JUNE 16, 2022
RECEIVE AND FILE Transit Safety and Security Report.
As of June 2021, Metro System Security & Law Enforcement (SSLE) has revised and updated the performance data to improve accuracy and details related to KPIs for its multi-agency law enforcement deployment strategies provided by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (LASD), and Long Beach Police Department (LBPD). To avoid discrepancies related to crime reclassifications and maintain consistency with contract terms and conditions, SSLE will have all data submitted by the 15th of every month. This will provide ample time for staff to review, thereby providing the Board with complete and accurate data.
Metro’s mission is to provide high quality, courteous security across all Metro rails, buses, and facilities so that every rider feels safe while using the Metro system. SSLE has implemented several initiatives aimed at educating people of all ages on how to safely ride public transportation, as well as provided riders with the tools to report crime and foster an environment where they are empowered to look out for themselves and each other. Additionally, SSLE has partnered with contracted law enforcement agencies to ensure that there are community outreach events across all law enforcement jurisdictions. This is so that the riding public may familiarize themselves with the individuals that keep them safe. Finally, SSLE continues to incorporate several data-driven processes to analyze a wide array of safety related issues, such as crime committed on the system, Officer/Deputy presence on the system, ridership demographics, and quality assurance surveys. Using this data, SSLE formulates solutions to problems, anticipates future issues, and develops programs and initiatives for areas needing improvement. The following sections provide an overview of notable initiatives, events, and data that SSLE utilizes to achieve the goal of creating an environment for all riders to feel safe and secure while on the Metro system.
Technical Review
The SSLE Administration and Compliance Unit continue to verify that all field Officers/Deputies on duty are tapping their Metro-issued badges at all TAP machines when patrolling Metro buses, trains, and rail stations/corridors. This ensures high visibility for riders utilizing Metro’s services, while also establishing a method of accountability for our contracted law enforcement personnel.
The Compliance Unit reviewed TAP reports provided by Metro’s TAP Department against law enforcement deployment documents to verify that Officers/Deputies are tapping at turnstiles and/or readers. The data reviewed in this review is from early March to late April 2022. Upon reviewing the data, it was determined that all contracted law enforcement partners were tapping their Metro-issued badges and securing their assignments across the system.
Community Policing Updates
Each law enforcement agency hosts community events to strengthen relationships with community members and bring awareness to safety issues. Below is one such event:
Quality Service Audits
For April, MTS completed three (3) Quality Service Audits. MTS Supervisors randomly contacted two (2) external partners and one (1) patron to gain feedback on the performance of our officers. Of the three surveyed, all gave ratings of "meets," "exceeded," or “greatly exceeded” expectations for the services rendered by Transit Security Officers (TSOs).
Calls for Service
For the month of April, Transit Security received 642 calls for service, compared to 569 calls for service in March 2022. The following is a breakdown of the call categories and response times.
• Routine: Transit Security received 371 calls and responded to 293 of them with an average response time of seven (7) minutes. The remaining calls were assigned to law enforcement, contract security, or other entities such as maintenance, Rail Operations Control, Bus Operations Control, local fire department, or elevator tech. (Routine: Assignments that are distributed to Metro Security Officers that require their presence to resolve, correct, or assist a situation.)
• Priority: Transit Security received 271 calls and responded to 218 of them with an average response time of nine (9) minutes. The remaining calls were assigned to law enforcement, contract security, or other entities such as maintenance, Rail Operations Control, Bus Operations Control, local fire department, or elevator tech. (Priority: Calls endangering property are dispatched as soon as possible if units are available, with the exception of bomb threats calls, which are dispatched immediately to law enforcement. Vandalism and burglary calls may be delayed until officers are available.)
• High Priority: Transit Security did not receive any high priority calls. (High priority: Calls that are in-progress events where persons or high-value property is in immediate danger. This call requires as many personnel as possible to respond safely but quickly.)
In April, there were a total of fourteen (14) assaults on bus/rail operators, with eight (8) assaults occurring in LAPD’s jurisdiction and six (6) assaults occurring in LASD’s jurisdiction. Furthermore, there were 16,980 bus boardings by LAPD officers and 4,969 bus boardings by LASD deputies on various routes throughout the system.
In partnership with Operations, SSLE has attended Bus Operator Focus Group sessions to hear first-hand safety concerns and feedback from operators. Staff will share the summary comments with our internal and external safety partners to develop concentrated safety strategies.
As mentioned in last month’s report, in collaboration with Operations, Customer Experience, Office of Management & Budget, and Homeless Outreach and Engagement, the Respect the Ride campaign was launched on April 4th. Due to the campaign’s success, it has expanded to the following locations: Pershing Square, North Hollywood, and Union Station.
Calls related to sexual harassment are routed through Metro Transit Security Operations Center, which then transfers the caller to a free 24/7 hotline - Peace Over Violence, Center for the Pacific Asian Family Inc., and Sister Family Services - that can provide more directed counseling. Between April 1st and April 30th, Metro Transit Security, LAPD, LASD, and LBPD received thirteen (13) incidents and referred a total of ten (10) victims of sexual harassment to the above free hotlines. One of the victims refused information on counseling services, and one victim reported her incident via telephone call but did not provide her contact information.
The random Quality Service Audits (QSA) provide a key assessment tool to help measure and enhance customer’s perception of safety, security, customer service, and public sentiment toward Metro Transit Security. This comes in the form of a survey that asks to rate the service provided by Transit Security Officers. Participants range from external and internal personnel and patrons who ride the system.
The Respect the Ride pilot program is a collaborative initiative, including ambassador-like teams, unarmed and armed security, maintenance, and law enforcement. This initiative stems from an effort to reimagine public safety in the transit system and tap into multi-disciplinary teams to respond to various safety concerns. Through the Respect the Ride survey, it will provide insight into the effectiveness of the program and how our customers and employees riding experience has been enhanced.
Staff will continue to monitor our law enforcement partners, private security, and Transit Security performance, monitor crime stats, and adjust deployment, as necessary.
Attachment A - Systemwide Law Enforcement Overview April 2022
Attachment B - Metro Supporting Data April 2022
Attachment C - Transit Police Summary April 2022
Attachment D - Monthly, Bi-Annual, Annual Comparison April 2022
Attachment E - Violent, Prop, and Part 1 Crimes April 2022
Attachment F - Demographics Data April 2022
Attachment G - Bus Operator Assaults April 2022
Attachment H - Sexual Harassment Crimes April 2022
Prepared by
Prepared by: Aston Greene, Executive Officer, System Security and Law Enforcement, (213)922-2599
Imelda Hernandez, Manager, System Security and Law Enforcement, (213) 922-4848
Reviewed By
Reviewed by: Gina Osborn, Chief Safety Officer, (213) 922-3055