File #: 2024-1146   
Type: Informational Report Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 12/17/2024 In control: Operations, Safety, and Customer Experience Committee
On agenda: 3/20/2025 Final action:
Title: RECEIVE AND FILE a quarterly status report on Metro's Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC).
Sponsors: Finance, Budget and Audit Committee
Indexes: Accessibility, Informational Report, Law enforcement, Metro Transit Ambassadors, Outreach, Program, Public Safety Advisory Committee, Safety, Safety and security, Security, System safety, Transit safety
Attachments: 1. Presentation
Date Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsAudio
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MARCH 20, 2025






ACTION:                     RECEIVE AND FILE






RECEIVE AND FILE a quarterly status report on Metro’s Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC).




In June 2020, the Board directed the CEO to form an advisory committee to contribute to developing a community-based approach to public safety on the transit system. This Board report provides an update on the work of the Public Safety Advisory Committee from November 2024 through February 2025.





Metro established the first cohort of PSAC on April 7, 2021, with five objectives:


                     Advise on the development of a community-based approach to public safety.

                     Share input on the development of the multi-agency policing contract renewal.

                     Review the Customer Code of Conduct.

                     Provide feedback on Metro’s mission and value statements regarding public safety.

                     Guide the establishment of Metro’s Transit Ambassadors program.


After its 16-month tenure, the first cohort concluded on August 17, 2022. At the September 2022 Board meeting, the CEO recommended that the PSAC continue, and the Board approved the recommendation. The second cohort was established on February 25, 2023, and served for two years through February 2025. The third cohort began their term on February 6, 2025.


Executive Committee Members

The Cohort 2 Executive Committee, which ended on February 6, 2025, were:

                     Jeremy Oliver-Ronceros, Chair

                     Misty Wilks, Vice-Chair

                     Darryl Goodus, Secretary (termed out; now vacant)


Together with the Office of the CEO, in January 2025, the PSAC Executive Committee developed a workplan that aligns with its five objectives framing PSAC’s scope of work to enhance the customer experience by addressing safety and perceptions of safety on the system. The Executive Committee and staff together identified key projects, programs, and initiatives for the committee to review, evaluate, and/or help advance throughout the year. The PSAC Executive Committee meets with CEO Wiggins monthly to set PSAC’s monthly meeting agenda.




During the period of November 2024 through February 2025, agenda items included a presentation about Metro’s On the Move Riders Program, review and discussion of the Ad Hoc Committees’ Recommendations, and preparation for the transition of the Committee from Cohort 2 to Cohort 3.


In addition, PSAC also conducted Transit Community Public Safety Department (TCPSD) Community Listening Sessions, which concluded in November with presentations to several Metro advisory committees (Community Advisory Committee, Youth Council, Accessibility Advisory Committee, and the Aging Disability Transportation Network), Metro’s On the Move Riders Program participants, and BizFed.


Cohort 3

A new PSAC cohort (Cohort 3) of eighteen members (eight existing Cohort 2 members, seven new voting members, and three new alternates) was selected and installed due to the PSAC Bylaws’ term limits requiring eight existing members to be replaced annually.


After a thorough review of 431 applicants to serve on Cohort 3 of PSAC, the 20 top candidates interviewed with Metro staff, including CEO Wiggins, and seven voting members and three alternates were selected. Orientation of the new and returning members took place on January 25, 2025. At the orientation, CEO Wiggins welcomed PSAC new and returning members. Members were oriented on committee participation expectations, asked for input on how to improve committee processes, and received a thorough orientation on the Brown Act and Robert’s Rules of Order. 


The information on meetings during this reporting period is as follows:


November 2024 Meeting

The November meeting featured a staff presentation about Metro’s On the Move Riders Program. The presentation focused on:

                     Outreach activities and events

o                     Educational workshops

o                     Pop-Up events

o                     Annual Older Adult Transportation Expo

                     Seniors’ safety concerns while riding/using Metro - captured through surveys


A total of 10 recommendations for Ad Hoc Committees A (Alternatives to Fare Enforcement) and B (Equitable Fare Enforcement) were also presented at the November meeting. During the meeting, five passed, three were tabled and/or combined, and one did not pass:



                     Creating a social media campaign on the Code of Conduct

                     Fare pardoning for first time offenders after receiving citations

                     Supporting future expansions of the Go Pass Program to reduce fare citations for youth and improve perceptions of safety through less interactions with law enforcement

                     Allowing community service for first time offenders, and

                     Ensuring that fare enforcement does not put Metro Operators in harm’s way



                     One recommendation to move to fareless transit was tabled to January due to insufficient data at the time of request; staff subsequently sent a Board Report 2023-0760 with data showing the results of the fareless feasibility study. Since then, staff have reminded PSAC of their five objectives.

                     Two similar recommendations to increase the amount of Code of Conduct signage and improve readability by each committee were combined for better awareness of the Code of Conduct

                     One recommendation to consider unhoused riders’ financial status and those experiencing mental illness when enforcing fare collection was tabled for a vote in January


Did not pass:

                     One recommendation to upgrade video surveillance to better enforce the Code of Conduct did not pass.


December 2024 Meeting


There was no PSAC meeting during December as the committee is dark per its adopted bylaws.


January 2025 Meeting


The departure of PSAC Secretary Darryl Goodus and Committee member Florence Annang (part of the first cohort of PSAC) was acknowledged, as they officially termed out.


The meeting featured a brief but in-depth review of the PSAC Objectives by Chair Oliver-Ronceros, to remind and guide members during their decision making and voting process. Committee members also finalized voting on two recommendations from Ad Hoc Committees A (Alternatives to Fare Enforcement) and B (Equitable Fare Enforcement), that were pending from the November meeting, one of which had been tabled at the previous meeting (fareless transit), and the other (fare enforcement protocol) on which a motion had been made, but final vote not tallied. The fareless transit recommendation was not approved because as the idea evolved during the discussions, it became apparent that it was outside of the PSAC’s scope of work. The recommendation to support fare enforcement protocol that considers financial insecurity was approved and was forwarded to Metro staff for review prior to CEO review. All recommendations will now be reviewed and advanced to Metro CEO for consideration.


February 2025 Meeting


The February meeting featured the introduction and seating of the seven voting and three alternate Cohort 3 Committee members. Suggested revisions to the Bylaws were shared and updates discussed. Metro staff presented on Fare Gate Hardening. Questions arose about accessibility and making sure the new fare gates are accessible to people with disabilities. Overall, committee members responded positively to the presentation and look forward to the pilot implementation.



This Board action will not have an impact on safety standards for Metro.





PSAC plays a crucial role in addressing equity within the transportation system. Equity is a central consideration in the committee's decision-making processes, as it strives to ensure that all members of the community, especially those historically marginalized or underserved, have access to safe and reliable transportation options. The criteria for member selection has and continues to ensure racial, gender, and geographical equity, as well as ensuring committee spots for racial justice advocates, social service providers, and mental health practitioners, amongst other underrepresented voices. This was reflected in the recent new member selection and orientation that happened in January 2025. Through its commitment to inclusivity, community engagement, and data-driven approaches, the committee strives to create a transit environment that is safe, accessible, and equitable for all residents of Los Angeles County.





PSAC's work supports Metro’s Strategic Vision Goal #2, which is to deliver outstanding trip experiences for all transportation system users.

This quarterly update highlights PSAC’s important role in supporting Metro’s Equity Platform. For example, PSAC’s community engagement efforts to develop its recommendations for a potential new Transit Community Safety Department started with community listening sessions for all interested stakeholders to provide feedback about public safety in a safe space and allowed different perspectives to flourish. These efforts continued during November with outreach to Metro stakeholders and community councils. As previously shared in the last quarterly update, Ad Hoc Committee B recommendations incorporated the important perspective of equity in advising Metro on potential strategies for equitable fare enforcement. The Ad Hoc Committees have finished refining their recommendations and they will now be forwarded to staff to analyze their proposals and determine feasibility.


This goal outlines that the agency will specifically take action to improve security and ease of use by preventing crime and enforcing Metro’s code of conduct. Metro will rely on a multi-layered, integrated security program that includes technology, people, and partnerships to achieve a safe system. The PSAC is a key component to help reach this goal as the committee will work to safeguard the transit community by taking a holistic, equitable, and welcoming approach to public safety.


Vehicle_Miles_Traveled _Outcome


VMT and VMT per capita in Los Angeles County are lower than national averages, the lowest in the SCAG region, and on the lower end of VMT per capita statewide, with these declining VMT trends due in part to Metro’s significant investment in rail and bus transit.*  Metro’s Board-adopted VMT reduction targets align with California’s statewide climate goals, including achieving carbon neutrality by 2045. To ensure continued progress, all Board items are assessed for their potential impact on VMT.


As part of these ongoing efforts, this item is expected to contribute to further reductions in VMT. While this item does not directly encourage taking transit, sharing a ride, or using active transportation, it is a vital part of Metro operations, as it provides awareness, transparency, and support for the work of the PSAC-- an advisory body for LA Metro focused on customer experience and safety on our transit system. Because the Metro Board has adopted an agency-wide VMT Reduction Target, and this item supports the overall function of the agency, this item is consistent with the goals of reducing VMT.


*Based on population estimates from the United States Census and VMT estimates from Caltrans’ Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) data between 2001-2019.


The CEO will continue to meet with the PSAC Executive Committee monthly to ensure that the Board's priorities are met.



Prepared by: Allison Mannos, Senior Manager, Community Relations, (213) 522-9952

Patricia Soto, Director, Community Relations, (213) 922-7273

Lilian De Loza-Gutierrez, Executive Officer, (213) 922-7479

Yvette Rapose, Deputy Chief, Customer Experience, (213) 418-3154



Reviewed by: Jennifer Vides, Chief Customer Experience Officer, (213) 922-4060