MAY 26, 2016
Motion by:
Directors Solis and Garcetti
Item 35.1 - Metrolink Riverside Line: Montebello/Commerce Station Relocation Study
Based on board approval, Metro will initiate a series of studies to evaluate
the feasibility, benefits, constraints, costs and potential funding sources to:
• Relocate the existing EI Monte Metrolink station closer to the EI
Monte Bus Station;
• Relocate the existing Northridge Metrolink station closer to Cal State
Northridge; and
• Create a new Metrolink station at Rio Hondo College.
Metrolink's Riverside Line presents yet another opportunity to relocate the Montebello/Commerce station to a much more desirable destination. Currently, the station is located approximately 1.5-miles from the Citadel Outlets, a major economic driver in the region. Facilitating access to big regional commercial/retail centers via convenient transit alternatives will likely attract more economic activity while reducing vehicular congestion on surrounding freeways; arterials and streets.
AMENDMENT by Solis and Garcetti that the MTA Board direct the CEO to program an additional $300,000 in Measure R 3% funds in the FY17 budget to include the feasibility of relocating the Montebello/Commerce Metrolink station to the Citadel Outlets as part of the Metrolink Stations Location Feasibility Studies.