Oral Report / Presentation
On agenda:
Final action:
RECEIVE oral report by the Program Management Chief Officer.
Board approved Life-of-Project Budget, Budgeting, Construction, Contracts, Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor Project, Design build, Division 16, Excavation and tunneling, Full Funding Grant Agreement, Historic Broadway Station, Leimert Park Station, Los Angeles International Airport, Metro Blue Line, Metro Crenshaw Line, Metro Exposition Line, Metro Gold Line, Metro Green Line, Metro Purple Line, Metro Rail A Line, Metro Rail C Line, Metro Rail D Line, Metro Rail E Line, Metro Rail K Line, Metro Rail L Line, Metro Vision 2028 Plan, Mitigation, Oral Report / Presentation, Patsaouras Plaza Busway Station, Pilot studies, Program management, Project management, Regional Connector Transit Corridor Project, Station operations, Struts, Twenty-eight by '28 Initiative, Westside Subway Extension/Purple Line Extension Phase 1, Westside Subway Extension/Purple Line Extension Phase 2
MAY 18, 2017
RECEIVE oral report by the Program Management Chief Officer.
A. Update report covering the month of May 2017 by the Program Management Chief Officer; and
B. At the January 2017 meeting, the Board authorized a one-year pilot program authorizing the CEO to negotiate and execute project-related agreements, including contract modification(s) up to the authorized Life of Project budget, to streamline project management of the four (4) major transit corridor projects (Crenshaw/LAX, Regional Connector, Westside Purple Line Extension Section 1 and 2 projects). In addition, staff was directed to provide monthly reports, that would include any pending project-related agreements, change orders/contract modifications and any significant changes to contingency.
Pursuant to the Board motion, staff has developed and begun reporting on cost contingency and contract change activity starting in the February 2017 Monthly Update to the Construction Committee. This new report includes a project cost contingency drawdown curve and allows the Board to see project-related and change activity. This report can be found in Attachment A.
At the conclusion of the one-year pilot program in January 2018, staff will report back to the Board on the time saved as result of this pilot program, and any lessons learned, and recommendations for the Board review and further direction.
Attachment A - Program Management Chief Officer’s Report - MAY 2017
Prepared by:
• Crenshaw/LAX - Charles Beauvoir, Deputy Executive Officer, Project Mgmt., (213) 299-3095
• Regional Connector - Gary Baker, Deputy Executive Officer, Project Mgmt., (213) 893-7191
• Westside Purple Line Ext 1 - James Cohen, DEO Project Mgmt., (213) 922-7911
• Westside Purple Line Ext 2 - Michael McKenna, EO Project Mgmt., (213) 312-3132
• Patsaouras Plaza Busway Station -Timothy Lindholm, EO Project Engr., (213) 922-7297
• Blue Line Projects - Sam Mayman, EO Project Engr., (213) 922-7289
• Presentation - Yohana Jonathan, Departmental System Analyst, (213) 922-7592