MARCH 23, 2017
A. APPROVING the recommended Alternative 2 with six Regional Rail run-through tracks and two High Speed Rail run-through tracks (also referred to as “6+2 Run Through Tracks” Alternative) to be carried forward in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Draft Environment Impact Statement (EIS) and continue to evaluate Alternatives 1, 3 and 4 as reasonable alternatives in the Draft EIR/EIS;
B. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to execute Modification No. 4 to Contract No. PS2415-3172, with HDR Engineering, Inc., for Link Union Station (Link US) to provide advanced engineering for the run-through tracks and environmental and preliminary engineering services for the expansion of Link US to connect the Link US project with Patsaouras Transit Plaza to the east and the historic Union Station to the west, increasing the total contract value by $13,761,273, from $48,279,357 to a not to exceed amount of $62,040,630;
C. AUTHORIZING the CEO to increase Contract Modification Authority (CMA) in the amount of $1,376,127, increasing the total CMA amount from $2,980,588 to $4,356,715;
D. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer to execute a funding agreement with California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) in the amount of $3,726,102 for project development work related to Contract Modification No. 4; and
E. APPROVING an amendment to increase the FY17 fiscal year budget in the amount of $9,200,000 for the LINK US Project in Cost Center 2145.
Staff is seeking approval from the Board on the recommended “6+2 Run Through Tracks” Alternative to be carried forward in the Draft EIR/EIS, while continuing to evaluate three other reasonable alternatives in the document. In addition, since the Los Angeles Union Station Master Plan (USMP) has changed direction, staff is expanding the scope of work to include environmental and preliminary engineering design for connectivity to Patsaouras Bus Plaza and historic LAUS terminal along with additional scope on advanced engineering design for the US 101 rail structure or commonly referred to as the “run-through” tracks. With the Board’s approval of the recommended actions, it will enable staff to complete the environmental clearance and preliminary engineering studies enabling the project to be “shovel ready” and competitive for federal and state grants.
Staff is seeking approval of the recommended Alternative 2 to be carried forward in the environmental document and preliminary engineering only while continuing to evaluate all three alternatives during environmental process. Once funding for the project has been determined and further value engineering refinement has been performed, staff intends to return to the Board to seek approval of the project to be carried forward in design and construction.
In April 2014, the Board authorized staff to execute Contact No. PS2415-3172 to HDR Engineering, Inc. for the Link Union Station Project, formerly known as Southern California Regional Interconnector Project (SCRIP). In October 2015, the Board approved the expansion of SCRIP to include the USMP passenger concourse and accommodate a HSR system in LAUS. In March 2016, the Board approved Contract Modification No. 3 to Contract No. PS2415-3172 for SCRIP with HDR Engineering, Inc. to provide environmental and preliminary engineering services for the expansion of SCRIP to include the USMP passenger concourse and accommodate high-speed rail (HSR).
US 101 Run-through Tracks
Since then, staff has been coordinating regularly with Caltrans on the project development activities. Based on Caltrans’s recommendations, staff is proposing to advance the design of the proposed integrated rail structure over the US 101 to 100% level to reduce the risks of schedule delays and cost overruns in later phases of the project. The proposed rail structure over US 101 is geometrically constrained since the columns of the rail structure must land in the existing center median of the US 101 Freeway. Additionally the rail structure is further constrained by US 101 because the freeway in this segment cannot be physically widened and the existing on-ramps and off-ramps on the northbound and southbound directions must remain at its current location. Due to the limited and constrained area over the US 101 Freeway, the design of the proposed rail structure to accommodate HSR need to be advanced at 100% design level within the Caltrans right of way. The integrated design approach is able to allow phasing of the construction of the HSR structure. The remaining portion of the run-through track structure outside of Caltrans right of way will remain at 35% preliminary engineering design level for HSR and 65% preliminary engineering design level for regional rail.
Connectivity to Patsouras Bus Plaza and LAUS
The current scope of work that was approved by the Board in March 2016 included the USMP and assumed that the Program-level EIR of the USMP would be prepared concurrently with the Project-level Link US EIR/EIS. The USMP included the connections to the Patsaouras Transit Plaza, baggage handling building and the historic Union Station. The USMP together with the Link US project provided a complete plan for Union Station. In early November 2016, Metro Planning staff provided an update to the Board on the USMP with recommended changes to the approach to redevelopment of LAUS. In particular, Metro Planning staff recommended forgoing a Program-level clearance for the USMP and narrowing a Project-level clearance to the LAUS forecourt improvements. As a result, the Link US project-level EIR/EIS will need to be expanded to include additional environmental and preliminary engineering studies to connect the new expanded passenger concourse to Patsaouras Transit Plaza and the historic Union Station. Attachment D compares the study areas included in Contract Modifications No.3 and No.4.
With the recommended actions, CHSRA has financially contributed a total of approximately $18,726,102 million for the environmental and preliminary engineering studies of the Link US project in order to cover project development costs related to high-speed rail. Further, staff is currently negotiating with CHSRA for their share of final design and construction costs for the Link US project and anticipates returning to the Board with a funding plan to advance the project by June 2017. As with the project development costs, Metro would not be responsible for additional costs to integrate high-speed rail into the Link US project. The first CHSRA contributions to Link US project would be made by using a portion of the $500 million appropriated for early action projects in Southern California by State Senate Bill 1029 (refer to Attachment G, Letter from the Office of the Governor). Track and service improvements, including the “run-through tracks” at LAUS are currently the number one regional priority for the use of these funds.
The project development plan will reflect an integrated approach that accommodates phasing in high-speed rail over time. The final design and corresponding construction costs will directly match CHSRA's total contribution to the Link US project so that Metro does not incur any costs related to high speed rail. In the short term project features will be designed to accommodate future phases, but will be built and used by existing service providers until such a time as the final phases of high-speed rail service to LAUS are completed. This funding will lay out CHSRA contributions to a phased, integrated Link US project that allows immediate joint work to begin to improve passenger rail service in the short term. Concurrent to these discussions, CHSRA is in the process of purchasing properties at 718 and 728 East Commercial Street, which encompass more than two acres of the land required for the run-through track structure across the US 101 from Union Station. The purchase is in negotiations now, so the price is not available.
Finally, all the HSR project components in Link US are being designed with independent utility so that when complete all tracks and infrastructure can be fully utilized by Metrolink, Pacific Surfliner, and Amtrak until HSR reaches LAUS. If HSR plans do not move forward, and Metro chooses to change the scope of the project because the CHSRA plans are not advancing, CHSRA will be responsible for actual costs incurred including without limitation any and all costs due in connection with reducing the scope items added to accommodate HSR.
Project Description
LAUS is one of the largest transportation hubs in Southern California with Metro Rail (Red Line, Purple Line and Gold Line), Metro Bus (Rapid, Local and Limited, Express and Silver) including other municipal bus providers (Flyaway, Foothill Transit, Santa Clarita, etc.) and the largest railroad passenger terminal in Western United States with Amtrak and Metrolink. Currently, there are approximately 110,000 passengers traveling through LAUS each weekday. The existing 28-foot-wide passage way in LAUS is at capacity in peak hours. With the passage of Measure M and future transit projects, Metro anticipates doubling the demand on existing and planned modes of transportation utilizing LAUS, including the completion of the Metro Crenshaw/LAX, Regional Connector, Gold Line Phase 2B, West Santa Ana Branch, and Purple Line Extensions Sections 1, 2 and 3 by 2040 will result in over 220,000 passengers traveling through LAUS each weekday. Significant upgrades in passenger circulation and capacity at LAUS would be required to accommodate the anticipated growth in transit ridership. In addition, the existing throat, rail yard and passenger concourse also significantly constrain Metro’s ability to accommodate future increase in commuter rail service (such as Metrolink, Amtrak Pacific Surfliner and long distance trains) and future HSR service.
The Link US project would transform Los Angeles Union Station (LAUS) into a world-class transit station and change LAUS from a “stub-end tracks station” to a “run-through tracks station.” Link US would result in increased operational capacity for Metrolink and Amtrak rail service from Control Point (CP) Chavez to the north (near North Main Street) to CP Olympic to the south (near the Interstate 10/State Route 60/US-101 interchange), and increased capacity for passengers within the new expanded multi-modal passenger concourse. Link US would enhance local, regional and state connectivity by optimizing the connections among all modes of transportation at LAUS including bus, light rail, subway, commuter rail, high speed rail and active transportation. These benefits will be grouped by modes throughout the design document to maximize eligible fund sources contributing to the design and to capture related data for the improvements.
As the focal point of commuter rail travel in Southern California, LAUS serves an average 178 passenger trains each weekday, consisting of 140 Metrolink commuter trains and 38 Amtrak Pacific Surfliner and long distance trains. LAUS is the main stop on the Amtrak Pacific Surfliner, which is the second busiest Amtrak intercity service nationwide.
Major rail and passenger improvements include:
1. Throat and Elevated Rail Yard - New track and subgrade improvements would increase the elevation of the tracks leading to LAUS known as the “throat” and an elevated rail yard including seven new passenger platforms and canopies, accommodating Metro Gold Line, Metrolink, Amtrak Pacific Surfliner and long-distance service, and potentially California High-Speed Rail (HSR) service and West Santa Ana Transit Corridor.
2. Run-Through Tracks - Up to ten run-through tracks would be constructed with a new viaduct structure over US-101 that extends run-through tracks for Metrolink and Amtrak (referred to thereafter as Regional Rail) and potentially HSR services south along the west bank of the Los Angeles River, and a separate viaduct structure for a loop track turning north to Keller Yard for Regional Rail trains.
3. New Multi-Modal Passenger Concourse - The new passenger concourse would enhance Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility at LAUS and include new vertical circulation elements (stairs, escalators, and elevators) for passengers between the elevated platforms (including the Gold Line, Regional Rail and HSR platforms) and the new passenger concourse under the rail yard. The passenger concourse would contain up to 600,000 square feet (passenger circulation and waiting areas, passenger support functions and retail amenities, and building functional support areas), including up to 100,000 square feet of transit-serving retail amenities, to meet the demands of a multi-modal world class transit station.
Other transit improvements include:
1. U.S. 101 Freeway Improvements - Several existing non-standard design features (including curve radius, sight distance, lane and shoulder widths, and deceleration distance) on northbound U.S. 101, northbound off-ramp to Alameda Street, and southbound on and off-ramps to and from Commercial Street would be eliminated or improved. The modifications to U.S. 101 would be needed to accommodate the proposed run-through track viaduct and the associated bridge columns.
2. Local/Arterial Roadway Improvements - Center Street would be widened and upgraded to include bike lanes between U.S. 101 and Ducommun Street in accordance with the Connect US Action Plan. Commercial Street would be widened and upgraded between Garey Street and Center Street to meet City of Los Angeles street classification standards.
3. Active Transportation Improvements - Active transportation connections from LAUS to the Los Angeles River and the surrounding neighborhoods via the proposed run-through tracks viaduct structure are being evaluated and could be potentially accommodated.
The Link US project is currently estimated to cost a total of $2.75 billion in the year of expenditure (YOE) dollars. Staff is continuing to apply value engineering methods to further reduce the costs of the project to $2 billion or less using an integrated approach that accommodates phasing in high-speed rail over time. The final design and corresponding construction costs will directly match CHSRA's total contribution to the Link US project so that Metro does not incur any costs related to high speed rail.
To date, project development activities for environmental and preliminary engineering have been funded through a combination of Measure R 3% and CHSRA contributions. CHSRA is committed to using majority of the $500 million appropriated for early action projects in Southern California by State Senate Bill 1029 as their initial investment for final design and construction of the Link US project (refer to Attachment G, Letter from the Office of the Governor).
Since all capital improvements in LAUS rail yard are all share costs by the operators, staff will be working with Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRRA), LOSSAN and Amtrak, for funding up to $200 million or more. Staff is exploring different mechanisms for SCRRA and Los Angeles - San Diego - San Luis Obispo (LOSSAN) Rail Corridor Agency and Amtrak financial participation in the Link US project. Furthermore, to bridge the gap, staff is pursuing a comprehensive Federal, State, and regional funding strategy, with targeted contribution amounts from Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) discretionary grants, Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Capital Investment Grant New Starts and/or Core Capacity programs, Proposition 1A bond funds and/or the 25% ongoing Cap and Trade allocation to High Speed Rail, and Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) grants. Staff is also pursuing private public partnership opportunities.
In addition to securing major contributions from our Federal, State, and regional partners, staff will pursue innovative financing options to deliver Link US in the most cost-effective manner possible. Accordingly, Metro is investigating the potential for Link US to qualify for an Emerging Projects Agreement (EmPA) under a newly-initiated program from the US DOT Build America Bureau. An EmPA will allow Metro to benefit from enhanced technical assistance in seeking federal financing assistance for the project through either a Transportation Infrastructure Financing Innovation Act (TIFIA) or Railroad Rehabilitation & Improvement Financing (RRIF) loan. As a multimodal transit and commuter facility, Link US qualifies for both loan programs.
Metro could leverage non-federal funding sources secured for Link US through a TIFIA or RRIF loan. Eligible sources of loan repayment include multiple Metro sales tax expenditure categories, such as Measure R 3% Regional Rail, Measure M 1% Regional Rail, and Measure M 2% System-wide Transit Connectivity Projects. These expenditure categories are forecast to generate over $4.3 billion YOE from FY 2018 through FY 2057, according to the revenue forecasts prepared for the Draft Potential Ballot Measure Expenditure Plan.
Community Outreach/Stakeholder Coordination
In June 2016, the environmental process for the Link US Project began with a public scoping meeting during the Notice of Intent (NOI) and Notice of Preparation (NOP) comment periods. Metro staff and project team conducted outreach to key community groups, agencies, elected officials and stakeholders. A comprehensive public outreach plan was developed and implemented, resulting in over 40 project briefings to stakeholders to date. A Community Update Meeting was held on November 15, 2016 to provide an update on the project, present the four build alternatives carried forward in the Draft EIR/EIS, and obtain feedback from members of the public. The most common feedback received is summarized below:
• Minimize traffic impacts during construction;
• Lack of funding for construction may result in delay of project completion;
• Make job opportunities available to local communities;
• Minimize noise impacts during construction (temporary) and after project completion (permanent);
• Avoid disproportionate impacts to disadvantaged communities;
• Incorporate art and aesthetics early in the design of the project;
• Historic and cultural characteristics of the study area should be preserved.
All stakeholder agencies (e.g., Metrolink, California High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA), Caltrans, Amtrak, City of Los Angeles), interested agencies, and members of the public (including the Chinatown, Boyle Heights, Lincoln Heights, Arts District, Little Tokyo neighborhoods) were invited to provide feedback on the four EIR/EIS Build Alternatives. A community meeting was also held on November 15, 2016 to present the four EIR/EIS Build Alternatives to obtain feedback. Staff has taken all public feedback into consideration in the recommendation on the proposed alternative to be carried forward in the Draft EIR/EIS.
Alternatives Analysis
A total of 74 alternatives were developed to meet the project goals and objectives. A two-step alternative screening process, course-level and fine-level screening, was implemented to advance four alternatives of the total 74 into the EIR/EIS analysis. All four alternatives included the following elements:
• A new expanded passenger concourse that will include new vertical circulation elements (stairs, escalators, and elevators) and up to 600,000 square feet (passenger circulation and waiting areas, passenger support functions and retail amenities, and building functional support areas) including up to 100,000 square feet of transit serving retail amenities to meet the demands of a multi-modal transit station;
• Run-through tracks extending from an elevated rail yard with a new viaduct or viaducts over US 101 to accommodate the new expanded passenger concourse and vertical clearance requirements over the El Monte Busway and US 101;
• Incorporation of a loop track;
Three of the four alternatives include potential accommodation for the planned HSR system within the limits of the Project. Below is a more detailed description of the four build alternatives to be carried forward in the Draft EIR/EIS. Attachment E provides a graphical representation of each of the four build alternatives.
Alternative 1: Six Regional Rail run-through tracks and four HSR run-through tracks (Integrated)
Alternative 1 includes six Regional Rail run-through tracks and four HSR run-through tracks extending south of LAUS over US-101. The four HSR run-through tracks and two associated platforms are designed to also be used by LOSSAN/Amtrak’s Pacific Surfliner. The new expanded passenger concourse will include HSR-related elements and the throat will be reconstructed. Other improvements include the permanent realignment of the Gold Line north of LAUS. In addition, portions of Commercial Street and Center Street, and the intersection of Center Street at Commercial Street, will be lowered to accommodate the proposed viaduct, an elevated rail bridge that supports the run-through tracks over Commercial Street. Alternative 1 has the largest environmental study limits compared to the other three alternatives.
Alternative 2: Six Regional Rail run-through tracks and two HSR run-through tracks (Integrated Design and Phased Construction)
Alternative 2 includes six Regional Rail run-through tracks and two HSR run-through tracks extending south of LAUS. The two HSR run-through tracks and the associated platform are designed to also be used by LOSSAN/Amtrak’s Pacific Surfliner. Alternative 2 includes similar improvements as Alternative 1 at the throat and rail yard, new passenger concourse, and Commercial Street and Center Street. The key differences between Alternatives 1 and 2 are related to the distribution of platforms at the rail yard (Regional Rail and HSR) and the number of run-through tracks proposed to extend south of LAUS. This alternative will look into feasibility of accommodating the West Santa Ana Branch Light Rail Line on platform level.
Alternative 2 includes an integrated design and phased construction for six regional rail run-through tracks and two HSR run-through tracks. The phased construction approach will accommodate HSR-related infrastructure to be built at a later date, when funding is available. The physical area for the planned HSR system and related infrastructure may include a HSR double deck platform with two run-through tracks as the maximum limits of construction. The tracks and platforms constructed would be limited to the Regional Rail infrastructure, but the maximum limits of construction would include the subsequent modification and extension of the dedicated HSR double deck platforms and two tracks as required for the planned HSR system.
Alternative 3: Six Regional Rail run-through tracks and four HSR run-through tracks (Phased)
Similar to Alternative 1, Alternative 3 includes six Regional Rail run-through tracks and four HSR run-through tracks extending south of LAUS, but Alternative 3 would involve the implementation of a phased construction approach to accommodate HSR-related infrastructure. As part of Alternative 3, the physical area for the planned HSR system and related infrastructure is accommodated within the maximum limits of construction; however, HSR-related infrastructure would not be constructed by Metro concurrent with Link US Regional Rail infrastructure. The tracks and platforms constructed would be limited to the Regional Rail infrastructure, but the maximum limits of construction would include the subsequent modification and extension of the two dedicated HSR platforms and four tracks as required for the planned HSR system.
Alternative 4: Six Regional Rail run-through tracks and no HSR run-through tracks
Alternative 4 assumes HSR’s Burbank to Los Angeles and Los Angeles to Anaheim project sections do not utilize LAUS. Alternative 4 includes six Regional Rail run-through tracks extending south of LAUS over US-101. This alternative will look into feasibility of accommodating the West Santa Ana Branch Light Rail Line on platform level. The new expanded passenger concourse would not include HSR related elements and the throat would not be realigned and reconstructed. Similar improvements at Commercial Street and Center Street would also be included to accommodate the proposed viaduct.
A numeric evaluation score was assigned to each alternative to compare the performance of each. Alternative 1 received the highest score and therefore was considered the highest performing alternative. Alternatives 2 and 3 were also amongst the highest ranked alternatives with at least six regional rail run-through tracks. Alternative 4 is being recommended for further evaluation as part of the EIS/EIR process in the event that HSR does not elect to utilize LAUS as a station location. This potential circumstance is possible and therefore this alternative is considered to be reasonable.
Third Party Costs
Third party costs for Link US were not included in previous Board actions. As the preliminary engineering and environmental work is underway, third party costs have been identified and determined to be necessary. In addition, Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRRA) requested funding to cover efforts in attendance at meetings, reviewing and commenting on technical reports, environmental studies, conceptual and preliminary design drawings to ensure compliance with SCRRA standards and specification, providing data and inputs for rail modeling including SCRRA’s operational and maintenance requirements, providing flagging services for access to the right-of-way, and providing support for community outreach activities, etc. Additional third party costs have been identified from Caltrans, the City of Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering (BOE), Department of Transportation (DOT), Department of Water and Power (DWP), and other agencies and utility companies. This additional third party cost is in amount of $3 million and will cover the entire preliminary engineering and environmental certification phase of the Link US Project.
Other anticipated costs of up to $1 million include additional real estate and legal support, sampling, testing and disposal of soils from subsurface geotechnical, utility and environmental investigations to support the preliminary engineering and environmental studies. Refer to Attachment F-Third Party Costs.
The project is being designed in accordance with Metrolink and Metro standards, federal requirements, and state requirements and will be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. There are no pedestrian crossings of the proposed tracks so no safety impacts are expected.
The total project cost to complete the Preliminary Engineering and Environmental Certification phase of the Link US project is $70,398,000, as follows (refer to Attachment F for sources and uses of funds):
Preliminary Engineering and Environmental Certification |
$ 66,397,345 (including Contract Modification Authority amount of $4,356,715) |
Third Party Costs |
$ 3,000,000 |
Other Anticipated Costs |
$ 1,000,000 |
$ 70,397,345 (round to $70,398,000) |
A total of $37.7 million has been programmed and approved to-date, consisting of $19 million of Measure R 3% funds programmed in prior board actions, and $18.7 million committed by the CHSRA, up to $15 million for project development work related to the previously approved Contract Modification No. 3 and up to $3.7 million for project development work related to Contract Modification No. 4.
Staff is utilizing the work of the consultant to identify each mode of transit affected by the expansion and capacity improvements of an improved Los Angeles Union Station in order to identify additional or alternative funding sources including all eligible Federal, State or other Local funding. An additional $32.7 million in funding will be required in order to complete the environmental and design phase of this project.
The cash flow for the Link US Project is anticipated to be as follows:
Project |
Expenditure from prior years |
FY 17 |
FY 18 |
FY 19 |
Link Union Station |
$14,793,000 |
$18,500,000 |
$27,500,000 |
$9,605,000 |
$70,398,000 |
The amount of $9.3 million for these services is included in the FY17 budget for cost center 2415 Regional Rail under SCRIP 460089. For the fiscal year to-date, the project has incurred $6.4 million in expenditures and pending invoices are in an amount of $2.8 million. Staff is requesting to amend the FY 17 budget an additional $9.2 million to cover pending invoices and other anticipated costs through the end of the FY 17. Since this is a multi-year project, the Chief Program Management Officer, Program Management and Senior Executive Officer, Program Management/Regional Rail will be accountable for budgeting the costs in future years.
Impact to Budget
The source of funds for the requested amendment consist of previously approved and programmed Measure R3% funds and CHSRA funds discussed above. Measure R 3% Metrolink Commuter Rail Capital Improvements and CHSRA funds are not eligible for Metro bus/rail operating or capital budget expenses.
An alternative could be not to execute Contract Modification No. 4 and third party agreements and not advance the Link US Project. However, this will not increase the commuter and intercity rail capacity at LAUS causing significant delays and operational challenges.
The Board could elect to proceed with the Link US Project without expanding the project limits to connect the proposed passenger concourse with the Patsoauras Transit Plaza and the historic Union Station. The expansion of the passenger concourse and rail yard will likely create bottlenecks in pedestrian circulation at the existing passageway to the historic station and the east portal, which could also lead to potential safety concerns during peak periods and emergency situations. In addition, this would not provide for opportunities for transit optimization and future commercial developments at LAUS.
With this Board approval, staff will begin preliminary engineering of the recommended alternative and continue to develop the draft EIR/S. Staff anticipates returning to the Board for a full funding agreement with CHSRA by June 2017. Staff anticipates public circulation of the draft EIR/S document in Summer 2017.
Attachment A - Procurement Summary
Attachment B - Contract Modification/Change Order Log
Attachment C - DEOD Summary
Attachment D - Comparison between Contract Modifications #3 and #4 Study Areas
Attachment E - EIR/EIS Build Alternatives
Attachment F - Third Party Costs & Sources and Uses of Funds
Attachment G - Letter from the Office of the Governor
Prepared by:
Vincent Chio, P.E., Senior Engineer, Program Management, (213) 922-7597
Jeanet Owens, P.E., Senior Executive Officer, Program Management, (213) 922-6877
Reviewed by:
Richard Clarke, Chief Program Management Officer, (213) 922-7557
Debra Avila, Chief Vendor/Contract Management Officer, (213) 418-3051
Nalini Ahuja, Chief Financial Officer, (213)922-3088