File #: 2022-0010   
Type: Informational Report Status: Filed
File created: 1/4/2022 In control: Planning and Programming Committee
On agenda: 2/16/2022 Final action: 2/16/2022
Title: RECEIVE AND FILE the project status update on the Eastside Transit Corridor Phase 2 Project. SOLIS AMENDMENT: Report back in April 2022 with the following: A. Innovative ways to help streamline the preconstruction-related work, including advancing engineering and utility-related work, among other strategies. B. Funding plans and assumptions for the two IOS alternatives being proposed; the plans should focus on a local funding strategy and a combined local and federal funding strategy. C. Strategies to streamline environmental review, including seeking a NEPA waiver, having NEPA authority delegated to the state, and seeking an abbreviated NEPA. D. An Alternative Delivery plan that will provide project schedule efficiencies which will reduce the overall preconstruction timeline. E. An accelerated project schedule for the two IOS alternatives and the entire project segment. HAHN AMENDMENT: Report back in April 2022 with the following: A. Which specific grants, state and federal fu...
Sponsors: Planning and Programming Committee
Indexes: Alignment, Atlantic Station, Commerce, Construction, East Los Angeles, Environmental Impact Report, Funding plan, Gateway Cities (Southeast LA County) Service Sector, Gateway Cities subregion, Gold Line Eastside Transit Corridor Phase 2, Informational Report, Long Range Transportation Plan, Metro Rail A Line, Metro Rail E Line, Metro Rail L Line, Metro Vision 2028 Plan, Montebello, Plan, Pomona, Project, Regional Connector Transit Corridor Project, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments, SR-60, Storage facilities, Strategic planning, Terminals (Communications), Twenty-eight by '28 Initiative, Whittier
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Eastside Transit Corridor P2 Initial Operating Segments Map, 2. Presentation
FEBRUARY 16, 2022




RECEIVE AND FILE the project status update on the Eastside Transit Corridor Phase 2 Project.

SOLIS AMENDMENT: Report back in April 2022 with the following:

A. Innovative ways to help streamline the preconstruction-related work, including advancing engineering and utility-related work, among other strategies.

B. Funding plans and assumptions for the two IOS alternatives being proposed; the plans should focus on a local funding strategy and a combined local and federal funding strategy.

C. Strategies to streamline environmental review, including seeking a NEPA waiver, having NEPA authority delegated to the state, and seeking an abbreviated NEPA.

D. An Alternative Delivery plan that will provide project schedule efficiencies which will reduce the overall preconstruction timeline.

E. An accelerated project schedule for the two IOS alternatives and the entire project segment.

HAHN AMENDMENT: Report back in April 2022 with the following:

A. Which specific grants, state and federal funding programs the eastside transit corridor project is applying for;

B. The competitiveness and priority of this project related to our other Metro projects also in the pipeline for these opportunities;

C. Any other Measure R and Measure M funding that might be available through future amendment or borrowing; and

D. Any opportunities for low and no-cost financing through federal or private sources.

In addition to those four things, engage relevant municipal agencies and Community-Based Organizations along the project corridor, as well as the Washington Boulevard Coalition, for their input and feedback on all strategies being considered.


This is an update to the Board on the Eastside Transit Corridor Phase 2 Project (Project) status. Key updates include a project update...

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