JANUARY 15, 2025
1. programming of $9,874,631 within the capacity of Measure M Multi-Year Subregional Program (MSP) - Modal Connectivity and Complete Streets Projects and reprogramming of projects previously approved to meet the project schedules, as shown in Attachment A;
2. programming of $11,477,370 within the capacity of Measure M MSP - Transit Projects and reprogramming of projects previously approved to meet the project schedules, as shown in Attachment B;
3. inter-program borrowing and programming of $1,213,412 from the Subregion’s Measure M MSP - Modal Connectivity and Complete Streets Projects to the Measure M MSP - Highway Efficiency, Noise Mitigation and Arterial Projects and reprogramming of projects previously approved to meet the project schedule, as shown in Attachment C;
4. programming of $3,465,970 within the capacity of Measure M MSP - Subregional Equity Program, as shown in Attachment D; and
B. AUTHORIZING the CEO or their designee to negotiate and execute all necessary agreements and/or amendments for approved projects.
Measure M MSPs are included in the Measure M Expenditure Plan, attached to the Measure M Ordinance. All MSP funds are limited to capital projects. The update allows the Arroyo Verdugo Subregion and implementing agencies to approve new eligible projects for funding and revise the project scope of work, budgets, and schedules for previously funded projects.
This update includes changes to projects that previously received Board approvals and funding allocations for new projects. Funds are programmed through Fiscal Year (FY) 2027-28. The Board’s approval is required to update the project lists (Attachments A, B, C, and D), which serve as the basis for Metro to enter into agreements and/or amendments with the respective implementing agencies.
At its May 2019 meeting, the Board approved Arroyo Verdugo Subregion’s first MSP Five-Year Plan and programmed funds in 1) Modal Connectivity/Complete Streets (expenditure line 62); and 2) Transit (expenditure line 65) Programs. The Subregion also identified several priority projects that were eligible for the Active Transportation and Highway Efficiency/Noise Mitigation/Arterial Projects (expenditure lines 71 and 83 - funds scheduled to be available in 2033 and 2048, respectively) and elected to borrow from the Modal Connectivity/Complete Streets and Transit Programs to advance those projects. Since the first Plan, staff updated the Board in November 2020, September 2021, and January 2023.
Based on the amount provided in the Measure M Expenditure Plan, a total of $72.75 million was forecasted for programming from FY 2017-18 to FY 2027-28. Measure M MSP Lapsing Policy allows expending the funds within three years from the year the funds are programmed. In prior actions, the Metro Board approved programming of $42.26 million. Therefore, $30.49 million is available to the Subregion for programming as part of this update.
Staff worked closely with the Arroyo Verdugo Communities Joint Powers Authority (AVCJPA), its consultants, and the implementing agencies on project eligibility reviews of the proposed projects for this update. The jurisdictional requests are proposed by the cities and approved/forwarded by the subregion. In line with the Metro Board adopted guidelines and June 2022 Objectives for Multimodal Highways Investments, cities provide documentation demonstrating community support, project need, and multimodal transportation benefits that enhance safety, support traffic mobility, economic vitality, and enable a safer and well-maintained transportation system. Cities lead and prioritize all proposed transportation improvements, including procurement, the environmental process, outreach, final design, and construction. Each city and/or agency, independently and in coordination with the subregion undertakes their jurisdictionally determined community engagement process specific to the type of transportation improvement they seek to develop. These locally determined and prioritized projects represent the needs of cities. To date, $42.26 million has been programmed, of which $13.16 million has been expended.
During staff review, Metro required a detailed project scope of work to confirm project eligibility, reconfirm funding eligibility for those that request changes in the project scope of work, and establish the program nexus during project reviews, i.e. project location information and limits, length, elements, phases, total estimated expenses and funding request, schedules, etc. Final approval of funds for the projects shall be contingent upon the implementing agency demonstrating the eligibility of each project, as required in the Measure M Master Guidelines. Staff expect the collection of the project details in advance of Metro Board action to enable the timely execution of project Funding Agreements for approved projects. Additionally, all projects are subject to a close-out audit after completion, according to the Guidelines.
This report includes an inter-program borrowing of funds. This type of inter-program borrowing was approved in 2019, 2020, and 2023 for the Arroyo Verdugo Subregion and other Subregions in LA County. This is acceptable under the Metro Board-adopted Measure M Master Guidelines, as long as the projects meet the Measure M MSP funding eligibility, have consent from the affected subregion, and obtain Metro Board approval. In August 2024, the AVCJPA Board approved the inter-program borrowing.
This update includes funding adjustments for nine previously approved projects and six new projects. Attachments A, B, C, and D show the changes in project funding allocations since the last update to the Board. Three projects have been completed and are in the close-out audit process.
Modal Connectivity and Complete Streets Projects (expenditure line 62)
This update includes funding adjustments to two existing and five new projects as follows:
• Reprogram previously approved funds and program an additional $4,938,165 as follows: $1,876,827 from FY 25 to FY 26 and $4,938,165 in FY 27 for MM4101.08 - Honolulu Avenue Rehabilitation Project. The project improves pedestrian safety, installs new bicycle infrastructure and raised medians, and provides refuge islands for pedestrians and bicyclists crossing the wide roadway. The funds will be used to complete the Project’s Plan Specifications and Estimates (PS&E), and construction phases.
• Reprogram previously approved funds and program an additional $132,077 as follows: $237,923 in FY 25 and $732,077 from FY 25 to FY 27 for MM4101.09 - New Traffic Signals and Curb Extension at Sierra Bonita & Orange Grove. This project includes the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Sierra Bonita Avenue and Orange Grove Boulevard. The funds will be used to complete the Project’s PS&E, and construction phases.
• Program $1,204,389 as follows: $600,000 in FY 27 and $604,389 in FY 28 for MM4101.12 - Citywide Continental X-walk Project. This project provides for the systematic replacement of existing marked crosswalk striping with continental-style crosswalks citywide. The funds will be used to complete the Project’s PS&E, and construction phases.
• Program $1,200,000 as follows: $600,000 in FY 25 and $600,000 in FY 28 for MM4101.13 - Installation of Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons. This project provides for the installation of High-Intensity Activated Crosswalks (HAWKs) at two locations in the city. The funds will be used to complete the Project’s PS&E, and construction phases.
• Program $1,000,000 in FY 27 for MM4101.14 - Citywide Leading Pedestrian Interval. The project provides traffic signal enhancement to improve pedestrian safety, especially in areas with higher vehicle-pedestrian conflict. The funds will be used to complete the Project’s PS&E, and construction phases.
South Pasadena
• Program $900,000 in FY 26 for MM4101.15 - Mission Street- Pasadena Avenue to Arroyo Intersection Improvement Project. This project improves the intersection of Mission Street between Pasadena Avenue and Arroyo Drive with multi-modal and safety improvements for all modes with bike lane connectivity, ADA-compliant ramps, expanded sidewalks, curb improvements, pedestrian access, and safety improvements with restriping. The funds will be used to complete the Project’s construction phase.
• Program $500,000 in FY 27 for MM4101.16 - Garfield/Monterey Traffic Signal & Bike Lane Project. The project seeks to improve the intersection of Garfield Avenue and Monterey Road with a new traffic signal, and bicycle lanes and bike route improvements along Garfield Avenue between Fair Oaks to Huntington Drive in accordance with the City's Bike Master Plan. The funds will be used to complete the Project’s construction phase.
Transit Projects (Expenditure Line 65)
This update includes funding adjustments to three existing projects as follows:
• Program an additional $4,818,966 in FY 28 for MM4102.07 - BurbankBus Zero Emission Bus Purchase. The funds will be used to purchase five battery electric 35-foot transit vehicles for BurbankBus to support the City’s plans for transit electrification. This project is receiving funds under the Transit and Subregional Equity Programs.
• Program an additional $3,879,850 in FY 28 for MM4102.08 - Electrification of Beeline Transit Fleet. The funds will be used to purchase nine battery-electric buses and chargers, to replace Beeline CNG buses that have reached their useful life with battery-electric buses. This project is receiving funds under the Transit and Subregional Equity Programs.
• Reprogram previously approved funds and program an additional $2,778,554 as follows: $700,000 in FY 20, $4,670,015 in FY 25, and $4,481,425 in FY 28 for MM4102.04 - Purchase Replacement Buses. The funds will be used for the purchase of replacement and expansion transit vehicles, as well as zero-emission transit vehicle infrastructure to support zero-emission vehicle transition for the City of Pasadena's fixed route and paratransit system.
Highway Efficiency, Noise Mitigation and Arterial Projects (Expenditure Line 83)
This update includes funding adjustments to one new project as follows:
Los Angeles County
• Program $1,213,412 as follows: $606,706 in FY 27 and $606,706 in FY 28 for MM5506.09 - I-210 Soundwalls: EB from La Crescenta Ave. to SB SR-2 Connector, an existing Measure R funded project (MR310.44). The project will construct soundwalls on the I-210 to provide a sound barrier from La Crescenta Avenue to State Route 2. The funds will be used to complete the Project’s construction phase.
Subregional Equity Program (Expenditure Line 68)
This update includes funding adjustments to four new projects as follows:
• Program $837,129 in FY 28 for MM4102.07 - BurbankBus Zero Emission Bus Purchase. The funds will be used to purchase five battery electric 35-foot transit vehicles for BurbankBus to support the City’s plans for transit electrification. This project is receiving funds under the Transit and Subregional Equity Programs.
• Program $1,531,825 in FY 28 for MM4102.08 - Electrification of Beeline Transit Fleet. The funds will be used to purchase nine battery-electric buses and chargers, to replace Beeline CNG buses that have reached their useful life with battery-electric buses. This project is receiving funds under the Transit and Subregional Equity Programs.
• Program $500,000 in FY 27 for the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program at Mountain St. & Raymond Ave. This project provides for the installation of traffic calming elements, including the reconfiguration of the intersection at Mountain Street and Raymond Avenue. The funds will be used to complete the Project’s PS&E, and construction phases.
• Program $597,016 in FY 27 for the Bus Stop Enhancement Program. This project aims to enhance public transit by installing new bus benches, amenities, and concrete paving at various bus stop locations throughout the city. The funds will be used to complete the Project’s construction phase.
Programming Measure M MSP funds to the Arroyo Verdugo Subregion projects will not have any adverse safety impact on Metro’s employees or patrons.
In FY 25, $15.3 million is budgeted in Cost Center 0441 (subsidies budget - Planning) for the Active Transportation Program (Project #474401), $5.02 million is budgeted in Cost Center 0441 (subsidies budget - Planning) for the Transit Program (Project #474102), and $100,000 is budgeted in Cost Center 0442 (Highway Subsidies) for the Highway Efficiency Program (Project #475506). Upon approval of this action, staff will reallocate necessary funds to appropriate projects within Cost Centers 0441 and 0442. Since these are multi-year projects, Cost Centers 0441 and 0442 will be responsible for budgeting the cost in future years.
Impact to Budget
The source of funds for these projects are Measure M Highway Construction 17% and Measure M Transit Construction 35%. These fund sources are not eligible for Metro bus and rail operations expenses.
The Arroyo Verdugo Subregion consists of five cities and the adjacent unincorporated area of Crescenta Valley/Montrose within Los Angeles County. Six percent of census tracts are defined as Equity Focus Communities (EFCs) in the Subregion, and these are in Burbank, Glendale, and Pasadena.
The Subregion proposed modal connectivity and complete street projects have a range of potential equity benefits for non-drivers, including pedestrian safety improvements, crosswalks improvements, addressing ADA compliance issues, bicycle infrastructure improvements, and traffic calming implementations. Additionally, the Subregion proposed Transit Program projects include bus purchases/replacements, which enhance multimodal transportation options, particularly for EFC communities. The EFC communities have high rates of households without access to an automobile and rely on transit for their daily needs.
The recommendation supports the following goals of the Metro Vision 2028 Strategic Plan:
Goal 1: Provide high-quality mobility options that enable people to spend less time traveling by alleviating the current operational deficiencies and improving mobility along the projects.
Goal 4: Transform LA County through regional collaboration by partnering with the Council of Governments and the local jurisdictions to identify the needed improvements and take the lead in the development and implementation of their projects.
The Board could choose not to approve the additional programming of funds or scope of work and project schedule changes for the Measure M MSP projects for the Arroyo Verdugo Subregion. This is not recommended as the Subregion developed the proposed projects in accordance with the Measure M Ordinance, Guidelines, and Administrative Procedures, which may delay the development and delivery of projects.
Metro staff will continue to work with the subregion to identify and deliver projects. Funding Agreements will be executed with those who have funds programmed in FY 2024-25. Program/Project updates will be provided to the Board annually.
Attachment A - Modal Connectivity and Complete Streets Project List
Attachment B - Transit Project List
Attachment C - Highway Efficiency, Noise Mitigation and Arterial Project List
Attachment D - Subregional Equity Program Project List
Attachment E - Active Transportation Project List
Prepared by: Fanny Pan, Executive Officer, Countywide Planning & Development,
(213) 418-3433
Laurie Lombardi, Senior Executive Officer, Countywide Planning & Development, (213) 418-3251
Reviewed by: Ray Sosa, Chief Planning Officer, Countywide Planning & Development, (213) 547-4274