File #: 2016-0997   
Type: Program Status: Passed
File created: 12/20/2016 In control: Planning and Programming Committee
On agenda: 3/15/2017 Final action: 3/23/2017
Title: AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer, in accordance with the 2006 Board adopted Bicycle Transportation Strategic Plan (Attachment C), to award a Contract No. PS67785000 (Contract) to Estolano LeSar Perez Advisors for a three-year period of performance for the Bicycle Education Safety Team (BEST) program in the amount of $2,308,001.01, subject to resolution of protest(s), if any.
Sponsors: Planning and Programming Committee
Indexes: Active Transportation Strategic Plan, Advertising, Bicycle Program (Project), Bicycle Transportation Strategic Plan, Bicycling, Bikeways, Budget, Budgeting, Call For Projects, Contracts, Grant Aid, Nonmotorized transportation, Open Streets, Pedestrians, Plan, Procurement, Program, Project, Request For Proposal, Safety, Safety programs, Schedules and scheduling, Strategic planning, Traffic safety, Vehicle sharing, Walking
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Procurement Summary, 2. Attachment B - DEOD Summary, 3. Attachment C - 2006 Bicycle Transportation Strategic Plan, 4. Attachment D - Active Transportation Strategic Plan, 5. Attachment E - BEST Program Board Presentation




MARCH 15, 2017





ACTION:                     AWARD CONTRACT






AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer, in accordance with the 2006 Board adopted Bicycle Transportation Strategic Plan (Attachment C), to award a Contract No. PS67785000 (Contract) to Estolano LeSar Perez Advisors for a three-year period of performance for the Bicycle Education Safety Team (BEST) program in the amount of $2,308,001.01, subject to resolution of protest(s), if any.





Bicycle skills classes and community rides were first developed in response to the 2006 Board adopted Bicycle Transportation Strategic Plan. The Plan identified promotion of “youth and adult bicycle education and safety programs” as a key strategy.  More recently, the May 26, 2016 Board-approved Active Transportation Strategic Plan (Attachment D) identifies skills classes and community rides as part of the implementation plan.  Specifically, Metro’s role is “launching education and encouragement campaigns, events and classes to raise awareness, improve safety, and encourage a shift from driving to more walking, bicycling, and the use of public transit.”  Education and encouragement programs are supported by the Board-approved Implementation Steps including Step 2.2 - Continue to promote safe travel to schools in Los Angeles County; Step 2.3 - Continued collaboration with key stakeholders and other Metro departments in the development of campaigns and printed materials; Step 2.4 - Continue to enhance education and training for bicyclists, pedestrians, bus operators, and other roadway users to improve awareness and safer interaction between these users of the roadway; and Step 2.7 - Continue bicycle traffic safety classes, community bicycle rides and explore other education and safety programs to promote bicycle and mode shift. Efforts include evaluating the effectiveness of these projects.


In the past, skills classes and community rides were approached as distinct efforts, with separate contracts carrying out the activities of each.  This approach required significant staff resources to manage multiple contracts, coordinate across different programs and schedules and manage community based organizations and not for profits who are integral to this type of work, but often lack the resources to navigate Metro’s processes.


Funding sources also differed, with the State Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) grant funding two cycles of skills classes while community rides were supported through our budget process. Due to reduced grant funding and increased administrative and reporting requirements, it was decided to not pursue additional OTS grant funding. 


In addition, due to the growing number of bike program activities, including Bike Month, Open Streets, Safe Routes to School, and Bike Share, it was determined that a more coordinated approach was warranted, wherein the BEST program could leverage and reinforce related efforts would result in cost efficiencies and reduce administrative redundancies.


The proposed consolidated BEST program would result in annual expenditures over the next 3 fiscal years averaging $769,000. The following table summarizes the various tasks and deliverables that are part of the BEST Contract and associated cost.



BEST Contract Tasks



Project Management & Administration


Project Management

Curriculum Development & Refinement


Develop an LA County-specific curriculum reflecting 8-80 principles



Identify class locations, partners and develop schedules

Execute Schedule of Activities   


Fifteen (15) quarterly promotional plans developed and executed



Video and photo content for up to 450 classes and 45 rides



Develop and maintain electronic registration database

Bicycle Skills Classes Hosted 


Four hundred fifty (450) classes hosted ranging from 90 minutes to 8 hours



Eight (8) (minimum) instructor trainings

Community Rides


Forty-five (45) community rides held



Route maps and waivers for all rides



Skills class and ride survey development and execution



Safe riding kits for class participants












On-Call Tasks



Additional Events Coordination


Coordination with Bike Month, Walktober, Walk to School Day, Open Streets and Bike Share as needed

Community Ambassadors


Up to nine (9) community ambassadors

Promotional Items


Promotional materials as needed for events

Safe Routes to Schools Rides


One hundred seventeen (117) community rides for school-aged children









Not including staff time, the following reflects cost per event for previously held classes and rides compared to the BEST Contract.  As shown below, the per event cost under the BEST Contract averages lower than carrying out the same efforts under separate contracts.



Previous Educational Efforts (2013-2016)

BEST Contract


# of Events

 Total Cost

Cost per Event

# of Events

 Total Cost

Cost per Event

Skill Classes







Community Rides







SRTS Rides and Classes
















Metro issued Request for Proposal (RFP) No. PS17071 for the BEST program effort on April 27, 2016. It was posted on the Metro Vendor Portal as a Small Business Set-Aside and advertised in the Los Angeles Daily News, Rafu Shimpo and Southwest Wave circulars. This initial RFP resulted in zero proposals received. The RFP was re-released on June 24, 2016 on Metro’s Vendor Portal and was open to all interested firms, and was again advertised in the Los Angeles Daily News, Rafu Shimpo and Southwest Wave circulars. Metro received only one proposal from the second RFP. The proposer is compliant with the DEOD goals set forth in the RFP. The technical evaluation completed by the PM, shows that this company has the experience and expertise to be able to execute the scope of work for this effort. Board authorization to award the Contract is being requested.





Since 2013, Metro has offered bicycle safety classes and guided community bicycle rides at no cost to the residents of Los Angeles County. This Contract will continue these efforts in a single, coordinated effort. Beginning with the 2017 class season, Metro will tailor bicycle safety education material to the demographics of the Los Angeles County target audiences. Skills classes and community rides shall be produced in concert with other supporting programs such as Countywide Bike Share and Open Streets.  The BEST program will also support policies, including Metro’s Sustainability, First Last Mile, Complete Streets policies and the Active Transportation Strategic Plan.


Community rides will complement and enhance the bicycle safety education courses with the goal of reducing bicycle-related crashes throughout Los Angeles County. Additionally, this effort is designed to introduce the public to the bicycle as a transportation mode by giving participants the tools to ride comfortably with traffic, educating participants about bicycle safety on roadways and in and around Metro stations and bus facilities, providing multi-modal transportation options.  Countywide transportation goals of the program include building bicycle mode share, and collecting data about travel behavior and mode choice.  





Awarding this Contract for professional services will not have any adverse safety impacts on Metro employees and patrons.





The FY17 budget includes $179,000 for this Contract in Cost Center 4320, Bike Programs, under Project Number 405301, Bicycle Program.


Since this is a multi-year project, the cost center manager and Chief Planning Officer will be responsible for budgeting costs in future years. 


Impact to Budget


The source of funds for the BEST Contract is General Funds, which are eligible for bus and rail operating or capital expense.





The Board may choose not to award this Contract to provide Bicycle Education Safety Team program elements. This choice is not recommended as it would slow implementation of directed actions included in prior Board adopted policies.  Should a reassessment of the viability of those actions be timely, staff would seek direction to perform such assessment.





Upon Board approval, staff will execute Contract No. PS67785000 with Estolano LeSar Perez Advisors for the BEST program. 





Attachment A - Procurement Summary

Attachment B - DEOD Summary

Attachment C - 2006 Bicycle Transportation Strategic Plan

Attachment D - Active Transportation Strategic Plan - April 2016, Volume 1

Attachment E - PowerPoint Presentation



Prepared by:                      Alice Tolar, Manager Transportation Planning, (213) 922-2218

                     Laura Cornejo, Deputy Executive Officer, (213) 922-2885

                     Calvin E. Hollis, Managing Executive Officer, (213) 922-7319



Reviewed by:                      Therese W. McMillan, Chief Planning Officer, (213) 922-7077

                     Debra Avila, Chief Vendor/Contract Management Officer,

                     (213) 418-3051