JUNE 19, 2019
A. FY 2016-2018 Triennial Performance Review of Los Angeles County Transit Operators and Metro Operations; and
B. FY 2016-2018 Triennial Performance Review of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) as the Regional Transportation Agency (RTPA).
The Transportation Development Act (TDA) requires Triennial Performance Reviews of Transit Operators and RTPAs. The FY 2016-2018 Triennial Performance Review Report is completed and the report presents the results of the review.
The California Public Utilities Code (PUC) Section 99246, included in the Transportation Development Act (TDA), requires Metro to conduct an independent performance review of all Los Angeles County Transit Operators receiving TDA Article 4 funds, as well as operators receiving Proposition A funds in lieu of TDA funds. The TDA also requires that regional transportation planning agencies (RTPAs) undergo an independent performance review, focusing particularly on the planning roles. The review is conducted every three years, and Metro must send a Certificate of Completion to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), so that Metro may receive and allocate TDA and State Transit Assistance (STA) funds for Los Angeles County.
Under contract to Metro, the firm of BCA Watson Rice, LLP independently conducted the FY 2016-2018 Performance Review of the Transit Operators, Metro Operations and Metro as the RTPA for Los Angeles County. The following summarizes the scope of the review:
A. REVIEW of LOS ANGELES COUNTY Transit Operators and Metro Operations
The following Los Angeles County transit operators were included in this review:
• Antelope Valley Transit Authority (AVTA)
• Arcadia Transit
• City of Redondo Beach - Beach Cities Transit
• Claremont Dial-A-Ride
• Commerce Transit
• Culver City Bus
• Foothill Transit
• GTrans
• LA County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Operations
• La Mirada Transit
• Long Beach Transit
• Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT)
• Montebello Bus Lines
• Norwalk Transit System
• Santa Clarita Transit
• Santa Monica’s Big Blue Bus (BBB)
• Torrance Transit
• City of Burbank
• City of Glendale
• City of Los Angeles - Community DASH Services
• Pasadena Transit
The FY 2016-2018 Performance Review included all areas that the State mandates. Areas reviewed were:
• Verification of TDA data collection and reporting requirements;
• Compliance with (PUC) requirements;
• Progress in implementing prior review recommendations;
• Review of TDA performance indicator trend analysis; and
• High level functional area performance review.
In addition, operators’ data submitted for Metro’s Transit Performance Measurement Program (TPM) was reviewed. The Metro uses the TPM data to allocate transit subsidy funds to Los Angeles County Transit Operators, including Metro Operations.
B. REVIEW of METRO as the Regional Transportation Planning AGENCY (RTPA)
The review of Metro as the RTPA included:
• Progress on implementing prior cycle review recommendations;
• Compliance with PUC requirements; and
• Performance results for Metro as the RTPA
Progress on Implementing Prior Cycle Review Recommendations
The prior review of Metro as the RTPA included one recommendation. This recommendation has been implemented.
Compliance with PUC Requirements
The Metro is in full compliance with the applicable PUC requirements.
Performance Results for Metro as the RTPA
The review concluded Metro generally functioned in an efficient, effective, and economical manner during the triennial period.
It is important to consider the accomplishments achieved by Metro during the three-year period covered by this Triennial Performance Review. These accomplishments include:
• Passage of Measure M with 71 percent of voters approving provided a strong show of faith in the future of transportation in LA County and the public’s growing awareness of the need to build more transportation and maintain our existing transit system.
• Opening of the Expo and Gold Line light rail extensions.
• Construction of the Purple rail line Section 2 and securing the full funding grant agreement.
• Extension of the Silver bus line to San Pedro.
• Adoption of the updated affordable housing joint development policy.
• Launching of Metro’s Bike Share program.
• Adoption of the 28 by 2028 transportation construction program and rail construction acceleration initiative.
• Development of the unsolicited proposal policy.
• Began development of Metro Transportation School, a four-year boarding prep school for disadvantaged youth.
• Developed the First / Last mile policy.
• Initiated the Nextgen schedule revision including significant market research, travel demand analysis using location based and TAP fare data, and public outreach and input meetings.
• Passage of SB 1 providing increased transportation funding.
• Adopted goal of moving to zero-emission buses by 2030.
• Revised the safety and security approach and structure for rail and bus lines.
• Increased efforts to address the adverse impacts of homelessness on the rail system.
• Initiated the update to the Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP).
• Completed the Vision 2028 Strategic Plan.
• Established the Public Private Partnership (P3) program and framework.
• Began focusing on transit assets and state of good repair every year.
• Negotiated all five labor union contracts and settled before contracts expired and have 5-year contracts instead of three providing extended labor peace.
• Developed a working group of larger municipal operators to work together to consolidate fare rules throughout the region.
• Working with municipal operators, developed the “Ridership Growth Action Plan” to review causes of ridership decline and develop strategies to address major factors.
• Developed a plan to shut down and rebuild Metro Blue Line.
The key findings of the FY 2016-2018 Metro as RTPA Triennial Performance Review are summarized in Attachment B.
There are no financial or budget impacts as a result of this review.
Recommendation supports strategic plan goals 4 and 5. Goal 4: Transform LA County through regional collaboration and national leadership. Goal 5: Provide responsive, accountable, and trustworthy governance within the Metro organization.
As required by PUC §99246, staff will transmit the FY 2016-2018 Triennial Performance Review reports to the State Department of Transportation. Copies of the reports are available upon request.
Attachment A - FY2016-2018 Triennial Performance Review Executive Summary
Attachment B - FY2016-18 Performance Review
Prepared by: Armineh Saint, Senior Manager, Transportation Planning (213) 922-2369
Drew Phillips, Director, Budget (213)-922-2109
Reviewed by: Nalini Ahuja, Chief Financial Officer, (213) 922-3088