File #: 2024-0818   
Type: Program Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 9/5/2024 In control: Planning and Programming Committee
On agenda: 10/23/2024 Final action:
Title: CONSIDER: A. APPROVING programming an additional $17,369,862 within the capacity of Measure M Multi-Year Subregional Program (MSP) - Active Transportation 1st/Last Mile Connections Program (Expenditure Line 51), as shown in Attachment A; and B. AUTHORIZING the CEO or their designee to negotiate and execute all necessary agreements for approved projects.
Sponsors: Program Management (Department), Maria Luk
Indexes: Active Transporation, Transit And Tech Program - Expenditure Plan Line Item 56 (Project), Active Transportation Program, Agreements, Beverly Hills, Bicycle lanes, Bicycling, Bikeways, Brentwood, Budgeting, Capital Project, Capital Project Funds, Central Los Angeles subregion, City of Los Angeles, Construction, Culver City, Culver City Station, Curbs, First/Last Mile, Guidelines, Intersections, Measure M, Measure M Multi-Year Subregional Program, Metro Vision 2028 Plan, Microtransit, Nonmotorized transportation, Pedestrians, Plan, Program, Project, Ramps (Interchanges), Ridesourcing, Safety, San Fernando Valley subregion, Santa Monica, South Bay Cities subregion, Strategic planning, West Hollywood, Westside Cities Council of Governments, Westside Cities subregion, Westside/Central Service Sector
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Active Transportation 1st/Last Mile Connection Program Project List, 2. Presentation
Date Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsAudio
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OCTOBER 23, 2024














A.                     APPROVING programming an additional $17,369,862 within the capacity of Measure M Multi-Year Subregional Program (MSP) - Active Transportation 1st/Last Mile Connections Program (Expenditure Line 51), as shown in Attachment A; and


B.                     AUTHORIZING the CEO or their designee to negotiate and execute all necessary agreements for approved projects.





Measure M MSPs are included in the Measure M Expenditure Plan, which is an attachment to the Measure M Ordinance.  All MSP funds are limited to capital projects.  This program update approves additional eligible projects for funding and allows the Westside Cities Subregion (the Subregion) and implementing agencies to revise the scope of work, schedule, and amend the project budget.


This update includes changes to projects that have received prior Board approval and funding allocations for new projects.  Funds are programmed through Fiscal Year (FY) 2027-28.  The Board’s approval is required to update the project list (Attachment A), which serves as the basis for Metro to enter into agreements and/or amendments with the respective implementing agencies.





In January 2021, the Metro Board of Directors approved the Westside Cities Subregion’s first MSP Five-Year Plan and programmed funds in the Active Transportation 1st/Last Mile Connections Program (Expenditure Line 51).  Since the first Plan, staff provided annual updates to the Board in October 2022 and 2023. 


Based on the amount provided in the Measure M Expenditure Plan, a total amount of $60.74 million was forecasted to be available for programming for the subregion for FY 2017-18 to FY 2027-28.  In prior actions, the Board approved programming $29.53 million through FY 2024-25. Therefore, $31.21 million is available to the Subregion for programming as part of this annual update.  





Metro staff continued working closely with the Westside Cities Council of Governments (WCCOG), its consultant, and implementing agencies for this annual update, including changes to the scope of work and/or funding requests.  The jurisdictional requests are proposed by the cities and approved/forwarded by the Subregion.  In line with the Metro Board adopted guidelines, cities provide documentation demonstrating community support, project needs, and multimodal transportation benefits that enhance safety, support traffic mobility, economic vitality, and enable a safer and well-maintained transportation system.  Cities lead and prioritize all proposed transportation improvements, including procurement, the environmental process, outreach, final design, and construction.  Each city and/or agency, independently and in coordination with the subregion undertakes their jurisdictionally determined community engagement process specific to the type of transportation improvement they seek to develop.  These locally determined and prioritized projects represent the needs of cities.  To date, $29.53 million has been programmed, of which $1.8 million has been expended.


During staff review, Metro required a detailed project scope of work to confirm project eligibility, reconfirm funding eligibility for those that request changes in the project scope of work, and establish the program nexus during project reviews, i.e. project location information and limits, length, elements, phases, total estimated expenses and funding request, schedules, etc.  Final approval of funds for the projects shall be contingent upon the implementing agency demonstrating the eligibility of each project, as required in the Measure M Master Guidelines.  Staff expect the collection of the project details in advance of Metro Board action to enable the timely execution of project Funding Agreements for approved projects.  Additionally, all projects are subject to a close-out audit after completion, per the Guidelines.


Active Transportation 1st/Last Mile Connections Program (Expenditure Line 51)


Attachment A indicates the changes in project funding allocations since the last update to the Board.  One project was completed and is currently under the project close-out audit process.  This update includes funding adjustments to nine existing projects and two new projects as follows:


Beverly Hills


                     Program additional $594,227 and reprogram all previously approved funds to FY 2024-25 for MM4801.02/MM4801.03/MM4801.04 - La Cienega & Rodeo Drive Purple Line Stations - Pedestrian and Wayfinding FLM Improvements.  The project includes continental and decorative crosswalks, crosswalk enhancements like flashing beacons, pedestrian-scale lighting, benches, curb extensions, wayfinding signage, bus stop improvements, etc. The funds will be used for the project’s construction phase.


Culver City


                     Reprogram previously approved $100,000 to FY 2025-26 for MM4801.06 - MicroTransit/First Last Mile Service Program.  The city is partnering with Metro to implement a Culver City MicroTransit pilot that will be part of the regional MicroTransit program to provide a seamless transit experience for riders. The funds will support eligible capital costs for the project implementation such as vehicle purchase/lease and setup.


                     Program $620,302 in FY 2024-25 for MM4801.19 - Move Culver City Eastern Segment Project.  This project will design and implement tactical mobility lanes (bus and bike lanes) on Culver Boulevard, Washington Boulevard, and Adams Boulevard in Downtown Culver City, the Metro E Line Culver City Station area, and the Culver City Arts District to demonstrate and enhance transit service efficiency and reliability and provide bike facilities separate from general traffic.  The funds will be used for the project’s construction phase.


LA City


                     Reprogram previously approved $2,561,297 as follows: $120,000 in FY 2023-24, $1,530,000 in FY 2024-25, and $911,297 in FY 2025-26 for MM4801.08 - Brentwood Walkability Enhancements (San Vicente Blvd: Bundy to Bringham).  This project will provide new pedestrian amenities including upgraded curb ramps, upgraded medians, curb extensions, as well as new signalized crosswalks, speed feedback signs, additional street furniture, new street trees and landscaping, and an enhanced Class II bike lane (upgrading the existing Class II).  The funds will be used for the project’s Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E) and construction phases.


                     Program additional $1,818,930 in FY 2025-26 for MM4801.09 - Connect Del Rey Stress-Free Bicycle Enhanced Corridor.  This project will install 2.0 miles of bikeways and bicycle-priority improvements in the City of Los Angeles, including crosswalk striping, curb extensions, sharrows, speed humps, traffic circle, ramp, sharrows, speed humps, intersection upgrades, green bike lane, and wayfinding signage.  The funds will be used for the project’s PS&E and construction phases.


                     Reprogram previously approved $3,168,000 to FY 2025-26 for MM4801.10 - Expo Bike Path Gap Closure.  This project will install a 1.44-mile bike path (Class I bicycle facility) between Overland Ave to Palms Blvd in the City of Los Angeles. This project will connect the endpoints of the existing Expo Bike Path, closely following the Expo Light Rail right of way and Northvale Road.  The funds will be used for the project’s construction phase.


                     Program additional $2,000,000 in FY 2025-26 for MM4801.11 - Santa Monica to Westwood Stress-Free Bicycle Enhanced Corridor.  This project will install a 2.5-mile stress-free bicycle connection to bicycle facilities in Santa Monica, completing an important regional connection to UCLA. The project includes bike lanes and/or sharrows, speed humps, intersection improvements, curb extensions, and roundabouts. The funds will be used for the project’s PS&E and construction phases.


                     Program $9,600,000 as follows: $1,600,000 in FY 2025-26 and $8,000,000 in FY 2027-28 for MM4801.20 - Westwood Boulevard Safety and Mobility Project.  The project will implement new bicycle lanes, bus-only lanes, and pedestrian improvements, preparing Los Angeles to provide safe and accessible transportation to residents, and visitors, as well as athletes during the 2028 Olympic Games and beyond.  The funds will be used for the project’s PS&E and construction phases.


Santa Monica


                     Program an additional $600,000 and reprogram all previously approved funds as follows: $361,709 in FY 2021-22, $68,291 in FY 2024-25, $281,471 in FY 2025-26, and $600,000 in FY 2026-27 for MM4801.12 - Broadway Protected Bikeway: 5th Street - 26th Street.  This project will install a Class IV Protected Bikeway, a key east/west facility that connects Downtown Santa Monica nearly to the border with the City of Los Angeles.  The funds will be used for the project’s PS&E and construction phases.


                     Program an additional $1,000,000 and reprogram all previously approved funds as follows: $124,250 in FY 2021-22, $110,000 in FY 2023-24, $861,750 in FY 2024-25, $966,589 in FY 2025-26 and $1,000,000 in FY 2026-27 for MM4801.15 - Wilshire Active Transportation Safety Project.  The project scope consists of the design and construction of safety enhancements at intersections, including a new traffic signal, accessible curb ramps, and lighting enhancements.  The funds will be used for the project’s PS&E and construction phases.


West Hollywood


                     Reinstate and program $1,136,403 as follows: $250,000 in FY 2025-26, $195,905 in FY 2026-27, and $690,498 in FY 2027-28 for MM4801.16 - Willoughby, Vista, Gardner Greenways.  This project is a Class III neighborhood bicycle boulevard that will connect an existing Class II bicycle lane, that includes traffic calming and wayfinding elements that reduce vehicle volumes and speeds to further improve the safety and comfort of this facility for bicyclists and pedestrians. The funds will be used for the project’s PS&E phase.





Programming of Measure M MSP funds to the Westside Cities Subregion projects will not have any adverse safety impacts on Metro’s employees or patrons.





In FY 2024-25, $15.3 million is budgeted in Cost Center 0441 (subsidies budget - Planning) for the Active Transportation Program (Project #474401).  Upon approval of this action, staff will reallocate necessary funds to appropriate projects within Cost Center 0441.  Since these are multi-year projects, Cost Center 0441 will be responsible for budgeting the cost in future years.


Impact to Budget


The sources of funds for these projects are Measure M Highway Construction 17%.  This fund source is not eligible for Metro bus and rail operations expenses.





The Westside Cities Subregion comprises five cities and the adjacent unincorporated area of Los Angeles County. Two percent of census tracts are defined as Equity Focus Communities (EFCs) in the Subregion, and these are located in the City of LA and West Hollywood.  


The Westside Cities Subregion proposed active transportation and 1st/Last-mile projects have a range of potential equity benefits for non-drivers. For example, the City of LA Westwood Boulevard Safety and Mobility project will implement new bicycle lanes, bus-only lanes, and pedestrian improvements, preparing Los Angeles to provide safe and accessible transportation to residents, visitors, and athletes during the 2028 Olympic Games and beyond.





The recommendation supports the following goals of the Metro Vision 2028 Strategic Plan:


Goal 1: Provide high-quality mobility options that enable people to spend less time traveling by alleviating the current operational deficiencies and improving mobility along the projects.


Goal 4: Transform LA County through regional collaboration by partnering with the Council of Governments and the local jurisdictions to identify the needed improvements and take the lead in developing and implementing their projects.





The Board can elect not to approve the additional programming of funds or scope of work and schedule changes for the Measure M MSP projects for the Subregion. This is not recommended as the Subregion developed the proposed projects in accordance with the Measure M Ordinance, Guidelines, and Administrative Procedures which may delay the development and delivery of the projects.





Metro staff will continue to work with the Subregion to identify and deliver projects.  Funding Agreements will be executed with those who have funds programmed in FY 2024-25.  Program/Project updates will be provided to the Board annually.





Attachment A - Active Transportation 1st/Last Mile Connection Program Project List



Prepared by: Fanny Pan, Executive Officer, Countywide Planning & Development, (213) 418-3433

Craig Hoshijima, Executive Officer, Countywide Planning & Development, (213) 547-4290

Laurie Lombardi, Senior Executive Officer, Countywide Planning & Development, (213) 418-3251



Reviewed by: Ray Sosa, Chief Planning Officer, (213) 547-4274