Oral Report / Presentation
On agenda:
Final action:
RECEIVE AND FILE Metro Recovery Task Force Final Report
"Hot Spots" Program, 511, Access Services Inc., Access-To-Jobs, Accessibility, Accessibility Requirements, Active Transportation Program, Active Transportation Strategic Plan, Advertising, Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program, Air pollution, Air quality, Alignment, All Door Boarding, American Public Transportation Association, Americans With Disabilities Act, Assembly Bill 468, Audit, Barriers (Roads), Beverly Hills, Bicycle lanes, Bicycle Transportation Account, Bicycling, Bids, Bikeways, Budgeting, Bus rapid transit, Bus traffic, Bus transportation, California Environmental Quality Act, California Public Records Act, California Sustainable Freight Action Plan, Capital Project, Capital Project Funds, Central Los Angeles subregion, Children, City of Los Angeles, Cleaning, Cleanliness (Graffiti Abatement), Commerce, Commercial buildings, Commercial vehicles, Communication devices, Community Transportation, Complete streets, Congestion Management Program, Congestion pricing, Construction, Construction management, Contractors, Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021, Council Of Governments, Customer Experience Plan, Customer service, Dedicated Service, Demand responsive transportation, Design build, Disadvantaged business enterprises, Disparity Study, Downey, Downtown Los Angeles, Economic benefits, Electrification, Elevators, Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program, Environmental justice, Equity Focus Communities, Eric Garcetti, Evaluation and assessment, Express lanes, Fare Structure, Fareless System Initiative, Federal Transit Administration, First/Last Mile, Freight transportation, Fuels, Funding plan, Gateway Cities (Southeast LA County) Service Sector, Gateway Cities subregion, Gender, General purpose lanes, Gold Line Eastside Transit Corridor Phase 2, GoPass, Governance, Grant Aid, Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, Guidelines, Heating, cooling and ventilation equipment, High occupancy vehicle lanes, Highway transportation, Housing, Hubs, I-10, I-110, Information dissemination, Information management, Information processing, Information systems, Inglewood, It's Off Limits, Joint development, Joint Development Policy, Kiosks, Labor, Labor agreements, Labor relations, Labor unions, LADOT Transit, Landscaping, Law enforcement, Laws and legislation, Light rail transit, Link Union Station, Local Returns, Location 0070, Location 0072, Location 0075, Long Beach, Long range planning, Long Range Transportation Plan, Los Angeles Union Station, Low Carbon Transit Operations Program, Maintenance, Maintenance practices, Maps, Measure M, Measure R, Metro Active Transport (MAT) project, Metro Affordable Transit Connected Housing Program, Metro Bike Share, Metro Busway G Line, Metro Busway J Line, Metro Divisions, Metro Equity Platform, Metro ExpressLanes, Metro Rail A Line, Metro Rail C Line, Metro Rail L Line, Metro Transit Ambassadors, Metro Vision 2028 Plan, Metrolink, Metropolitan areas, Micromobility Vehicles, Minorities, Mitigation, Multi County Goods Movement Action Plan, New Freedom Program, NextGen Bus Study, Nonmotorized transportation, North San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor, Off peak periods, Older Adults, Olympic games, Open Streets, Operations and Maintenance, Oral Report / Presentation, Outreach, Paratransit services, Park and ride, Partnerships, Paycheck Protection Program, Payment, Peak periods, Pedestrians, Persons with disabilities, Pilot studies, Police, Policy Advisory Council, Policy, legislation and regulation, Pollutants, Pollution, Procurement, Professional Services, Program management, Project delivery, Project management, Promotion, Property Agreement, Public health, Public Participation Plan, Public policy, Public private partnerships, Public relations, Public Safety Advisory Committee, Public service, Public utilities, Public works, Purchasing, Quality of service, Quarantine, Race, Race and ethnicity, Railroad commuter service, Rates, fares and tolls, Recovery and Restoration Task Force (Metro), Regional transportation, Request For Proposal, Research, Research management, Ridership, Ridesharing, Ridesourcing, Roadside advertising, Rolling stock, Safety, Safety and security, Safety programs, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley subregion, Santa Clarita, Santa Monica, Schedules and scheduling, Security, Senate Bill 288, Service Authority For Freeway Emergencies, Shared mobility, Sidewalks, Small Business Enterprise, Solar energy, South Bay Cities subregion, Southern California Highways, Station operations, Steering, Strategic planning, Students, Subassemblies, Subsidies, Subway stations, Surveys, Sustainable transportation, Switches (Electricity), Switches (Railroads), Switching, System safety, System Safety Management, System Safety Program, Telecommunications, Telecommuting, Testing, Third rail, Threats, Title VI Requirements, Tolls, Tourism, Traffic congestion, Traffic flow, Traffic Reduction Study, Transfer on 2nd Boarding, Transfers, Transit authorities, Transit buses, Transit Homeless Action Plan, Transit operators, Transit Oriented Community, Transit Oriented Development, Transit Oriented Development Planning Grant Program, Transit safety, Transit System, Transit traffic, Translations, Transmissions, Transportation modes, Transportation policy, Travel patterns, Travel time, Trucking, Twenty-eight by '28 Initiative, Unemployment, United States Department Of Transportation, Unsolicited Proposal Policy, Urban transit, Vaccination, Value capture, Vehicle miles of travel, Vehicle occupancy, Vehicle sharing, Ventilation systems, Video, Walking, Weight, West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor, West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor (WSAB) Project, Westside Cities subregion, Westside/Central Service Sector, Work environment, Working conditions, Workplaces, Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) Master Plan, Zero Emissions, Zoning
FEBRUARY 18, 2021
RECEIVE AND FILE Metro Recovery Task Force Final Report
Metro’s Recovery Task Force submits its final report (“Attachment A”).
The Recovery Task Force (“Task Force”) is an internal staff committee at Metro responsible for providing advice and recommendations to the Metro Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) on recovery from the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Task Force goals and deliverables include: 1) identifying and recommending actions Metro can take to respond to the pandemic, to recover after the pandemic, to help lead an equitable economic recovery for LA County, and to advance mobility without congestion as the ‘new normal’ after the pandemic; 2) issuing periodic reports to Metro decision makers, the public, and stakeholders on the work of the Task Force, including the status of early action items; and 3) drafting a final report, which includes updates on Metro’s early actions and final recommendations with implementation plans.
The Recovery Task Force Final Report contains recommendations to help Metro respond to the pandemic and recover after the pandemic. The final report includes 20 Early Action Recommendations that the Recovery Task Force identified and recommended during the spring and summer of 2020 in immediate response to the pandemic. The Task Force hosted virtual public meetings to get public and staff input on the early action recommendations and presented these to the Board of Directors for feedback.
During the second half of 2020, the Task Force developed 17 final recommendations. The Recovery Task Force then hosted a second set of virtual public meetings for public and staff input, and also presented them to the Board of Directors in November 2020.
After incorporating comments and further refining the recommendations, Metro’s Recovery Task Force released its draft final report to the public in December 2020. English and Spanish-language online feedback forms were posted to Metro.net/recovery seeking input on the report’s 17 final recommendations (and any other input) by February 8, 2021.
During the comment period, the Recovery Task Force received and reviewed approximately 1000 items of feedback on different recommendations from approximately 240 individuals, plus comment letters from three councils of government, Metro’s Citizens’ Advisory Council, and several coalitions of non-profit organizations and businesses. A summary of the feedback received and how it was incorporated into the final report can be seen at “Attachment B”.
Receiving and filing the Recovery Task Force Final Report has no impact to the agency’s budget. Should implementation of a recommendation require Board action or budgetary resources, it will be accompanied by financial analysis prior to seeking approval.
Each of the 37 recommendations outlined in the Recovery Task Force Final Report identify specific Metro Vision 2028 Strategic Plan goals they support and are aligned with.
Following release of the final report, Metro staff will focus on implementing recovery recommendations. This includes steps outlined in the implementation plans for each final recommendation, plus continued work on early actions that have not been completed. Staff will also aim to develop, track, ands share metrics to assess the impacts and progress of implementation. When implementation of individual recommendation reaches a point that requires action by the Board, they will be brought to the Board with opportunity for public comment.
Attachment A - Recovery Task Force Final Report
Attachment B - Summary of and Response to Public Feedback on Draft Final Report
Prepared by: Emma Huang, Principal Transportation Planner, OEI, (213) 922- 5445
Mark Vallianatos, Executive Officer, OEI, (213) 922-5282
Reviewed by: Joshua Schank, Chief Innovation Officer, OEI (213) 418-3345