File #: 2015-1597   
Type: Contract Status: Passed
File created: 10/10/2015 In control: Construction Committee
On agenda: 11/19/2015 Final action: 12/3/2015
Title: AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer to Execute Contract Modification No. 57 to Contract No. PS43502000 Parsons Brinkerhoff Inc. to provide continued design support services during construction for Section 1 of the Westside Purple Line Extension Project, from December 2015 through June 2017, in the amount not-to-exceed $9,282,218 increasing the Total Contract Value from $152,503,103 to $161,785,321.
Sponsors: Board of Directors - Regular Board Meeting
Indexes: Board approved Contract, Budget, Budgeting, Construction, Construction management, Construction Support, Contracts, Design build, Federal Transit Administration, Full Funding Grant Agreement, Maintenance of way, Metro Purple Line, Metro Rail D Line, Non-contract, Non-revenue Vehicles, Procurement, Professional Services, Project, Project management, Request For Proposal, Vehicle maintenance, Westside Subway Ext (Project), Westside Subway Extension/Purple Line Extension Phase 1, Westside Subway Extension/Purple Line Extension Phase 2, Wilshire/Western Station
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Procurement Summary.pdf, 2. Attachment B - Contract Modification-Change Log.pdf, 3. Attachment C - DEOD Summary .pdf



NOVEMBER 19, 2015












AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer to Execute Contract Modification No. 57 to Contract No. PS43502000 Parsons Brinkerhoff Inc. to provide continued design support services during construction for Section 1 of the Westside Purple Line Extension Project, from December 2015 through June 2017, in the amount not-to-exceed $9,282,218  increasing the Total Contract Value from $152,503,103 to $161,785,321.





The Board authorized award of the PB Contract in June 2007 to provide environmental and engineering services for the nine-mile Westside Purple Line Extension Project.  The Project Definition for the current nine-mile alignment, that was adopted by the Board on April 26, 2012, extends the Purple Line tunnels from the current terminus at Wilshire/Western to the Westwood/VA Hospital and includes seven underground stations.  A Record of Decision for the Project was received from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) on August 9, 2012; followed by the receipt of a Full Funding Grant Agreement (FFGA) on May 21, 2014, for the first phase (Section 1) of the Project (3.92 miles from Wilshire/Western to Wilshire/La Cienega).


Since 2007, the Board has approved Contract Modifications (Attachment B) to allow PB to continue engineering services to complete the bid documents and provide design support services during construction for three Advanced Utility Relocation (AUR) construction contracts and the Design/Build RFP solicitation documents for the tunnels, stations, systems and trackwork for the first Section (3.92 miles from Wilshire/Western to Wilshire/La Cienega) of the Project.  The first of the three AUR construction contracts was successfully completed in 2014; the second reached substantial completion in October 2015; and the last AUR contract that was issued construction Notice to Proceed in January 2015, is scheduled to be completed by January 2017.  The Design/Build contract which includes tunnels, stations, systems and trackwork was issued Notice to Proceed in January 2015 and is scheduled to be completed in 2023.  In July 2015, the Board approved the award of the Design/Build contract for the Maintenance of Way/Non-Revenue Vehicle Repair Building that was issued Notice to Proceed in September 2015 and is scheduled to be completed in 2017.


The PB team is co-located with Metro staff in the Integrated Project Management Office and is currently providing engineering services for both of the Westside Purple Line Extension (Sections 1 and 2) Projects. Approval of the recommended action to execute the Contract Modification for Section 1 will provide continuity of design support services during construction for the: 1) Advanced Utility Relocation contracts; 2) Design/Build Tunnels, Stations, Systems and Trackwork contract; and 3) Design/Build Maintenance-of-Way and Non-Revenue Vehicle Facility contract.

The recommended Board action will provide sufficient Contract Modification authority and funding for PB services through June 2017.  This approach will result in better control over the management of consultant services with the ability to budget according to the planned workload over the next two years.  It will also allow the Project to maintain knowledgeable Consultant staff that will be able to provide engineering “Lessons Learned” and opportunities to develop new consultant staff to transition to the Westside Purple Line Section 2 Project, if future funding and Contract Modifications are approved by the Board. 

The Metro Board of Directors instructed the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) to conduct an independent audit of Contract No. PS-4350-2000, Westside Purple Line Extension Project - Section 2, Modification 52 (“Section 2 OIG Review”), to assess (1) total work hours to perform the proposed advanced preliminary engineering work, (2) proposed billable rates, (3) any potential management redundancies, and (4) accuracy and completeness of the preliminary engineering drawings.  The expert consultant hired by OIG is conducting the review.  The review is expected to be completed by them in late January/early February time frame.  The OIG will report the results of this review to the Metro Board.  

Section 2 OIG Review concerns a 2.6 mile segment that includes two new stations (Wilshire/Rodeo and Century City); whereas this Board report concerns a 3.9 mile segment (Section 1) that includes three new stations (Wilshire/La Brea, Wilshire/Fairfax, and Wilshire/La Cienega).  

Section 2 OIG Review concerns a contract modification amount of $20.8 million (that is within budget but not within a Board Adopted LOP), whereas this Board report is for a lesser amount of $9.3 million and is within budget and the Board adopted LOP.

Section 2 OIG Review concerns advanced preliminary engineering, design for advanced relocation of utilities, engineering support services, design support services, whereas this Board report includes only within scope continued design support services during construction of Section 1.





This Board action will not have an impact on established safety standards for Metro’s construction projects.





Funds are included in the FY16 budget for the actions under Project 865518 - Westside Purple Line Extension Project (Section 1) in Cost Center 8510 (Construction Project Management), and Account Number 50316 (Professional and Technical Services).  Since this is a multi-year project, the Executive Director of Program Management and the Westside Purple Line Extension Section 1 Project Manager will be responsible for budgeting costs in future years.


Impact to Budget


The sources of funds for the recommended action are Federal 5309 New Starts, CMAQ, Measure R 35% and TIFIA Loan Proceeds.  The approved FY16 budget is designated for the Westside Purple Line Extension Project and does not have an impact to operations funding sources.  These funds were assumed in the LRTP for the Westside Purple Line Extension Project.  This Project is not eligible for Propositions A and C funding due to the proposed tunneling element of the Project.  No other funds were considered.





The Board could decide to not approve the recommended Contract Modification.  This is not recommended because the extension of PB’s services will provide the continuity of engineering services involving qualified and knowledgeable personnel who that are part of the Westside Purple Line Extension Integrated Project Management Office approach.





After Board approval and execution of the Contract Modification, staff will direct the Consultant to continue providing design support services during construction for the Advanced Utility Relocation contracts; the Design/Build Tunnels, Stations, Systems and Trackwork contract; and Design/Build Maintenance of Way/Non-Revenue Vehicle Building contract that are currently underway. 





Attachment A - Procurement Summary

Attachment B - Contract Modification/Change Log

Attachment C - DEOD Summary



Prepared by:


Dennis S. Mori, Executive Officer, Project Director (213) 922-7221


Rick Wilson, Deputy Executive Officer, Program Control (213) 922-3627


Tim Clark, Director of Contract Administration (213) 922-7246

Bryan Pennington, Deputy Executive Director, Program Management (213) 922-7449





Reviewed by:


Ivan Page, Executive Director, Vendor/Contract Management (Interim) (213) 922-6383



Richard Clarke, Executive Director, Program Management (213) 922-7447