File #: 2020-0202   
Type: Contract Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 3/11/2020 In control: Construction Committee
On agenda: 4/16/2020 Final action:
Title: AUTHORIZE Contract Modification No. 306 (CCO 306) by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for the construction contract for Segment 3 (Empire) of I-5 North Capacity Enhancements Project between SR-134 and SR-118 (Project) in the amount not to exceed $1.06 million under Funding Agreement No. MOU. P0008355/8501A/A9 within the LOP budget.
Sponsors: Construction Committee
Indexes: Arroyo Verdugo subregion, Bridge construction, Budget, Budgeting, Burbank, Construction, Contractors, Contracts, High occupancy vehicle lanes, I-5, I-5 N Hov Lanes Sr-134 To Sr-118 - Segment 2 (Sr-170 To Buena Vista) (Project), I-5 N Hov Lanes Sr-134 To Sr-118 - Segment 3 (Buena Vista To Magnolia) (Project), I-5 N Hov Lanes Sr-134 To Sr-118 - Segment 4 (Magnolia To Sr-134) (Project), I-5 North Corridor, I-5 North County Capacity Enhancements, Interchanges, Project, Ramps (Interchanges), Regional Surface Transportation Program, San Fernando Valley Service Sector, San Fernando Valley subregion, Southern California Highways, SR-118, SR-134, Subsidies
Date Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsAudio
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APRIL 16, 2020













AUTHORIZE Contract Modification No. 306 (CCO 306) by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for the construction contract for Segment 3 (Empire) of I-5 North Capacity Enhancements Project between SR-134 and SR-118 (Project) in the amount not to exceed $1.06 million under Funding Agreement No. MOU. P0008355/8501A/A9 within the LOP budget.





The construction contract for Segment 3 between West Magnolia Boulevard Overcrossing and 0.3 miles north of Buena Vista Street/Winona Avenue Undercrossing was awarded on November 29, 2012. Empire Avenue Interchange in Burbank was open to traffic on September 30, 2019, and the removal and reconstruction of Burbank Bridge and Interchange is anticipated to start in April 2020. Five of six freeway ramps at the Burbank Interchange have been closed since Oct 2019. 


The construction of the new Burbank Bridge is scheduled to take twelve to fourteen months in the contract document and the ramps at the Burbank Interchange will be closed most times during the bridge construction except the northbound I-5 off-ramp to eastbound Burbank Blvd which is not in the way of the new Burbank Interchange construction. In consideration of potential traffic impacts due to the closures of the ramps and Burbank Bridge, The City of Burbank, communities impacted by the project, and the local & state elected officials have requested that a temporary southbound I-5 off-ramp to westbound Burbank Blvd be provided during the construction of the Burbank Bridge.


Providing the temporary off-ramp was not considered in the original contract. The implementation of the temporary off-ramp was evaluated and considered to be doable through design and contract modifications. CCO 306 authorizes $1.06 million to compensate the contractor for constructing and opening the temporary southbound I-5 off-ramp to westbound Burbank Blvd in May 2020 including other costs associated with this modification. Contract modifications exceeding $500,000 require Board authorization per the Staff Delegations.







The I-5 North construction project was initiated by Caltrans in four segments.  Segments 1 and 2 between North of Buena Vista Street/Winona Avenue Undercrossing and SR-118 are completed. The remaining Segments 3 and 4 between SR-134 and North of Buena Vista Street/Winona Avenue Undercrossing are in construction.  Segment 3 (Empire), part of the I-5 North widening project, is about 79% complete.  Metro is a funding partner in these projects.







In the original project scope, a temporary southbound off-ramp was not included in the construction of the Burbank Bridge and Interchange. In order to provide a temporary southbound off-ramp in conjunction with the closure of Burbank Bridge, modifications in the design plans and the construction staging of CCO 306 are necessary. The temporary off-ramp is schedule to open to traffic in May 2020 while continuously building the new permanent off-ramp. CCO 306 also includes the cost for the relocation of a concrete plant currently located in the way of the temporary ramp and the schedule impact by this change.


Time Impact Analysis (TIA) in CCO 306 was submitted by the contractor, indicated a delay impact of 20 working days and $1.06 million additional cost. Schedule and cost were reviewed and approved by Caltrans.





There is no impact to public safety by approving this action.





The overall corridor LOP budget of I-5 North Capacity Enhancements per the FUNDING AGREEMENT NO. MOU.P0008355/8501 A/A9 is $880,903,000 and includes $195,995,000 in Federal Funds (ARRA RSTP, RSTP, SAFETEA-LU and CMAQ), $358,355,000 in State Funds (TCRP, RIP, CMIA, IPP and SLPP), and $326,553,000  in local Measure R ( 20%) and Prop C (25%) funds.  Metro’s contribution to this project is limited to $326,553,000 in Measure R Highway 20% and Prop C 25% funds.


Of the total LOP budget, $772,434,552 is spent to date; of this amount $242,167,296 was funded with Measure R (20%) and Prop C (25%) funds.


The up to $1.06 million cost of CCO 306 is within the overall LOP budget. Current Metro funding of $18.42 M included in the FY20 budget in Cost Center 0442 (Highway Subsidies), Project 460332, 460333, and 460334, Tasks 5.4.100 and 5.5.100, Account 54001 (Subsidies to Others), will be used to fund this CCO.  


Since this is a multi-year contract/project, the Project Manager, Cost Center Manager and the Senior Executive Officer, Program Management - Highway Program will be responsible for budgeting costs in future fiscal years.


Impact to Budget


The sources of funds for CCO 306 are Measure R Highway Capital (20%) and Prop C Street and Highway (25%) funds, which are not eligible for Metro bus and rail operations or capital projects.  No other funds were considered.


As of March 2020, the project risk assessment studies suggest approximately $40 million shortfall at the completion of Segment 3 & 4. Metro will continue to coordinate with Caltrans to determine cost exposure, responsibilities, and contributions.





Approval of staff recommendation would allow for the timely construction and opening of the temporary off-ramp and minimize the schedule impact to the project in Segment 3. The I-5 HOV lanes project is consistent with the following Metro Vision 2028 Goals and Objectives:


Goal 1:  Providing high-quality mobility options that enable people to spend less time traveling by widening the freeway; providing additional capacity, and including HOV lanes to encourage carpooling and improve transit efficiency;


Goals 4 and 5:  Transforming LA County through regional collaboration with Caltrans and the Corridor Cities by contributing funds and providing resources to assist Caltrans in completion of these projects.





The Board may choose not to approve the staff’s recommendations. However, this disapproval would result in cost increase and schedule delay.





Upon Board's approval of the recommended actions, Metro staff will authorize payment to the contractor.




Prepared by:                      Victor Gau, Director of Engineering, Highway Program (213) 922-3031

Abdollah Ansari, Senior Executive Officer, Highway Program (213) 922-4781

Bryan Pennington, Deputy Chief Program Management Officer (213) 922-7449




Reviewed by:                      Richard F. Clarke, Chief Program Management Officer (213) 922-7557