File #: 2015-1262   
Type: Contract Status: Passed
File created: 8/10/2015 In control: Construction Committee
On agenda: 9/24/2015 Final action: 9/24/2015
Title: AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer to: A. execute Contract Modification No. 10 to Contract No. PS-2020-1055 with Geoffrey R. Martin for the continuation of Tunnel Advisory Panel Services, in an amount not-to-exceed $802,261, increasing the total contract value from $1,287,745 to $2,090,006 and extend the contract from October 1, 2015 to June 30, 2020; B. execute Contract Modification No. 7 to Contract No. PS-8510-2416 with Harvey Parker and Associates, Inc. for the continuation of Tunnel Advisory Panel Services, in an amount not-to-exceed $981,465, increasing the total contract value from $1,611,745 to $2,593,210, and extend the contract from October 1, 2015 to June 30, 2020; and C. execute Contract Modification No. 5 to Contract No. PS-8510-2493 with Cording, Dr. Edward J. for the continuation of Tunnel Advisory Panel Services, in an amount not-to-exceed $764,033, increasing the total contract value from $1,311,745 to $2,075,778 and extend the contract from October 1, 20...
Sponsors: Construction Committee
Indexes: American Public Transportation Association, Board approved Contract, Budgeting, Construction, Construction engineering, Construction management, Contracts, Corridor Improvements - Hwy (Project), Crenshaw/Lax Transit Corridor (Project), Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor Project, Design build, Environmental Impact Report, Environmental impact statements, Excavation and tunneling, Federal Transit Administration, Full Funding Grant Agreement, Geotechnical engineering, I-710, Long range planning, Long Range Transportation Plan, Los Angeles International Airport, Metro Blue Line, Metro Crenshaw Line, Metro Exposition Line, Metro Gold Line, Metro Green Line, Metro Purple Line, Metro Rail A Line, Metro Rail C Line, Metro Rail D Line, Metro Rail E Line, Metro Rail K Line, Metro Rail L Line, Metro Vision 2028 Plan, Mitigation, New Starts Program, Procurement, Professional Services, Project, Project management, Protection, Record Of Decision, Regional Connector (Project), Regional Connector Transit Corridor Project, Safety, Station operations, Subway stations, Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act of 1998, Tunnel shafts, Twenty-eight by '28 Initiative, Underground construction, Underground structures, Westside Subway Ext (Project), Westside Subway Extension Section 2 (Project), Westside Subway Extension/Purple Line Extension Phase 1, Westside Subway Extension/Purple Line Extension Phase 2
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Procurement Summary, 2. Attachment B - Contract Modification Summary
SEPTEMBER 17, 2015




AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer to:

A. execute Contract Modification No. 10 to Contract No. PS-2020-1055 with Geoffrey R. Martin for the continuation of Tunnel Advisory Panel Services, in an amount not-to-exceed $802,261, increasing the total contract value from $1,287,745 to $2,090,006 and extend the contract from October 1, 2015 to June 30, 2020;

B. execute Contract Modification No. 7 to Contract No. PS-8510-2416 with Harvey Parker and Associates, Inc. for the continuation of Tunnel Advisory Panel Services, in an amount not-to-exceed $981,465, increasing the total contract value from $1,611,745 to $2,593,210, and extend the contract from October 1, 2015 to June 30, 2020; and

C. execute Contract Modification No. 5 to Contract No. PS-8510-2493 with Cording, Dr. Edward J. for the continuation of Tunnel Advisory Panel Services, in an amount not-to-exceed $764,033, increasing the total contract value from $1,311,745 to $2,075,778 and extend the contract from October 1, 2015 to June 30, 20202.


In April 2015, the Board authorized funding on a month-to-month basis until the incoming Chief Executive Officer (CEO) could review the contract. The CEO completed a review of the proposed contract modifications, which included a nearly two hour meeting with the TAP members on June 4, 2015, to discern their role of providing independent advice on tunneling and other related issues. Based upon this due diligence the CEO concurs with the staff recommendations.
Board approval of the recommendations will allow the continuation of services of the TAP to support Metro on the Crenshaw/LAX Transit Project, the Regional Connector Transit Corridor Project, the Westside Purple Line Extension Section 1 and Section 2 ...

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