Agenda Ready
On agenda:
Final action:
A. RECEIVING AND FILING the I-605 CIP Community Outreach Summary Report (Attachment A) that describes the community reengagement meetings that were held to present revised alternatives and findings in accordance with Board Motion 42 (Attachment B); and
B. REAUTHORIZING the work that is needed to re-initiate the environmental review phase of the I-605 CIP with an emphasis on safety and multimodal projects, with the understanding that all Alternatives may be subject to Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) mitigation analysis except Alternative 2.
"Hot Spots" Program, Americans With Disabilities Act, Avocado Heights, Baldwin Park, Bicycle lanes, Bicycling, Board approved a Motion, Budgeting, Capital Improvement Program, Complete streets, Construction, Downey, El Monte, Environmental Impact Report, Environmental impact statements, Gateway Cities (Southeast LA County) Service Sector, Gateway Cities Council of Governments, Gateway Cities subregion, General purpose lanes, Grant Aid, High occupancy toll lanes, High occupancy vehicle lanes, Hilda Solis, Housing, Hubs, I-10, I-105, I-105 ExpressLanes Project, I-5, I-605, I-605/Sr-60 Interchange Improvements (Project), Interchange Improvements (Project), Interchanges, Intersections, Janice Hahn, Joint Powers Agreement, La Puente, Lakewood, Measure M, Measure R, Metro Divisions, Metro ExpressLanes, Mitigation, Motion / Motion Response, Multimodal, Multimodal transportation, Norwalk, Outreach, Paramount, Partnerships, Pedestrians, Pico Rivera, Professional Services, Program, Project, Property acquisition, Quality of life, Ridesharing, Safety, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments, Soundwall, Southern California Highways, SR-60, Strategic planning, Technical Advisory Committee, Traffic congestion, Traffic flow, Traffic safety, Transportation Demand Management, Transportation modes, Transportation system management, Travel demand management, Vehicle miles of travel, Vehicle occupancy, Whittier, Zoning
Meeting_Body PLANNING AND PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE JANUARY 15, 2025 EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE JANUARY 16, 2025 Subject SUBJECT: I-605 CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (CIP) - MOTION 42 FINAL REPORT Action ACTION: APPROVE RECOMMENDATION Heading RECOMMENDATION Title CONSIDER: A. RECEIVING AND FILING the I-605 CIP Community Outreach Summary Report (Attachment A) that describes the community reengagement meetings that were held to present revised alternatives and findings in accordance with Board Motion 42 (Attachment B); and B. REAUTHORIZING the work that is needed to re-initiate the environmental review phase of the I-605 CIP with an emphasis on safety and multimodal projects, with the understanding that all Alternatives may be subject to Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) mitigation analysis except Alternative 2. Issue ISSUE In response to Motion 42 (approved in October 2020 by Directors Solis, Hahn, Garcia, Fasana, Garcetti, and Bonin), which held the release of the I-605 CIP Draft Environmental Impact Report and Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIR/EIS), staff worked to redefine the I-605 CIP project alternatives to minimize right-of-way impacts, align with various local and state policies and plans related to equity, greenhouse gas emissions, and vehicle miles traveled. During this time, staff engaged with the San Gabriel Valley and Gateway Cities Councils of Governments, the I-5 Joint Powers Authority, the County of Los Angeles, corridor cities, and community stakeholders through a series of public meetings to refine the project's purpose and need. As stated in Motion 42, staff must provide a final report on suggestions for other I-605 build alternatives that include input from community re-engagement/ Metro staff must obtain Board approval prior to resuming work on the environmental phase for the retooled I-605 CIP. Background BACKGROUND I-605 is a major north south regional freeway in Los Angeles County used for interregi... Click here for full text