File #: 2015-1632   
Type: Motion / Motion Response Status: Passed
File created: 10/16/2015 In control: Board of Directors - Regular Board Meeting
On agenda: 10/22/2015 Final action: 10/22/2015
Title: CONSIDER Motion by Directors Solis, Antonovich, Najarian and Krekorian that the MTA Board direct the CEO and the Regional Rail unit of the Program Management Department work with the City of El Monte and the Southern California Regional Railroad Authority (Metrolink) to evaluate the following: A. The feasibility and operational impacts for relocating the El Monte Metrolink Station from the current location to the Metro Transit Center in El Monte; B. The capital costs and potential funding sources including Measure R 3%; C. The process by which to include and prioritize this project in the short-range (5-year) Regional Rail Capital Program; and D. The alignment of this project with Metro's Transit Oriented Community program. FURTHER MOVE that staff report back within 60 days with a status update on all progress made on the items listed above.
Sponsors: Board of Directors - Regular Board Meeting
Indexes: Hilda Solis, Motion / Motion Response, Program, Project, Ridership
Related files: 2015-1286
OCTOBER 22, 2015

Motion by:


Related to Item 14: Commuter Rail Funding in Los Angeles County

Re: Feasibility of Relocating the El Monte Metrolink Station

Under new visionary leadership by the Chief Executive Officer, Metro is launching the Transit Oriented Communities Demonstration Program (TOC) as a broader approach to promote walking, biking, and transit along with vibrant and more sustainable built environments. Among seven sites, the TOC program has identified the El Monte Transit Center, which carries the potential for tying in the Metro Bike Hub, the Rio Hondo Class-I bike path, affordable housing, commercial space, park and ride lots, open recreation space and Metrolink's San Bernardino Line (SBL).

While the SBL attracts over 11,000 weekday riders, the current fare structure discourages short distance trips. Metrolink is introducing a $3 station-to-station fare to boost ridership and promote commuter rail as a short distance alternative. However, oddly located stations with limited access to transit services are rendered inconvenient and ultimately deter ridership.

Currently, the Metrolink station in El Monte is situated nearly one-mile away from the El Monte Metro Transit Station, resulting in poor connectivity between two complimentary transit services. To ensure a successful transit oriented community in El Monte, it's important to explore the consolidation of regional transit services in a single location; the El Monte Transit Center.

CONSIDER Motion by Directors Solis, Antonovich, Najarian and Krekorian that the MTA Board direct the CEO and the Regional Rail unit of the Program Management Department work with the City of El Monte and the Southern California Regional Railroad Authority (Metrolink) to evaluate the following:

A. The feasibility and operational impacts for relocating the El Monte Metrolink Station fro...

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