NOVEMBER 14, 2018
APPROVE the following actions pertaining to the development and implementation of mobility improvement projects on local arterials and at freeway local interchanges experiencing congestion as a result of the discontinuity of the SR-710 North Freeway:
A. APPROVE the attached list of eligible Mobility Improvement Projects [MIPs] recommended for funding;
B. AUTHORIZE programming $350 $450 million in Measure R funds and $65 million in State and Federal funds for a total of $415 $515 million to the SR-710 starting in FY20 for the initial list of MIPs in compliance with the guidelines in the Board Motion 29.1 (Attachment A) to fund new mobility improvement projects consistent with the purpose of the 710 freeway gap closure project to relieve congestion on local streets in the impact area of the SR-710 as depicted in the SR-710 Environmental Document; and
C. AUTHORIZE programming up to $45 million in Measure R funds starting in FY20 for the Transportation System Management/Transportation Demand Management (TSM/TDM) projects that are currently listed in the SR-710 North environmental document and will be cleared environmentally upon adoption of the SR-710 North Final Environmental Document to advance to final design and construction.
All future expenditure of funds shall be contingent upon completion of the SR-710 North environmental process and selection of the TSM/TDM Locally-Preferred Alternative as the Preferred Alternative.
FASANA AMENDMENT that Project 1 be included and that $100 million be set for Project 1 which is the SR-710 North of I-10 Termination Project (I-10 to Valley Boulevard).
SOLIS FRIENDLY AMENDMENT to ensure inclusivity and transparency, stakeholders from the communities directly affected by the SR-710 North Project should be given the opportunity to participate in the next project selection process.
In its May 2017 Directors meeting, Metro Board of Directors adopted the TSM/TDM as the Locally-Preferred Alternative for the SR-710 North Gap Closure Project. Additionally, Chair Fasana and Directors Barger, Solis, Garcetti, and Najarian introduced Motion 29.1 to implement local mobility improvements to alleviate traffic congestion on local arterials in the SR-710 North corridor. Approximately, one billion dollars in local, state and federal funds (Measure R, Regional Improvement Program, Interregional Improvement Program, Regional Surface Transportation Program, and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program funds) are available for the MIPs and TSM/TDM projects pending completion of the SR-710 North environmental process and adoption of the Locally-Preferred TSM/TDM Alternative as the Preferred Alternative.
Staff in collaboration with local agencies along the corridor started the process of identifying and qualifying projects and, upon Board approval, will begin programming the eligible projects in FY 2019-20 and in future years.
The SR-710 North Project Approval and Environmental Document (PAED) process identified options to alleviate traffic congestion in the corridor resulting from the absence of a portion of the SR-710 and freeway linkage between the I-10 and I-210.
Alternatives including No-Build, TSM/TDM, Bus Rapid Transit, Light Rail Transit, and a freeway tunnel were studied. Current and potential future traffic impacts and the anticipated benefits of each alternative considered and studied were discussed with the impacted communities and stakeholders, and feedback was documented/incorporated.
In its May 2017 meeting, Metro Board of Directors adopted the TSM/TDM as the Locally-Preferred Alternative and directed staff to identify additional mobility improvements beyond the TSM/TDM projects listed in the environmental document that could improve the traffic flow along the SR-710 corridor between I-10 and I-210 as well as similar projects in the adjacent areas in the City and County of Los Angeles.
Since the May 2017 Board meeting, staff has been in contact with the local jurisdictions to develop a list of eligible projects for early investment and implementation. As shown in REVISED Attachments B1 and B2, to date 170 projects with a total estimated construction cost of more than $1.2 $1.3 billion have been submitted by local jurisdictions to Metro for funding. Based on staff’s initial evaluation, 50 51 eligible projects totaling $414.4 $514.4 million were qualified (REVISED Attachment C) and are being presented herewith for Board approval and programming/funding.
Project descriptions for the initial list of MIPs recommended for funding are shown in REVISED Attachment D.
In the evaluation process, projects submitted by local agencies were packaged in two groups:
Group A: Projects that would relieve congestion and improve mobility on local streets and at the freeway local interchanges affected by the absence of the SR-710 North Freeway. Eligible projects were selected based on the current level of traffic impact, the anticipated future traffic conditions, potential benefits gained by implementation of the proposed project(s), and a nexus to the SR-710 freeway gap.
Group A Projects were qualified based on project descriptions and justifications provided by the project sponsors. Final eligibility will be determined upon review of supporting documents and final scopes to be provided by the project sponsors prior to initiation of funding agreements.
Group A Projects were further categorized into eight types:
1. Local Street/Road and Freeway Local Interchange Mobility and Operational Improvement Projects
2. Local Street Intersection Improvement Projects (Spot Improvements)
3. Intelligent Transportation System [ITS] Improvement Projects
4. Transit Projects
5. Active Transportation Projects
6. Maintenance/Rehabilitation Projects
7. Studies
8. Parking Structures to remove street parking on key arterials and substantially increase roadway throughput capacity along the north-south and the connecting east-west arterials affected by the absence of the SR-710 freeway.
Requests for funds for active transportation projects, maintenance/rehabilitation projects and general studies submitted by local agencies were not considered for funding at this time. Parking facilities were considered as a substitute for on-street parking along major streets with high traffic volumes to release additional throughput capacity to improve mobility in the area. Funding new parking facilities will be proportional to the street mobility benefits gained.
MIPs listed in REVISED Attachment C is conceptually approved based on the information and anticipated benefits presented by project sponsors. Staff, in collaboration with project sponsors, will validate the information prior to programming the MIPs.
Group B: Projects that will be funded by the proceeds from the sale of State-owned properties under the SR-710 North Rehabilitation Account (710 North Rehab Account), in accordance with Government Code 54237.7 and subject to all requirements governing the use of those funds. As noted in the legislation, projects located in Pasadena, South Pasadena, Alhambra, La Canada Flintridge, and the 90032 Postal Zip Code are eligible for funding. Group B projects may include, but are not limited to, sound walls; transit and rail capital improvements; bikeways; pedestrian improvements; signal synchronization; dedicated left- and right-turn lanes at intersections; and major street resurfacing, rehabilitation, and reconstruction.
The sale of the State-owned properties will be conducted in three phases. As of the date of this report, sale of those properties has started. Proceeds from the sales will be assigned to eligible projects by the California Transportation Commission (CTC). Metro will periodically submit lists of eligible local projects to CTC for funding. The guidelines for this process will be developed.
In anticipation of the approval of the SR-710 Final Environmental Document by Caltrans by November 2018, Board’s approval of recommendations requested in this Board report will allow the staff to continue discussions with local agencies, refine the scopes of approved eligible projects and start programming those projects in FY 2019-20 and beyond.
Staff will also continue to work with local agencies to identify more eligible mobility improvement projects for funding.
The proposed action has no known adverse impact on the safety of Metro’s patrons and employees or users of the facility. Caltrans and local safety standards will be adhered to in the design of the proposed improvements.
A total of $415 $515 million in local, state and federal funds will be programmed in FY20 ($40M $50M), FY21 ($85M $105M), FY22 ($165M $205M) and FY23 ($125M $155M) to fund the initial list of the MIPs shown in REVISED Attachment C. Preliminary cash flow projections are shown in REVISED Attachment E based on assumptions as of September 21, 2018, subject to further determination of the scope of work and the schedule of projects.
A total of $45 million in local Measure R funds will be programmed in FY20 ($5M), FY21 ($10M), FY22 ($20M), and FY23 ($10M) to fund the SR-710 North TSM/TDM Projects currently listed in the SR-710 North environmental document.
For FY 19, $2,100,000 was budgeted in Highway Program Cost Center 4730, under 710 North Early Action Project No. 460315, Task No. 01 in Account 50316 (Professional Services). Since this is a multi-year project, the Project Manager, the Cost Center Manager, and the Senior Executive Officer, Program Management - Highway Program will be responsible for budgeting the remaining costs of the Project in future fiscal years.
Impact to Budget
The source of funds will be Measure R Highway Capital (20%) Funds, State Funds (Interregional Improvement Program and Regional Improvement Program funds), and Federal Funds (Regional Surface Transportation Program and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program funds). These funds are not eligible for bus and rail operation and capital expenditures.
The MIPs attached herein reflect priorities identified by local agencies affected by the absence of the SR-710 between I-10 and I-210 to reduce congestion and improve mobility on their streets and at the freeway local interchanges.
Working collectively with project sponsors to implement the MIPs is consistent with Goal No. 1 (provide high-quality mobility option that enable people to spend less time traveling) and Goal No. 4 (transform LA County through regional collaboration) of the Metro Strategic Plan.
In addition to the initial list of eligible projects recommended in REVISED Attachment C of this Board report, the Board may choose to fund other projects submitted by the local jurisdictions that are not yet approved by staff. This alternative is not recommended at this time due to inconsistency with the Board’s intention to prioritize investment in projects that have a direct nexus to the SR-710 gap and can considerably improve the traffic flow on the impacted city streets and at the freeway local interchanges and improve mobility in the SR-710 corridor.
The Board may also choose to relax the project eligibility requirements to allow funding for more transportation projects. This option is not recommended either as staff is working with the local jurisdictions to reevaluate, re-scope, and combine some of the projects not yet deemed eligible to create more eligible projects to fund.
It is critical that unspent funds for the SR-710 project be allocated to projects with verifiable congestion reduction/mobility improvement benefits.
Upon Board approval, project sponsors will be notified of the Board’s decision. Staff will continue to communicate and work with project sponsors to identify more eligible projects
Programmed funds will be made available to project sponsors upon approval of the final environmental document and adoption of the TSM/TDM as the Preferred Alternative, and absence of any legal prohibition affecting the development and implementation of the MIPs and TSM/TDM projects. Project readiness will also be a factor in funding schedules.
Staff will provide an update to the Board in six months.
Attachment A - State Route 710 North May 25, 2017 Board Motion (Item 29.1;
File #2017-0358)
REVISED Attachment B1 - Mobility Improvement Projects - Project Sponsor Submittals
REVISED Attachment B2 - Mobility Improvement Projects - Summary of Project
Sponsor Submittals
REVISED Attachment C - Mobility Improvement Projects - Recommended For Funding
REVISED Attachment D - Mobility Improvement Projects - Descriptions
REVISED Attachment E - Mobility Improvement Projects - Cash Flow Projections
Prepared by: Michelle Smith, Sr. Director, Countywide Planning (213) 922-3057
Abdollah Ansari, Sr. Executive Officer, Construction & Engineering (213) 922-4781Bryan Pennington, Deputy Chief Program Management Officer (213) 922-7449
Reviewed by: Richard F. Clarke, Chief Program Management Officer (213) 922-7557