Avila, Deputy Chief Vendor/Contract Management Officer (213) 418-3051
Reviewed by: Conan Cheung, Chief Operations Officer, Transit Operations,
(213) 418-3034
Nalini Ahuja, Chief Financial Officer, Office of Management and Budget, (213) 922-3088