OCTOBER 18, 2023
Motion by:
Metro's Sepulveda Transit Corridor Project (Project) proposes up to 16 miles of fixed guideway connecting the San Fernando Valley to the Westside and ultimately to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) through one of the most congested freeway corridors in the United States with more than 400,000 Angelenos moving through it every weekday. Much of this congestion results from the complex geography of the area and the very limited number of public transit options running north-south through the Santa Monica Mountains.
Metro is currently advancing technical studies in support of developing a draft environmental impact report pursuant to CEQA to evaluate project alternatives that address the transportation needs of the Sepulveda Corridor. During the environmental review phase, the Metro Board approved a finding that the use of a Pre-Development Agreement (PDA) for the Project could achieve a number of private sector efficiencies by integrating planning, design, and construction activities associated with the Project. In October 2019, Metro issued a Request for Proposals for the performance of the pre-development work, including cost estimates, constructability reviews, and technical analyses to support the ongoing development of the Project. Metro awarded the contract to the two highest ranking firms: LA SkyRail Express (Monorail) and Sepulveda Transit Corridor Partners (Heavy Rail).
The PDA project development period includes clear phases and milestones. In each phase, the PDA contractors are required to advance the design of their Transit Solutions Concept (TSC), working closely with Metro to protect the integrity of the environmental process, while taking into consideration meaningful public and stakeholder feedback, an essential element of any proposed Metro project. To ensure that stakeholders receive regular u...
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