File #: 2015-0577   
Type: Budget Status: Non-Calendar
File created: 5/13/2015 In control: Board of Directors - Regular Board Meeting
On agenda: 7/23/2015 Final action: 7/23/2015
Title: CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE FORWARDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION amending the FY 16 Budget to add $800,000 to Project 405556 Systemwide Planning in Cost Center 4330, Countywide Planning and Development to cover the design costs for modifications to the Crenshaw/LAX (C/LAX) station design for consistency with the Systemwide Station Design.
Sponsors: Construction Committee
Indexes: Budget, Budgeting, Construction, Contracts, Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor Project, Further Development Of Systemwide Design Elements, Including Below-Grade Station And Aerial Stations Plaza Design Standards (Project), Los Angeles International Airport, Maintenance, Metro Crenshaw Line, Metro Exposition Line, Metro Green Line, Metro Rail C Line, Metro Rail E Line, Metro Rail K Line, Project
Attachments: 1. Attachment A Crenshaw_LAX Plaza Ticketing Area.pdf



JULY 16, 2015







ACTION:                     AMEND FY16 BUDGET






CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE FORWARDED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION amending the FY 16 Budget to add $800,000 to Project 405556 Systemwide Planning in Cost Center 4330, Countywide Planning and Development to cover the design costs for modifications to the Crenshaw/LAX (C/LAX) station design for consistency with the Systemwide Station Design.




A notice-to-proceed was issued to Walsh/Shea Corridor Constructors (WSCC) on September 10, 2013 for the C0988 contract.  The C0988 contract included the Metro Systemwide Station Design Concept report as a requirement.  Since that time, Metro has further developed the Systemwide Station Design into drawings and adopted the new standard drawings as part of Metro Baseline documents that is required for all future light rail stations. Additionally, Board policy requires that all Light Rail Stations have fare gates which were not included in the Systemwide Station Design Concept report or the C0988 contract. For the most part, the C/LAX stations incorporate the intent of the Systemwide Station Design. The design modifications recommended will bring four of the C/LAX stations into better conformity with the Systemwide Station Design. Staff is requesting Board authorization to amend the FY16 Budget to add $800,000 using Countywide Systemwide Planning funds to modify portions of the platform configuration and the Florence/La Brea ticketing structure design as shown in Attachment.



Throughout the Los Angeles region, Metro’s station architecture and finishes vary dramatically from station to station, resulting in the lack of a clear architectural identity for Metro Rail, not to mention higher maintenance costs. With Metro’s rail system rapidly expanding, staff procured an architectural design team to conduct an independent review of existing Metro rail stations, conduct interviews with Metro personnel, survey other transit systems, and establish a list of best practices and lessons learned related to design, functionality and maintainability of urban rail stations. With information gathered during the initial review phase, the design team established a set of design objectives, based on a modular approach that allowed station components to be arranged in multiple ways to accommodate different station types (i.e. at-grade, aerial and subway) and site conditions. Other key design objectives include: the consistent application of highly durable materials to reduce maintenance costs; better integration of signage and equipment to improve the customer experience; and a distinctive and recognizable architecture that conveys high quality, yet does not reference a specific style, time period or geographic location.  The station’s art and landscape components are intended to be the strongest mediums for community expression.

The Systemwide Station Design has been presented and discussed at public meetings for the Crenshaw/LAX, Regional Connector and Purple Line Extension projects. The systemwide approach was also the subject of articles in the Los Angeles Times, Metro’s Source and other local publications.

For the most part, C/LAX stations conform. However, design changes are required at four at-grade stations to change elements at the platform area and the Florence/La Brea fare gate zone to ensure that the C/LAX project has the same “quality of design” as the upcoming emerging system and is more compliant with Board policy. The $800,000 will not address all design changes for full compliance with the Systemwide Station Design, but will address inclusion of more durable materials and better integration of fare gate equipment at the La Brea station. Implementation of these changes after the C/LAX Transit Project is constructed would be cost prohibitive and disruptive to service.


This Board action will not have an impact on safety of our employees and/or patrons. 


Staff is requesting to add $800,000 to the FY2016 Budget in Project 405556, Cost Center 4330 (Systemwide Planning) to cover the design costs associated with the changes. Since the funding is separate from the C/LAX budget, the life-of-project budget for the C/LAX Transit Project will not be impacted.  Since this is a multi-year project, the Chief Planning Officer and Executive Director Engineering and Construction will be responsible for requesting funding in future years.

Impact to Budget

The source of funds for this modification is Propositions A and C and Transportation Development Act (TDA) Administration or Measure R Administration.  These funds are not eligible for bus and rail capital and operations expenses.


A request for rough order magnitude construction cost and schedule impact has been requested from the C/LAX project contractor in parallel with this action.  Upon receipt of the rough order magnitude construction costs and potential schedule impacts, staff will determine if the C/LAX project can proceed with these changes without impacting the project schedule and whether the project can absorb the construction cost impacts using project contingency or if supplemental funding mechanisms are required.


Attachment A - Crenshaw/LAX Ticketing Area



Prepared by:                      Charles H. Beauvoir, DEO, Project Management

                                                               (213) 922-3095

                                                               Frederick Origel, Director, Contract Administration

                                                               (213) 922-7331

                                                               Kimberly Ong, Interim DEO, Project Management
                                                               (213) 922-7308

Renee Berlin, Managing Executive Officer, Countywide Planning  

and Development, (213) 922-3035.

Cory Zelmer, Transportation Planning Manager

(213) 922-1079



Reviewed by  Nalini Ahuja, Executive Director, Finance & Budget (213) 922-3088

  Bryan Pennington, Executive Director, Engineering and Construction

                                             (213) 922-7449

Martha Welborne, FAIA, Chief Planning Officer, Countywide Planning and Development (213) 922-7267