FEBRUARY 18, 2021
A. AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to execute the following bench contracts for video production services to the following firms, for a cumulative not-to-exceed amount of $3,541,000 for the four (4) year term, effective March 1, 2021, through February 28, 2025, subject to resolution of protests, if any:
a) Contract No. PS68458000 with ALAS Media
b) Contract No. PS68458001 with Bubba’s Chop Shop
c) Contract No. PS68458002 with Clockwork Media
d) Contract No. PS68458003 with Dreamseeker Media
e) Contract No. PS68458004 with Friendly Filmworks
f) Contract No. PS68458005 with MainSpring Business Video
g) Contract No. PS68458006 with Sanchez Media
h) Contract No. PS68458007 with Zero1 Agency
B. AWARD AND EXECUTE task orders for an aggregate not-to-exceed amount of $3,541,000.
Metro Marketing produces public-facing information to support the goals of the Vision 2028 Strategic Plan. The Marketing Department has traditionally used a bench of small business video production firms to supplement staff capacity in video development and production. Video is an important medium in the digital space and this small business video production bench contract allows Metro to have capacity for video production projects. Awarding this contract again will allow the department to maintain the amount of video content it can produce, which will enhance Metro’s ability to provide clear information for riders and capture attention online about Metro projects and initiatives. To allow the agency to produce videos tailored to the agency’s increasingly sophisticated digital advertising placements, social media targeting and web/mobile presence, Metro Communications staff recommends awarding a bench contract to 8 local video production companies. To ensure equitable distribution of work and ample work opportunities for each firm, projects will be assigned to contractors on an as-needed rotational basis.
Through a small business set aside procurement, 26 firms submitted proposals. The proposal evaluation team selected eight (8) small business video production firms with a variety of competencies and areas of expertise to produce video content that can assist the Marketing department in pursuing the agency’s marketing communication goals. This gives Metro flexibility in utilizing a wide range of video production capabilities. Similar to past video bench procurements, the selected firms’ competencies build on Metro’s current in-house production abilities, providing additional capacity and proficiencies.
Staff evaluators have verified these contractors’ skills in producing digital ad units, and video content to enhance information on the agency’s website, blog and social media channels, all of which are growing as public engagement tools.
Continuing to structure Metro’s video capacity with a stable of contractors, as recommended, builds on existing in-house video production capabilities with a flexible arrangement that will allow for more production activity and larger-scale productions as needed. Contracting with multiple small businesses allows Metro to leverage the plentiful local talent from the entertainment industry, without commitment of full-time staff or purchased equipment, to help the agency compete in the increasingly sophisticated digital space. Metro’s Strategic Marketing Plan recognizes the importance of video content, and award of this contract helps position the agency to better implement this plan.
Metro’s estimated budget for the life of the Contract, which is four (4) years, is $3,541,000.
Impact to Budget
Funding for video production costs will parallel allocated project funding and may include sources like fares, sales tax, federal and state funds. The impact will vary year-to-year based on project and advertising budgets to support Metro projects, programs and initiatives. Because this is a multi-year contract, the budget will be allocated as needed by project managers in future years.
In FY20, $693,645 was spent for video services across various categories, including project and construction status, NextGen, Eat Shop Play and safety videos.
$72,000 has been budgeted for video services in FY21, focusing on high-priority projects such as NextGen and established Bucket 1 agency priorities. The FY22 video services budget is still currently in development but will be based on agency needs including continued support of Bucket 1 projects, as well as upcoming project openings, ridership efforts, the newly established Customer Experience plan and rider information related to the NextGen rollout.
Contractors may be required to shoot footage on Metro property if the scope of a project warrants it. Metro Communications will continue to follow all Metro Operations’ safety requirements, including rail safety training for contractors and coordinating all shoots through established protocols.
Alternatives to Board approval include building an in-house video production team, which would require at least four additional full-time employees with expertise in video production and ongoing procurement of professional-level video production equipment, editing computers and software, as well as potential real estate rental to house all of it. This route would also require Metro to continually purchase new equipment, as technology is rapidly changing, to remain competitive. Furthermore, the agency would not be able to benefit from learnings and experience that outside video producers bring from working on a variety of high-concept productions outside of Metro.
Upon Board approval, staff will execute contract numbers PS68458000 through PS68458007 to the listed firms above and award individual task orders as needed for Metro video bench services.
Attachment A - Procurement Summary
Attachment B - Recommended Firms by Video Style Category
Attachment C - DEOD Summary
Prepared by: Amanda Penalosa, Senior Marketing and Communications Officer, (213) 922-6999
Ana Vallianatos, Communications Manager, (213) 922-2248
Glen Becerra, Executive Officer, Marketing, (213) 418-3264
Reviewed by: Yvette Rapose, Chief Communications Officer, (213) 418-3154
Debra Avila, Chief Vendor/Contract Management Officer, (213) 418-3051