SEPTEMBER 20, 2017
RECEIVE AND FILE this introductory report about the initiation of the Long Range Transportation Plan Update.
This is an introduction to the approach, process and framework for an updated Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP).
At the February 2017 Board meeting, a concept for a modular, comprehensive and dynamic approach for updating the 2009 LRTP was introduced. Since then, staff has refined that concept and prepared an approach, scope of work and schedule (work plan) for the update. The intended outcome is an updated LRTP that will provide a clear, comprehensive vision for Metro’s role in improving the lives of those we serve and how to make it happen.
Following the passage of Measure M, Metro correspondingly amended the 2009 LRTP. In summer 2017, the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), as the region’s Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), amended its Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS), the associated Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) and the Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) to incorporate the LRTP amendment, with federal agencies completing the process, having made a finding of air quality conformity.
Purpose of the LRTP
Transportation planning is a cooperative, performance-driven process by which long and short-range transportation improvement priorities are determined (Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration, 2015). The purpose of a long range transportation plan is to plan and program transportation investments comprehensively and thoughtfully using a participatory process. Additionally, a long range transportation plan is required to comply with federal and state laws. Since SCAG is the MPO, Metro’s LRTP is different than the RTP/SCS, but feeds into it and is an example of strong regional collaboration. Moreover, Metro has more flexibility in preparing its LRTP, in terms of content and timing. The methodical process of updating a long range transportation plan results in a comprehensive understanding of the vision, availability of resources and strategic setting of priorities.
Need for an Update
Measure M sets the stage for a new, innovative LRTP because of its transformative scope. It established a new baseline from which to plan and program. Ongoing population, demographic, employment, economic, fiscal and land use changes necessitate an evaluation of how to best address these influences. With these ongoing changes and the transformative scope of Measure M, Metro’s roles and priorities envisioned for it are evolving. Importantly, during the 40-year planning period of the LRTP, a new transportation paradigm can reasonably be expected with the technological innovations already occurring. Now is the time for Metro to be comprehensive and innovative.
LRTP Framework
A framework outline for the LRTP has been prepared, refining the concept presented to the Board in February 2017. It is designed to be modular, dynamic and comprehensive, addressing a continuum of periods. Modular means that the LRTP is flexible and differentiated, recognizing that agency staff, external partners and communities have varying levels of interests and responsibilities. This also allows for interim deliverables to be prepared during the update process. Dynamic means the LRTP will deliberately create areas of overlap between stand-alone modules to reinforce continuous integration and comprehensiveness. This flexibility also allows for the plan to address a continuum of timing milestones to be adaptable in meeting near term and long range needs. Comprehensive means that the LRTP will fully integrate and strengthen connections between existing plans and programs, along with adding new features to bridge gaps or accommodate future additions.
Importantly, this approach allows concurrent and iterative preparation of the modules. After the update is completed, the interdependencies between modules reinforces the connectedness and equivalent importance of each module in consistently implementing the LRTP. With the modular continuum approach, the LRTP will thoroughly address stakeholders and partners; meet federal requirements; and achieve a quality, comprehensive transportation plan for Los Angeles County.
Four groups of seven modules contain the core content of the LRTP:
• Baseline Understanding - provides the basis for framing the challenges, needs and opportunities for our region to be addressed by the LRTP after listening, learning and studying our communities, customers and partners, along with our multi-modal system and the financial plan for it.
• Values Framework - establishes goals and policies to guide priorities, decision-making and performance metrics.
• Transportation Network and Management Plan - balances the operation, maintenance and reinvestment in our existing system, with new investments to expand it.
• Implementing and Evaluating the Plan - provides for capital development and overall funding programs.
The last two module groups are most similar to prior Metro LRTPs, as these contain the capital improvement plan, including new transportation facilities for the ongoing growth of the multi-modal network, and a financial plan for capital, operations and maintenance expenditures.
Four guiding themes thread throughout the LRTP, linking all the modules in core areas of responsibility. These guiding themes will be further developed over the course of the update process:
• Public engagement and analytical rigor - undertaking broad and strategic public engagement is vital to creating a plan that reflects our diverse public and stakeholders, necessitating that decision-making be guided by the input received, along with strong technical work to illustrate a range of possible futures and corresponding outcomes.
• Equity, environment and health - creating a comprehensive transportation plan enables mobility and access and therefore has a powerful role to play in promoting equity, enhancing the environment and improving public health, all of which would be instilled into every aspect of the LRTP.
• Innovations and resiliency - reinforces the importance of a flexible and adaptable plan to address a range of innovations, which ensures that the plan can withstand these and other major changes, along with emphasizing the significance of maintaining a state of good repair and service.
• Financial discipline and economic development - stresses the need to balance building significant, new transportation facilities with assuring funding to maintain a high operating standard and state of good repair, and recognizes the fundamental role a holistic multi-modal transportation network has in facilitating economic prosperity.
Attachment A includes the framework outline with all seven modules listed. Interim deliverables will be compiled separately. These interim deliverables will include policy papers, studies, maps and similar, focused on specific topics.
Work Plan
The LRTP Update involves the entire Metro agency because of its comprehensive nature and the need for subsequent decision-making to demonstrate consistency with it, once adopted. The organizational structure established to undertake the work plan is designed for effective collaboration internally and externally. A project budget will be established with the mid-year budget update and is expected to be several million dollars.
The Work Plan (Attachment B) includes varying degrees of effort occurring in all modules simultaneously. Activity in one module may be dominant in one period relative to other modules because a particular deliverable needs to be completed before other deliverables can be finished due to a dependency between modules. Each module begins with a short list of preliminary key questions as a guide. An approach to undertaking the work in preparing the module is discussed, followed by the technical work required to prepare the identified deliverables. Roles and responsibilities are assigned to the Policy Advisory Council (PAC), Liaison Working Group, and Module Working Groups, along with identifying consultant resources. Important technical features of the approach include updating performance metrics, conducting sensitivity testing of scenarios and economic impact analyses. A general approach to public engagement is also identified for each module, facilitating integration with a Public Participation Plan.
Public Engagement
This fall, staff will prepare a Public Participation Plan, which will outline an approach and strategy for public and stakeholder engagement. Depending on the module and the audience, outreach will either expose, educate or engage. Expose refers to generating awareness. Educate refers to providing a foundational understanding to facilitate effective and informed engagement. Engage refers to active listening, learning and demonstrating responsiveness, either at the outset or in response to a proposal. Public engagement on the LRTP Update will be coordinated with concurrent, related agency-wide initiatives, including the Systemwide Bus Restructure Study/Plan and the Countywide Bus Rapid Transit Study/Plan. Effective public engagement on a project of this scope and in a county this large and diverse takes time and an innovative approach.
The LRTP Update is expected to be completed before the end of Fiscal Year 2020, with milestone achievements in the interim. Trade-offs for proceeding faster include reduced public engagement, a narrowly focused role for the PAC and fewer plan scenarios. An overview of the project schedule is provided in Attachment B.
Role of the Policy Advisory Council
The LRTP Update has been discussed at the last two PAC meetings. The PAC is an advisory group accountable to the Board of Directors. It will help guide the LRTP process by identifying, focusing and clarifying topics; providing input on options; and suggesting priorities. At their September meeting, the PAC provided input on the proposed work plan for the LRTP Update (a summary of the PAC’s September 12 meeting will be provided with the oral presentation on this report). Similar to its role in advising on the preparation of the Measure M Guidelines, the PAC will serve as a sounding board for all aspects of the LRTP Update and facilitate public engagement through its networks.
Relationship to the Strategic Plan
The Metro Strategic Plan will establish the mission, vision and goals for mobility in Los Angeles County. The strategic plan will serve as both an organizational management tool and a communication tool to describe Metro’s vision and goals for the County’s transportation future. Its purpose is to succinctly and effectively articulate the strategic priorities of the organization. The guidance provided by the Strategic Plan is intended to create more effective decision-making and resource allocation. This is distinguished from the LRTP, which is the plan for building, operating and maintaining transportation facilities and services, along with complementary features.
The Office of Extraordinary Innovation (OEI) is in the process of preparing the Metro Strategic Plan, anticipated for Board adoption in early 2018. Much of the information gathered during the process of preparing the Strategic Plan, along with the mission, vision, and goals established in the Strategic Plan, will provide a foundation for the LRTP Update.
The remainder of 2017 will be devoted to completing the initial definition of the scope and framework for the LRTP Update, along with mobilizing internal agency resources and procuring consultant support services. Additionally, staff will work collaboratively with the PAC in finalizing the work plan and preparing for the launch of the public engagement process in early 2018. As deliverables are completed, coinciding with milestones in the update process, staff will return to the Board for updates and direction. This approach is intended to keep the Board informed and active in the process, while also ensuring that the LRTP Update remains in alignment with Board priorities as the Update is completed.
Attachment A - LRTP Update Modular Framework Outline
Attachment B - Summary Scope of Work, Key Deliverables and Schedule
Prepared by: Kalieh Honish, Executive Officer, Countywide Planning & Development, (213) 922-7109
Manjeet Ranu, Senior Executive Officer, Countywide Planning & Development, (213) 928-3157
Reviewed by: Therese W. McMillan, Chief Planning Officer, (213) 922-7077