File #: 2025-0052   
Type: Contract Status: Passed
File created: 1/22/2025 In control: Planning and Programming Committee
On agenda: 3/19/2025 Final action: 3/27/2025
Title: AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to award a firm fixed unit rate Contract No. PS125381000 to Capitol Government Contract Specialists for Major Capital Project grantwriting services to support Board priorities, in an amount Not-to-Exceed (NTE) $6,332,734 for a two-year base period, with one, two-year option in the amount of $6,287,602, for a total NTE amount of $12,620,336, effective April 7, 2025, subject to resolution of any properly submitted protest(s), if any.
Sponsors: Board of Directors - Regular Board Meeting
Indexes: Active Transportation Program, Budgeting, Capital Project, Contract administration, Contracts, Express lanes, Gateway Cities (Southeast LA County) Service Sector, Gateway Cities subregion, Grant Aid, Huntington Park, Long range planning, Long Range Transportation Plan, Other P&P Planning (Mou, Hov, Tdm, Bikeways, Funds Admin, Public Outreach) (Project), Pedestrians, Plan, Procurement, Project, Rolling stock, Safety, San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments, Transportation modes, Zero Emissions
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Procurement Summary, 2. Attachment B - DEOD Summary, 3. Presentation
MARCH 19, 2025




AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to award a firm fixed unit rate Contract No. PS125381000 to Capitol Government Contract Specialists for Major Capital Project grantwriting services to support Board priorities, in an amount Not-to-Exceed (NTE) $6,332,734 for a two-year base period, with one, two-year option in the amount of $6,287,602, for a total NTE amount of $12,620,336, effective April 7, 2025, subject to resolution of any properly submitted protest(s), if any.


Staff requires grant writing services to secure funding for Board priority projects such as those included in the Measure M Expenditure Plan and the 2020 Long Range Transportation Plan. The current contract has been in effect for four years and is set to expire on March 31, 2025.


The current grant writing contract was executed on December 23, 2019, and is set to expire on March 31, 2025. Under this contract valuing $6.4 million, 167 task orders have been issued, resulting in grant awards totaling $1.77 billion. 2020 Metro Long Range Transportation Plan aims to add over 100 miles of transit infrastructure over the next 30 years, making it the most ambitious transit expansion plan in the nation. In addition to transit improvements, Metro will invest in multimodal projects designed to improve safety and reduce congestion, such as the I-605 Hotspot Program. There will also be efforts to enhance alternative transportation modes through bicycle and pedestrian projects. Furthermore, Metro is committed to transitioning its entire bus fleet to zero-emission operations. Through these investments, Metro plans to improve regional mobility, support economic recovery, and promote sustainability with green construction practices.

Metro's Countywide Planning & Development Departme...

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