File #: 2019-0278   
Type: Contract Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 4/26/2019 In control: Board of Directors - Regular Board Meeting
On agenda: 5/23/2019 Final action:
Title: AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to: A. AWARD six task order based on-call Contracts for Regional Rail Planning and Environmental services to the firms listed below for a five-year base period in an amount not-to-exceed $10 million, with two, one-year options not-to-exceed $2 million each year, for a not-to-exceed cumulative total funding amount of $14 million, subject to resolution of protest(s) if any. The following firms are recommended for award: 1. Gensler, Contract Number AE56752000 2. HDR Engineering, Inc., Contract Number AE56752001 3. Jacobs/CH2M Hill, Contract Number AE56752002 4. Mott MacDonald, LLC, Contract Number AE56752003 5. STV Inc., Contract Number AE56752004 6. WSP USA, Contract Number AE56752005 B. AWARD five task order based on-call Contracts for Regional Rail Engineering and Design services to the firms listed below for a five-year base period in an amount not-to-exceed $11 million, with two, one-year options not-to-exceed $2 million each year...
Sponsors: Board of Directors - Regular Board Meeting
Indexes: Budgeting, BUILD Transportation Discretionary Grant program, California High Speed Rail, Call For Projects, Construction, Contractors, Contracts, Grade separations, Grant Aid, High speed rail, Metrolink, Off peak periods, Partnerships, Procurement, Professional Services, Program, Project, Project management, Rail transit, Railroad commuter service, Request For Proposal, Resolution, Strategic planning
Attachments: 1. Attachment A-1 - Procurement Summary, 2. Attachment A-2 - Procurement Summary, 3. Attachment A-3 - Procurement Summary, 4. Attachment B-1 - DEOD Summary (Engineering Design), 5. Attachment B-2 - DEOD Summary (Planning Design), 6. Attachment B-3 - DEOD Summary (Project Management)
Related files: 2018-0801, 2019-0454
Date Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsAudio
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MAY 23, 2019






ACTION:                     AWARD CONTRACTS






AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to:


A.                     AWARD six task order based on-call Contracts for Regional Rail Planning and Environmental services to the firms listed below for a five-year base period in an amount not-to-exceed $10 million, with two, one-year options not-to-exceed $2 million each year, for a not-to-exceed cumulative total funding amount of $14 million, subject to resolution of protest(s) if any. The following firms are recommended for award:


1.                     Gensler, Contract Number                     AE56752000

2.                     HDR Engineering, Inc., Contract Number AE56752001

3.                     Jacobs/CH2M Hill, Contract Number AE56752002

4.                     Mott MacDonald, LLC, Contract Number                     AE56752003

5.                     STV Inc., Contract Number AE56752004

6.                     WSP USA, Contract Number AE56752005


B.                     AWARD five task order based on-call Contracts for Regional Rail Engineering and Design services to the firms listed below for a five-year base period in an amount not-to-exceed $11 million, with two, one-year options not-to-exceed $2 million each year, for a not-to-exceed cumulative total funding amount of $15 million, subject to resolution of protest(s) if any. The following firms are recommended for award:


1.                     AECOM Technical Services, Inc, Contract Number AE56750000

2.                     HDR Engineering, Inc., Contract Number AE56750001

3.                     Mott MacDonald, LLC, Contract Number AE56750002

4.                     Pacific Railway Enterprises, Inc., Contract Number AE56750003

5.                     RailPros, Contract Number AE56750004


C.                     AWARD four task order based on-call Contracts for Regional Rail Project Management services to the firms listed below for a five-year base period in an amount not-to-exceed $10 million, with two, one-year options in an amount not-to-exceed $2 million each year, for a not-to-exceed cumulative total funding amount of $14 million, subject to resolution of protest(s) if any. The following firms are recommended for award:


1.                     AECOM Technical Services, Inc, Contract Number AE5664300001

2.                     RPA Joint Venture, Contract Number AE5664300102

3.                     Stantec, Contract Number AE5664300202

4.                     WSP USA, Contract Number AE5664300302


D.                     EXECUTE individual task orders for planning and environmental on-call services in a total amount not-to-exceed $14,000,000; for engineering and design on-call services in a total amount not-to-exceed $15,000,000; and for project management on-call services in a total amount not-to-exceed $14,000,000.







Metro’s Regional Rail Engineering and Planning Bench expired on April 25, 2018 for professional services for railroad infrastructure engineering and related services. Due to the diversity and complexity of Metro’s Regional Program integrating commuter rail, intercity rail, high speed rail, freight trains along with light rail in the right-of-way corridor, Regional Rail expanded the scope of services into three separate on-call solicitations with task orders that will be issued to the selected contractors on a rotating basis.





In partnership and coordination with LOSSAN, California High Speed Rail Authority, Southern California Regional Rail Authority (also known as Metrolink) and its five member joint powers authority including the  San Bernardino County Transportation Authority, Riverside County Transportation Authority,  Orange County Transportation Authority and Ventura County Transportation Commission, Metro Regional Rail is responsible for planning and environmental studies, programming, designing and constructing numerous regional rail projects that serve the commuter, intercity, freight and high speed rail systems in Los Angeles County to enhance the regional rail mobility in Southern California. Metro owns approximately 150 route miles of Class 1 commuter rail right-of-way with 152 at-grade crossings in Los Angeles County spanning across up to Lancaster in the North, Chatsworth station in the west and Claremont in the East.


The Regional Rail bench contract expired April 2018 and generated nine task orders totaling $5.8 million that included five prime engineering consultants only. Staff was successful in using all five consultants on a rotating basis. The Regional Rail bench scope of work was limited to $1 million per task and since most of the Regional Rail work exceeded $1 million per task, staff used the standard Request for Proposal (RFP) procurement which takes at least 3 to 4 months longer. Regional Rail work using the RFP procurement exceeded a total of $100 million.






The Regional Rail program has grown up to $5 billion and, with the exception of the grade separation projects, most of these projects are consistent with Metrolink’s Southern California Optimized Rail Expansion Plan (SCORE). Some of these projects, such as the Link Union Station, Rosecrans Marquardt Grade Separation, Doran Street Grade Separation Active Transportation Projects, etc. have been awarded state funding or received financial commitment totaling over $1.1 billion. In addition, Metro Regional Rail is working with Metro Planning, Metrolink and partner agencies in actively pursuing grants for the capital program so staff anticipates there are additional new Regional Rail projects that will be added over the term of the contract. In addition, Metrolink and any other applicable Regional Rail partner agencies can also lead capital planning studies, design and construction on the Regional Rail system including Metro owned Right-of-Way in partnership and cooperation with Metro.


Due to the complicated engineering and planning analysis of integrating commuter rail, intercity rail, light rail, freight rail, future high speed rail systems along with light rail in the same right-of-way corridor coupled with transit oriented developments, the Regional Rail on-call services aligns the diversity and complexity of the planning, designing and constructing the regional rail program for specific phases of a projects life. The three separate on-call service solicitations widened the diversity of the Regional Rail consultants and allowed staff to unbundle the work in discrete phases in lieu of the former method of one bigger Request for Proposals. In addition, the three separate on-call service solicitations added approximately 50 percent new consultants to the Regional Rail program compared to only the five prime engineering firms.


Regional Rail has a proven track record of using all five consultants in the Regional Rail Bench. However, due to conflicts with other Metro and non-Metro projects, of the five consultants on the Regional Rail bench, there were instances when only one proposal was received and staff was only able to use some of the consultants once during the prior contract term. Therefore, the three on-call contracts, which include four to six consultants each, are needed to support the diverse work of the Regional Rail program. With a busy construction market with several large transit, airport, and real estate developments of up to $2 billion for each project and due to the size of the projects, there are many of the consultants working on multiple projects. With the number of consultants under each on-call contract, Metro should avoid potential conflicts that the consultants may have with their other projects.


In order to support this work, staff is recommending the total funding value of $14 million for planning and environmental, $15 million for engineering and design, and $14 million for project management contracts over the next five years. An on-call program will expedite the task order procurement process for small- or mid-scale projects since all qualified consultants are chosen through this award approval process. The task order assignments issued under these on-call contracts are tasks that will require specialized services and must be initiated and completed in a relatively short period of time.





The approval of these on-call contracts will not have any impact on the safety of our customers and employees.






Adoption of Regional Rail on-call contracts would have no impact on the existing FY19 budget. Funding for FY19 task orders will come from existing Regional Rail budgets for other 2415 cost center projects. Each task order awarded to a contractor will be funded with source of funds identified at the time of project initiation. Since this is a multi-year contract, the cost center senior executive officer will be responsible for budgeting costs in future years, including any options exercised.


Impact to Budget


The funding for each task order varies for each specific project that includes California High Speed Rail Prop 1A, California State Transit Intercity Rail Program, Senate Bill 1 Active Transportation Program. Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery Grant (TIGER) Discretionary Grants (renamed to Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Developments), State Transportation Improvement Program, Measure R 3% and other funds.





The recommendations support Metro Regional Rail’s partnership with other rail operators to improve service reliability and mobility, provide better transit connections throughout the network and serves to implement the following strategic plan goals:

                     Goal 1.2: Improve LA County’s overall transit network and assets;

                     Goal 2.1: Metro is committed to improving security;

                     Goal 3.3: Genuine public and community engagement to achieve better mobility outcomes for the people of LA County; and

                     Goal 4.1: Metro will work with partners to build trust and make decisions that support the goals of the Strategic Plan.






The Metro Board could choose not to approve the recommendations. This is not recommended as the awards of these on-call services is needed to support the Regional Rail program to deliver projects on-time and within budget and support Regional Rail’s ability to respond quickly to Board direction. In addition, the on-call services will create new contracting opportunities.





Upon Board approval, staff will establish and execute the on-call contracts. As needed, staff will prepare individual task orders from specific on-call contracts and begin working with the consultants on a rotating basis to agree on scope of work and a cost estimate. SBE and DVBE goal requirements will be upheld for each individual task order. The Regional Rail team will report on an annual basis to the Board on the usage of the on-call contracts.








Attachment A - Procurement Summaries

Attachment B - DEOD Summaries



Prepared by:                      Brian Balderrama, Senior Director, Project Engineering, Regional Rail, (213) 418-3177
Jeanet Owens, Senior Executive Officer, Project Management/Regional Rail, (213) 418-3189



Reviewed by:                      Richard Clarke, Chief Program Management Officer, (213) 922-7557

                     Nalini Ahuja, Chief Financial Officer (213) 922-3088

                     Debra Avila, Chief Vendor/Contract Management Officer (213) 418-3051