JUNE 15, 2017
A. Emilie Elias, the recommended nominee for Retired Federal or State judge;
B. Carlos Bohorquez, the recommended nominee for Professional from the field of municipal/public finance and/or budgeting with a minimum of ten (10) years of relevant experience;
C. Ryan Campbell, the recommended nominee for Professional with a minimum of ten (10) years of experience in management and administration of financial policies, performance measurements, and reviews;
D. Scott Hood, the recommended nominee for Professional with a minimum of ten (10) years of experience in management and administration of financial policies, performance measurements, and reviews;
E. Kyungwoo Kris Kim, the recommended nominee for Professional with demonstrated experience of ten (10) years or more in the management of large-scale construction projects;
F. Virginia Tanzmann, the recommended nominee for Licensed architect or engineer with appropriate credentials in the field of transportation project design or construction and a minimum of ten (10) years of relevant experience; and
G. Linda Briskman, the recommended nominee for Regional association of business representative with at least ten (10) years of senior-level decision making experience in the private sector.
The Measure M Ordinance approved by voters in November 2016 requires the establishment of a Measure M Independent Taxpayer Oversight Committee of Metro (“Committee”) to provide an enhanced level of accountability for expenditures of sales tax revenues made under the Expenditure Plan. The Committee shall carry out the responsibilities laid out in the Ordinance and will play a valuable and constructive role in the ongoing improvement and enhancement of project delivery contemplated under the Measure M Ordinance.
The Measure M Ordinance requires the establishment of the Measure M Independent Taxpayer Oversight Committee (“Committee”) comprised of seven members representing the following areas of expertise:
A. A retired Federal or State judge;
B. A professional from the field of municipal/public finance and/or budgeting with a minimum of ten (10) years of relevant experience;
C. A transit professional with a minimum of ten (10) years of experience in senior-level decision making in transit operations and labor practices;
D. A professional with a minimum of ten (10) years of experience in management and administration of financial policies, performance measurements, and reviews;
E. A professional with demonstrated experience of ten (10) years or more in the management of large-scale construction projects;
F. A licensed architect or engineer with appropriate credentials in the field of transportation project design or construction and a minimum of ten (10) years of relevant experience; and
G. A regional association of business representative with at least ten (10) years of senior-level decision making experience in the private sector.
The Measure M Ordinance states that the Selection Panel consisting of Metro’s Board Chair, Vice Chair, and second Vice Chair or their designees shall select for approval the Committee Members. The Selection Panel will develop guidelines to solicit, collect, and review applications of potential candidates for membership on the Committee. In accordance with the Selection Panel’s guidelines, Metro developed a Communication Plan to promote the solicitation of applicants for the committee. As part of the extensive outreach to solicit applications, Metro sent letters to over 718 recipients including elected officials and city managers of 88 cities within Los Angeles County, Board of Supervisors offices, Councils of Governments, Federal and State Delegation, associations that represent professions identified for the Committee, business organizations and other stakeholders. Additionally, news releases were disseminated to targeted publications, stories were posted on Metro’s blogs and a short video was produced and shown on various social media channels. To collect the applications, Metro opened an online application process which ran from January 27, 2017 through April 18, 2017 using Metro’s dedicated website for Measure M. Also, one-on-one meetings and legislative briefings were held with state and federal elected officials and staff to keep them apprised of the application process.
This report summarizes the results of the online application process.
The total number of applicants who submitted completed applications was 20. However, since some applicants applied for more than one area of expertise, a total of 26 applications were received in the following areas of expertise:
Total |
Areas of Expertise |
1 |
A. Retired Federal or State judge |
1 |
B. Professional from the field of municipal/public finance and/or budgeting with a minimum of ten (10) years of relevant experience |
3 |
C. Transit professional with a minimum of ten (10) years of experience in senior-level decision making in transit operations and labor practices |
12 |
D. Professional with a minimum of ten (10) years of experience in management and administration of financial policies, performance measurements, and reviews |
3 |
E. Professional with demonstrated experience of ten (10) years or more in the management of large-scale construction projects |
2 |
F. Licensed architect or engineer with appropriate credentials in the field of transportation project design or construction and a minimum of ten (10) years of relevant experience |
4 |
G. Regional association of business representative with at least ten (10) years of senior-level decision making experience in the private sector |
26 |
Total Applications |
In accordance with the restrictions set forth in the Ordinance, two of the 26 applications were ineligible because the applicants are considered public officeholders. Per the Ordinance, the intent is to have one member representing each of the specified areas of expertise. However, if after a good faith effort, qualified individuals have not been identified for one or more of the areas of expertise, then no more than two members from one or more of the remaining areas of expertise may be selected. The Selection Panel was not able to identify a qualified individual that would meet Area C. Transit professional with a minimum of ten (10) years of experience in senior-level decision making in transit operations and labor practices. Therefore, the Selection Panel selected two applicants from Area D. Professional with a minimum of ten (10) years of experience in management and administration of financial policies, performance measurements, and reviews.
Approval of this item will not negatively impact the safety of Metro’s patrons or employees.
Approving the recommended action brings no financial impact to the agency.
One option would be to not approve the recommended members for the Committee and re-solicit applications. This is not recommended since any further delay in the establishment of the Committee may impact the Committee’s ability to provide adequate review and approval of the scope of work of the auditors.
Upon approval of the Committee members staff will schedule an orientation session for the Committee.
Attachment A - Committee Membership Requirements
Attachment B - Selection Panel Guidelines
Attachment C - Communication Plan
Prepared by: Diana Estrada, Chief Auditor, (213) 922-2161
Reviewed by: Stephanie Wiggins, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, (213) 922-1023