File #: 2024-1119   
Type: Policy Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 12/10/2024 In control: Ad Hoc 2028 Olympic & Paralympic Games Committee
On agenda: 1/15/2025 Final action:
Title: CONSIDER: A. RECEIVING AND FILING the 2028 Mobility Concept Plan (MCP) Implementation Report Interim Update; and B. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or their designee to negotiate and execute all necessary agreements for and/or amendments for acceptance and/or sub-granting of grant funding for the Mobility Wallet expansion up to the total amounts listed in the 2028 MCP for "Universal Basic Mobility Expansion Systemwide" - $40 million, and "Metro Universal Fare and Ticketing Integration Systemwide" - $30 million, pending receipt of grant funding.
Sponsors: Planning and Programming Committee
Indexes: 2028 Mobility Concept Plan, Accessibility, Budget, Budgeting, Central Los Angeles subregion, City of Los Angeles, Governance, Government funding, Grant Aid, Hilda Solis, Holly J. Mitchell, Housing, Inglewood, James Butts, Janice Hahn, Karen Bass, Lindsey Horvath, Memorandum Of Understanding, Metrolink, Motion / Motion Response, New Freedom Program, Olympic games, Outreach, Partnerships, Persons with disabilities, Policy, Program, Project, Project delivery, Regional transportation, San Fernando Valley subregion, South Bay Cities subregion, Southern California Association Of Governments, Strategic planning, United States Department Of Transportation, Westside Cities subregion
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Board Motion 2024-0995, 2. Attachment B - GME Surface Transportation Priority List, 3. Presentation
Date Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsAudio
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JANUARY 15, 2025














A.                     RECEIVING AND FILING the 2028 Mobility Concept Plan (MCP) Implementation Report Interim Update; and


B.                     AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or their designee to negotiate and execute all necessary agreements for and/or amendments for acceptance and/or sub-granting of grant funding for the Mobility Wallet expansion up to the total amounts listed in the 2028 MCP for “Universal Basic Mobility Expansion Systemwide” - $40 million, and “Metro Universal Fare and Ticketing Integration Systemwide” - $30 million, pending receipt of grant funding.





This is a progress report regarding planning efforts in anticipation of the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games (“the Games”), including the Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods (RCN) program, and the pursuit of state and federal funds to support the transportation infrastructure and operations needed for the region to support mobility during the Games. The updates provided in this report provide an interim update on Motion 2024-0995 by Directors Hahn, Horvath, Solis, Butts, and Bass, as amended by Horvath and Mitchell, Attachment A. 





Metro has worked with LA28, Caltrans, Metrolink, the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), the City of Los Angeles Mayor’s Office, and the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), a group collectively known as the Games Mobility Executives (GME), as well as venue cities and Councils of Governments, to develop the 2028 Mobility Concept Plan (MCP) approved by the Metro

Board in December 2022. Following an extensive agency stakeholder outreach process, Metro and the GME agencies identified a list of 15 priority MCP workstreams. The projects/programs under each workstream on the GME Surface Transportation Priority (GME STP) list (Attachment B) - presented at the June 2023 Board Meeting, either serve a specific Games delivery need (e.g., Games Enhance Transit Service) or are highly beneficial and supportive of the transport strategy for the Games (e.g., a network of bus-only lanes). Metro staff have updated the estimated costs for each workstream based on the project development work completed over the past year. These new costs are reflected in the project implementation plans.


In October 2024, Board Motion 8 by Directors Hahn, Horvath, Solis, Butts, and Bass, as amended by Horvath and Mitchell, directed the CEO to update plans with additional information on the GETS and regional preparations for the 2028 Games, organize a Transportation and Mobility Summit, with a report back at the April 2025 Ad Hoc 2028 Games Committee, with an interim update in January 2025. Director Horvath’s amendment directed Metro to provide an update in January 2025 regarding the MOU with LA28, roles and responsibilities, funding strategy, implementation schedule, and funding deadlines. Director Mitchell’s amendment directed Metro to engage key stakeholder groups to inform 2028 Games mobility planning to address the mobility needs of people with disabilities.





MCP Implementation Update/Motion 8 Response (interim update)

The following provides an update on the implementation of the 2028 MCP in response to (interim update) to Motion 8 from the October 2024 Special Board Meeting. Metro staff will provide a final response to Motion 8 in April 2025.

Overview of GME Role and Responsibilities and Subcommittee Assignments 

In December 2021, the City of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Organizing Committee for the 2028 Games (LA28) executed the Games Agreement. The Games Agreement set forth material terms of the relationship and roles/responsibilities between the City of Los Angeles and LA28, such as defining risk management, general parameters for reimbursement of enhanced city services, and youth sports commitment. Refer to Figure 1, which shows the governance around the 2028 Games.













Figure 1: 2028 Games Governance Structure

The Games Agreement briefly mentions mobility and directs the convening of the Games Mobility Executives consisting of key transportation partners (LA28, City of LA Mayor’s Office, Metro, Metrolink, Caltrans, LADOT, and SCAG). The purpose of the GME is to plan for mobility and transportation for the 2028 Games, including the following as defined by the Games Agreement: “detail on the Games Route Network, state and federal coordination, mobility hubs and depots, demand management, community engagement, communications planning, collaboration opportunities with Olympic marketing partners, and other related matters.”

Since the execution of the Games Agreement, the GME has met regularly with both the principals and staff members from each GME agency. The GME aligned on a preliminary set of roles and responsibilities using a Responsible, Accountable, Consult, and Inform (RACI) matrix regarding governance, planning, funding advocacy, project delivery, and Games transportation operations/delivery. The GME aligned on the priority workstreams to deliver for the 2028 Games and joint advocacy for funding based on the work and priorities identified in Metro’s 2028 Games Mobility Concept Plan (MCP) per Motion 42. Following the Paris 2024 Games, the GME designated lead agency and staff responsible for delivering priority workstreams and critical functional areas for the 2028 Games.

The table below identifies the GME subcommittees and lead agencies.


Each GME subcommittee has identified the subcommittee purpose, scope, members, timeline, roles and responsibilities, coordination needs with other workstreams, governance structure, communications plans, and 2025 goals. Metro will regularly report to the Board regarding key milestones, accomplishments, risks, issues, and progress for each of the six Metro-led subcommittees.

Overview of Interagency and Stakeholder Coordination

Metro continues actively engaging agencies and stakeholders to inform and seek feedback on 2028 Games planning. As previously described, the GME is the formal working group for interagency coordination and has made significant progress in preparing for the 2028 Games. Recognizing the importance of expanded outreach to regional transportation agencies, cities, local municipal operators, and other key stakeholders, Metro and the GME hosted two Regional Transportation Assemblies in June 2024 and November 2024, which convened over 200 individuals across dozens of agencies throughout the Southern California Region with a direct role in Games delivery. Topics covered at the Regional Transportation Assemblies included Paris 2024 lessons learned, LA28 updates, Metro’s 2028 Games MCP updates, efforts to advance the projects funded by Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods (RCN), and details about regional Games workstreams like the Games Route Network (GRN), Games Enhanced Transit Service (GETS), and Transportation Demand Management (TDM). The Regional Transportation Assembly offers agencies, cities, and stakeholders the opportunity to learn and ask questions about planning efforts to date around the 2028 Games. Metro and the GME will continue to host and convene future Regional Transportation Assemblies. Furthermore, staff are also planning a Transportation and Mobility Summit aimed at engaging a broad spectrum of stakeholders, including community partners and public agencies, to discuss ongoing work leading up to the Games. This summit, expected in 2025, aligns with the Metro Board of Directors' October 2024 motion and is a key step in responding to directives from the Ad Hoc Committee on the 2028 Games. During the November Regional Assembly, Metro solicited volunteers to help develop a Transportation Summit in 2025. Metro will convene a working session for the development of a regional Summit, which will be sure to include our transportation and mobility partners, including representatives from the accessibility community.

Additionally, Metro has met with several Games venue cities to present an overview of the Games priority workstreams and RCN project development. These venue cities included Carson, Inglewood, Long Beach, Santa Monica, and Pasadena. The deep dive meetings allowed Venue Cities the opportunity to understand ongoing project workstreams and provide input on the path forward for projects related to their city.

Accessibility Community Engagement


In line with Motion 2024-0995, staff will leverage existing networks such as the Metro Aging and Disability Transportation Network (ADTN), Los Angeles County Commission on Disabilities, and the City of Los Angeles Commission on Disability to incorporate the mobility needs of people with disabilities. This engagement started with a staff presentation to ADTN on December 12, 2024, and will continue through the upcoming Regional Summit and beyond. ADTN in particular is interested in improved wayfinding, better notifications about elevator/escalator outages, and using universal design when implementing new infrastructure. Through these efforts, staff aim to ensure that equity and accessibility remain at the forefront of Metro’s transportation planning, not only for the 2028 Games but also as part of a lasting legacy for Los Angeles County.


Term Sheet/MOU Update


Metro is preparing to be the primary mobility service provider for the 2028 Games spectators and workforce. Metro has dedicated resources and aligned with the preliminary roles and responsibilities identified in the GME’s RACI.  However, to bring greater certainty and commitment from LA28 so that Metro can continue planning and delivering the projects and services for the 2028 Games transportation, Metro and LA28 are working together to develop and execute a Memorandum of Understanding by the summer of 2025. 

Based on previous approaches to funding spectator and workforce transportation for the Olympics in the United States, the expectation is that the federal government would fund additional mobility services needed  (Salt Lake City 2002 Winter Games received $1.3 billion and Atlanta 1996 Games received $609 million for transportation). Accordingly, Metro is advocating for $200 million in the Federal FY 2025 budget and recently submitted a letter from the Board to the incoming administration requesting $3.2 billion in the Federal FY 2026 budget.  Metro and LA28 will continue to work together to resolve the remaining terms and conditions in the term sheet and then draft the MOU for the Metro Board of Directors to approve and execute.

MCP Project Implementation Plans

Metro is finalizing Project Implementation Plans that outline the vision for the project scope and provide a preliminary roadmap that clearly identifies the steps needed to deliver the projects. These plans will provide contextual background for each project, including existing conditions, the project purpose, and its relation to the Games. The main sections of the plans include a project scope definition, a cost estimate breakdown, a milestone schedule, a list of funding opportunities, project parties' roles and responsibilities, and next steps. Metro will release the Project Implementation Plans prior to the April Ad Hoc Committee.

Games Enhanced Transit Service

The Games Enhanced Transit Service (GETS) is of critical importance to the success of the Games. The GETS will provide additional buses and staff resources from various sources to enhance transit service to venues and complement the existing transit network to ensure the unprecedented demand is met for the 2028 Games.

Metro staff is preparing a GETS Strategic Roadmap to fully respond to the Board Motion in April 2025 with greater detail on the above. The GETS Strategic Roadmap will identify off-ramps and scenarios for different levels of funding that may materialize in the future, including the FY25 and FY26 budget requests. 

Reconnecting Communities & Neighborhoods Grant (RCN)

Since the award announcement, Metro has made significant progress in organizing internally and externally to begin delivering this program.  Notably, staff completed the environmental phase of the project in December 2024. With the environmental clearance now secured, staff will turn over those projects that are not under Metro’s responsibility to their respective sponsors for delivery of the remaining design phases and implementation of the projects. For projects under Metro’s purview, staff will advance design and community engagement in 2025.

Project Delivery for the Next Batch of MCP Projects

At the October 2024 Special Board Meeting, the Board authorized the CEO to amend the FY25 budget, in the amount of $9.67 million, to advance Metro-led GME workstreams. This initial funding is critical for staff to continue to advance key phases of project development to enable the completion of these projects before the 2028 Games. Per the schedule presented in October 2024, the Board’s action enables staff to meet a partial funding deadline for pre-construction activities to initiate the conceptual design and CEQA/NEPA environmental clearance in anticipation of potential federal appropriations funding in the Federal FY25 and FY26 budgets.

Staff have begun to mobilize internal resources and external stakeholders to prioritize and start the conceptual design and environmental clearance for several additional MCP projects and will report on progress at the April Ad Hoc Committee. We expect to have all projects into the Environmental phase before that time.

Funding/Legislative Update/Strategy

Federal Discretionary Opportunities

Federal agencies (e.g., USDOT and EPA) continue to move forward with grant opportunities made possible by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Staff continues to work with GME partners to monitor and evaluate potential state and federal funding opportunities that align with 2028 MCP projects and to strategize on partnerships that will lead to successful applications.

Metro and GME partners are focusing on legacy projects for discretionary grants under IIJA and IRA with support from Metro’s Federal/State Policy and Programming department. Staff will work with the Metro Board and our Los Angeles County Congressional Delegation to provide advocacy support for current and future grant applications.

Currently, two federal discretionary grants are open: Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-saving Transportation Program (PROTECT) and Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE). Metro and GME have been coordinating on potential applications to align priorities and build regional support for advocacy purposes.

Federal budget request update

Metro has and will continue to work with the federal government to include funding for the GME priority workstreams in the FY2026 Budget. Most recently, on November 21, 2024, the Metro Board conveyed a letter addressed to incoming President Donald Trump urging his administration to include $3.2 billion for GME priority workstreams in the FY2026 Budget that will be issued early next year. The requests outlined in this correspondence and in accompanying fact sheets include funding for legacy and essential Games-specific projects, such as the GETS and GRN. Funding for the essential Games-specific projects is currently the most significant challenge facing Metro and the GME partners. This is analogous to the challenges faced by the 2002 Winter Olympic Games. This was resolved, in part, by Congress appropriating funding identified in the FY2002 Budget released by then-President George W. Bush. Staff will work with the Metro Board, our Los Angeles County Congressional Delegation, and key stakeholders to support our FY2026 Budget funding request.

Joint Advocacy Efforts/Strategy 

Metro is committed to continuing to work in good faith with a broad and diverse array of federal, regional, and local stakeholders to ensure that the State and Federal Governments provide support for surface transportation projects and initiatives related to the 2028 Games.

At the Federal level, Metro continues to work with a diverse number of partners to secure financial support from the Federal government for our agency’s efforts related to the 2028 Games. This effort is guided and informed by our Board-approved 2025 Federal Legislative Program and the Board-approved MCP, which set forth the projects

deemed necessary and how Metro will work with the White House, the U.S. Department of Transportation, and Congress to successfully coordinate the 2028 Games being held in Los Angeles County. In 2024, staff has been working with the appropriate congressional committees to explore how the FY2025 Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development bill might include funding for mobility-related projects and initiatives tied to the upcoming 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Staff is pleased that the U.S. Senate’s FY2025 THUD bill included $200 million for Games-related mobility projects. Likewise, staff are encouraged that Congressman Robert Garcia circulated a letter on August 9, 2024, signed by 17 members of the House, urging House leaders to include a similar amount of funding in their FY2025 THUD spending measure. Over the next several months, staff will work with House and Senate stakeholders to ensure that the $200 million for Games-related mobility projects is included in the final FY2025 THUD bill adopted by Congress and signed into law by the President. As of the writing of this Board Report, it appears that Congress will adopt a continuing resolution that will keep federal government funded through March of 2025. Should the President sign this measure, we would work over the coming months to ensure that the spending bill adopted for the balance of FY2025 includes the $200 million set aside in the Senate’s THUD bill for Games-related mobility projects.

Consistent with the Board-approved Federal Legislative Program and the Board-approved MCP, staff endeavor to work with the incoming Trump-Vance Administration - including the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) - to discuss how funding for mobility-related projects and initiatives tied to the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games might be included in the FY2026 White House Budget that will be released in early 2025. This dialogue with the Trump-Vance Administration will also include requests that federal grants be provided to our agency to enhance our mobility efforts related to the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Provided the FY2026 Budget includes major funding for the Games, staff would then work to ensure that these proposed federal dollars are appropriated by Congress in their FY2026 spending bills - which they are expected to begin crafting in the Spring of 2025.

At the State level, and in partnership with LA28, Metro has met with the Governor’s office and the Secretary of Transportation to stress the importance of collaboration on the GETS and the MCP more broadly, and plan to continue this partnership. We will continue to meet regularly with our State partners, including the Gubernatorial Administration, legislative leadership in both houses, key policy committees, and the Los Angeles County Legislative Delegation. These efforts will be coordinated with our local partners, including the County of Los Angeles and the GME, to advocate for all the resources necessary to make the 2028 Games a success, as outlined in the Board-approved MCP.  The 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games were also highlighted as an important part of the 2025 State Legislative Program that the Board adopted in

December, with a new goal added to specifically advance legislative and administrative coordination. Metro will continue to advocate for funding, legislation, and regulation streamlining that helps support mobility projects associated with the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Los Angeles. Finally, we are focusing on educating incoming delegation members and legislative leadership on the importance of the state’s involvement on the Games.

Mobility Wallet and Ticketing Integration

New grant funding received from Federal, and State grants this year are advancing the Mobility Wallet and Ticketing Integration projects listed in the 2028 MCP. To efficiently move forward with implementing the Mobility Wallet and Ticketing Integration pilot projects, staff are requesting delegated authority to the CEO (or their designee) to accept and to sub-grant funding from external grantors up to the amounts set forth in the 2028 MCP. Metro has received the grants listed in the table below in the last year and may receive additional grants as we move forward towards implementation.




Several projects in the GME STP list will positively impact safety, as patrons waiting for transit will have more shade and space and be more comfortable waiting for service. For example, bus-only lane projects will allow buses to reduce weaving out from and into traffic as they approach and leave the bus stop.





There is no financial impact from these actions, pending receipt of grant funding. 


Impact to Budget

There is no impact to the budget, pending receipt of grant funding. 





Staff continues to work with the Office of Equity and Race (OER) to ensure that programs and projects identified within the Mobility Concept Plan (MCP) follow Metro’s Equity guidelines. Staff emphasized equity in the prioritization of the project list with a weighted score of 40%. This translated into projects with higher equity scores ranking higher overall and getting included in the 2022 MCP Prioritized Project List.

Over the past six months, staff worked with OER to pilot the Equity Planning & Evaluation Tool (EPET) as part of the development of implementation plans for four workstreams: Light Rail Speed & Reliability Improvements, Key Stations, Mobility Hubs and First/Last Mile. Staff have also developed a draft Universal Inclusive Design Strategy (formerly the Accessibility strategy) to inform planning for the mobility and accessibility needs of people with disabilities during the 2028 Games. This strategy serves as a foundational document to guide equitable and inclusive transportation planning, ensuring long-term benefits for the region.


The recommendations stemming from these reports will guide further development of any project under these workstreams and will support staff in identifying existing disparities that might impact how the MCP programs/projects are experienced by different users and designing the programs/projects to better address their unmet needs, reduce negative or unintended impacts, and improve access to opportunity. As part of these efforts, enhancements to wayfinding systems and mobility hubs will be prioritized to create more seamless and inclusive user experiences, both leading up to and following the 2028 Olympics. These improvements aim to leave a lasting legacy for Angelenos by fostering equitable and sustainable access to transportation across the region.




The development of the MCP supports:


Strategic goal 1: Provide high-quality mobility options that enable people to spend less time traveling. Strategic Goal 2: Deliver outstanding trip experiences for all users of the transportation system. Strategic Goal 4: Transform LA County through regional collaboration and national leadership” by providing a roadmap and strategy to deliver permanent transit and transit-supportive projects and programs that can help serve the 2028 Games.





Staff will continue the scoping work necessary to advance the 2028 Games MCP Projects that Metro is currently leading, including the initiation of the Environmental phase for the remaining Metro-led projects in the GME STP list. This effort will be critical to ensuring these projects can continue to compete for additional state and federal funding opportunities and be delivered in time for the Games. Staff will continue to seek potential local, state, and federal funding opportunities and work with the Board to advocate for funding for both legacy projects and essential Games-specific projects, such as the GETS and GRN.


In April, staff will bring back further updates on the GETS and regional preparations for the 2028 Games, inclusive of details on the Transportation and Mobility Summit and the inclusion of engagement of key stakeholder groups that will help inform mobility planning needs of people with disabilities.  





Attachment A - Board Motion 2024-0995

Attachment B - GME Surface Transportation Project List



Prepared by:                      Jacqueline Torres, Senior Director, Office of Strategic Innovation, (213) 547-4208

Kasey Shuda, Senior Director, Office of Strategic Innovation, (213) 454-6479

Ernesto Chaves, Executive Officer, Office of Strategic Innovation, (213) 547- 4362

Marcel Porras, Deputy Chief, Office of Strategic Innovation, (213) 922-2606



Reviewed by:                      Seleta Reynolds, Chief Innovation Officer, (213) 922-4656