File #: 2025-0162   
Type: Policy Status: Passed
File created: 2/21/2025 In control: Board of Directors - Regular Board Meeting
On agenda: 3/27/2025 Final action: 3/27/2025
Title: CONSIDER: A. RECEIVING AND FILING the March 2025 Federal and State Legislative Report; and B. ADOPTING Staff Recommended Position: * AB 1237 (McKinnor). County of Los Angeles: sporting events: ticket charge: public transit. - SUPPORT-WORK WITH AUTHOR/SPONSOR (Attachment A).
Sponsors: Board of Directors - Regular Board Meeting
Indexes: Budgeting, Burbank, Commerce, Grant Aid, Housing, Informational Report, Inglewood, Janice Hahn, Lynwood, Metro Transit Ambassadors, Motion / Motion Response, Olympic games, Program, Safety, Safety and security, Santa Monica, Students, Transit buses, Transit operators, Transit Pass, Transit safety, United States Department Of Transportation
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - AB 1237 (McKinnor) Legislative Analysis, 2. Presentation



MARCH 27, 2025














A.                     RECEIVING AND FILING the March 2025 Federal and State Legislative Report; and


B.                     ADOPTING Staff Recommended Position:

                     AB 1237 (McKinnor). County of Los Angeles: sporting events: ticket charge: public transit. - SUPPORT-WORK WITH AUTHOR/SPONSOR (Attachment A).





Executive Management Committee

Remarks Prepared by Raffi Haig Hamparian

Government Relations, Deputy Executive Officer: Federal Affairs



Chair Hahn and members of the Executive Management Committee, I am pleased to provide an update on several key federal matters of interest to our agency. This report was prepared on March 4, 2025, and will be updated, as appropriate, at the Regular Board Meeting on March 27, 2025. The status of relevant pending legislation is monitored in the Metro Government Relations Legislative Matrix <>, which is updated monthly.


Trump Administration Executive Orders/USDOT Order

Metro’s Government Relations team is actively engaged with our Los Angeles County Congressional Delegation on the Executive Orders and other actions being taken by the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) on policy matters that could negatively impact the free flow of federal transportation dollars to our agency. Given our longstanding and positive relationship with the USDOT, we are carefully monitoring any actions that may diminish the amount of both formula and discretionary funding that our agency receives on an annual basis.


Specifically, staff has been in constant contact with members of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee from Los Angeles County and our two U.S. Senators, among others, to let them know our concerns and to encourage them to continue working in Congress to ensure that funds authorized and appropriated by Congress for mobility projects and initiatives - are safeguarded. While the full scope and impact of the USDOT’s Order issued on January 29, 2025, remains to be seen, we will continue to make every effort to protect our agency from any negative impacts from these actions. 


As Congress, and in some instances the judicial system, consider matters related to recent Trump Administration’s actions, staff look forward to keeping our Board advised of any impact they may have on our agency and our ongoing work to deliver more mobility to the ten million people who reside in Los Angeles County.


U.S. Department of Transportation/2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games 


As of the date this report was drafted, Metro continues to actively work to ensure that the $200 million included in the FY2025 Senate Transportation, Housing and Urban Development spending bill for mobility related projects for the upcoming 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games is included in the final FY2025 spending bill adopted by Congress. This work includes outreach to our LA County Congressional Delegation to enlist their continued support for maintaining the Senate’s provision in the final spending deal that Congress is expected to conclude in the coming month(s).


Staff continues to advance Metro’s request that President Trump include $3.2 billion for mobility projects related to the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games in the President’s Fiscal Year 2026 White House Budget. This request was formally made by the Board in a letter shared with the President-elect on November 21, 2024.


Los Angeles County Congressional Delegation

Metro is actively setting up briefings with Members of Congress and/or their aides to see how our agency can continue to work cooperatively with federal officials representing Los Angeles County residents in Washington, DC. Over the past several weeks, we have held conversations with several key members of Congress - including Congresswoman Norma Torres (D-CA) and Congresswoman Luz Rivas (D-CA)


More recently, Metro Board Chair, Supervisor Janice Hahn held a positive dialogue with Congressman Robert Garcia (D-CA) and the Ranking member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Congressman Rick Larsen (D-WA). This meeting focused on Metro’s work to advance the Southeast Gateway Line through the Federal Transit Administration’s Capital Investment Grant program. Chair Hahn emphasized in this meeting that the SGL is Metro’s Board-approved number one federal priority project. Metro staff, alongside Director Yaroslavsky, also recently provided a tour of the Westside Purple Line Extension (Section 1) La Brea station for Congresswoman Laura Friedman (D-CA) and Ranking member Larsen (D-WA). Both Members of Congress were impressed with the mobility benefits that will be delivered to LA County residents when Section 1 of the WPLE is opened to the public.


Staff continues to collaborate with our LA County Congressional Delegation on a variety of subjects, including with respect to federal grants, wildfire assistance, matters related to spending bills for both Fiscal Years 2025 and 2026, and the anticipated Fiscal Year 2026 Budget that will be issued by the White House this Spring.


Leaders of Federal Transportation-Related Committees / Next Surface Transportation Authorization Bill

Metro CEO Stephanie Wiggins continues to extend invitations to the Chairs and Ranking members of key congressional committees that will play leading roles in crafting the next surface transportation authorization bill. The current surface transportation authorization bill, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (P.L. 117-59) expires on September 30, 2026.


Transit Operator Safety

Consistent with our Board-approved 2025 Federal Legislative Program, Metro maintains open lines of communication with the Los Angeles County Congressional Delegation on federal initiatives to enhance transit operator safety.  The current surface transportation authorization measure - the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law - will be expiring in late 2026. This will provide our agency with an opportunity to work with a variety of stakeholders to authorize federal programs to further enhance transit operator safety.


Federal Transportation Grants

With the start of the Trump Administration and a new team of leaders set to begin their work at the U.S. Department of Transportation, Metro will aggressively pursue federal grant opportunities to fund Metro projects and initiatives. Consistent with our past practice, we will work closely with members of the Los Angeles County Congressional Delegation and other key stakeholders - like the LA/Orange County Building and Construction Trades Council, the LA Area Chamber of Commerce, among others - to solicit their support for our current and future grant applications. 



Chair Hahn and members of the committee, I look forward to expanding on this report at the Executive Management Committee meeting scheduled for March 20, 2025, with any new developments that may occur over the next several weeks.



Executive Management Committee

Remarks Prepared by Madeleine Moore

Government Relations, Deputy Executive Officer: State Affairs


Chair Hahn and members of the Board, I am pleased to provide an update on several state matters of interest to our agency. This report was prepared on March 4, 2025 and will be updated, as appropriate, at the Regular Board Meeting on March 27, 2025. The status of relevant pending legislation is monitored monthly in the Metro Government Relations Legislative Matrix <>.



Legislative Update 

The deadline for new bill introductions for the first year of the legislative session was February 21.  In the first year in which bill introduction limits were reduced to 35 bills per Assembly Member and Senator for the two-year session, there were 2,350 bills introduced this year, of which 1,500 were Assembly bills and 850 were Senate bills. Additionally, of those 2,350 bills, 481 are intent bills and 390 are spot bills, for a total of 871 placeholder bills, which is 37% of the total.

Sponsored Legislation


On February 19, Assemblymember Nick Schultz (D - Burbank) introduced AB 939, the Safe, Sustainable, Traffic-Reducing Transportation Bond Act of 2026. This legislation, sponsored by Metro, originated from the Board's direction during the December 2024 Board meeting, where staff were directed to explore a transportation bond that would provide agencies with ongoing capital funding from the State. AB 939 would, if passed by the Legislature by a 2/3 vote, be placed on the November 2026 ballot, where it would need a simple majority to pass. If approved, the bond would authorize the issuance of $20 billion in State General Obligation Bonds to finance transit and passenger rail improvements, local streets and roads and active transportation projects, zero-emission vehicle investments, transportation freight infrastructure improvements, grade separations, and other critical safety improvements. Staff would like to thank the Assemblymember for his authorship of the bill and will continue to keep the Board apprised of the bill’s progress through the legislature. 


On February 21, Assemblymember Tina McKinnor (D - Inglewood) introduced AB 1237. This bill would authorize Metro to impose a charge of up to $5 on the purchase of a ticket from a ticket vendor to a sporting event in the County of Los Angeles for the 2026 FIFA World Cup or the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The bill would require Metro to use any revenue collected from that charge to support its transit operations. The bill would require Metro, if the agency imposes this charge, to allow any person to use its transit services at no charge on the day of a sporting event in the County of Los Angeles for the 2026 FIFA World Cup or the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games if the person presents a ticket to that sporting event. Metro staff recommend a support-work with author position and sponsorship of this legislation. A full legislative analysis to support this recommendation is outlined in Attachment A.


As previously reported to the Board, Metro has signed on as a co-sponsor of SB 71 (Wiener), along with the California Transit Association, the Bay Area Council, and SPUR. SB 71 builds upon previous legislation (SB 288, SB 922) by the Senator that expedites bike, pedestrian, light rail, and bus rapid transit projects by exempting these projects from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). SB 71 removes the SB 922 sunset date and clarifies that transit infrastructure maintenance projects, bus shelters and lighting, and shuttle and ferry service and terminal projects are also eligible for the exemption. Metro was proud to serve as a co-sponsor of SB 922, which is providing tangible benefits to our agency and projects and is proud to return as a co-sponsor of SB 71.


Other Relevant Legislation


Staff would like to highlight a few more recent bills of interest.

First, Metro has issued a formal letter for support for AB 394 by Assemblymember Lori Wilson (D - Suisun City). This bill would strengthen penalties for assaults against all transit employees that currently exist for bus and rail operators only. The bill would also broaden enforcement against trespassing on transit systems, and empower courts to issue prohibition orders restricting access to individuals convicted of violent offenses against transit workers. Metro has continued to utilize all tools at our disposal to ensure greater safety for all, and AB 394 would be another critical tool in our toolbox. 2025 Board-approved State Legislative Program Goal #4 includes the activity “Explore legislation that supports Metro’s ability to more efficiently implement the Board-approved multi-layered approach to safety and security, including but not limited to increased penalties for operator assaults”. For this reason, Metro has issued a formal letter of support.


AB 861 by Assemblymember Jose Luis Solache (D - Lynwood) was introduced on February 19. This bill would establish the LA Metro Los Angeles Community College GoPass and Student Ambassador Program to promote the use of public transportation by students enrolled at a campus of the Los Angeles Community College District by (1) providing all students with a free transit pass to access the public transportation services provided by Metro, and (2) establishing a student ambassador program within Metro where students assist with security, rider assistance, and facility upkeep on Metro rail and bus lines serving campuses of the Los Angeles Community College District. The bill would require the Los Angeles Community College District to submit an annual report to the Department of Finance and the budget committees of the Assembly and Senate that includes specified information about the transit pass program and the student ambassador program. The bill would appropriate $2.5 million from the general fund to the Community College District and Metro to develop and implement the free transit pass program and the student ambassador program.


Finally, SB 220 by Senator Ben Allen (D - Santa Monica) was introduced on January 23 As introduced, the bill states that it is the “intent of the Legislature to enact subsequent legislation to update and modernize the membership of the board of directors of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority.” Metro staff have shared the agency’s opposition to Board restructuring legislation, as we assert that any changes to the composition of the Board should be decided through a locally derived process. Senate spot bills have until March 26 to be substantially amended before they can be heard in committee.


Budget Update


Following the release of the Governor’s January budget proposal last month, the Senate and Assembly budget committees have begun holding hearings regarding the FY 25-26 process, including regarding the transportation budget proposal. Due to the uncertainty surrounding the direct impact of wildfire recovery, along with impacts to tax receipts and deadlines, Metro anticipates that the budget process will extend beyond the June 15 constitutional deadline to pass a budget with subsequent trailer bills through the fall. 


On February 26, the Assembly held a joint hearing of the Emergency Management, Housing and Community Development, and Economic Development, Growth, and Household Impact Committees, regarding the recovery and rebuilding efforts around the Los Angeles wildfires.  Staff from public and private sector organizations shared updates on recovery operations, along with insights on the path forward for the region with regard to helping individuals, businesses, and communities rebuild.


LA County Legislative Delegation Coordination


Government Relations staff continue to prioritize new member engagement and updating state Senate and Assembly offices on projects and programs relevant to their districts. CEO Wiggins has begun meeting with new members in order to introduce them formally to Metro and gauge their legislative priorities for potential partnerships between the State and our agency. 






Government Relations will continue to work with the Office of Civil Rights, Racial Equity, and Inclusion in reviewing legislation introduced in Sacramento and Washington, DC, to address any equity issues in proposed bills and the budget process.   




VMT and VMT per capita in Los Angeles County are lower than national averages, the lowest in the SCAG region, and on the lower end of VMT per capita statewide, with these declining VMT trends due in part to Metro’s significant investment in rail and bus transit.* Metro’s Board-adopted VMT reduction targets align with California’s statewide climate goals, including achieving carbon neutrality by 2045. To ensure continued progress, all Board items are assessed for their potential impact on VMT. 


This item supports Metro’s systemwide strategy to reduce VMT through administrative and legislative advocacy activities that will benefit and further encourage transit ridership, ridesharing, and active transportation. Increased state and federal funding received benefits Metro’s projects and programs to reduce VMT. Metro’s Board-adopted VMT reduction targets were designed to build on the success of existing investments, and this item aligns with those objectives.


*Based on population estimates from the United States Census and VMT estimates from Caltrans’ Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) data between 2001-2019.





Attachment A - AB 1237 (McKinnor) Legislative Analysis


Prepared by: Michael Turner, Executive Officer, Government Relations, (213) 922-2122  

Madeleine Moore, Deputy Executive Officer, Government Relations, (213) 922-4604

Raffi Hamparian, Deputy Executive Officer, Government Relations, (213) 922-3769  

Alex Amadeo, Senior Manager, Government Relations, (213) 922-2763



Reviewed by: Nicole Englund, Chief of Staff, (213) 922-7950