MARCH 16, 2016
AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to execute:
A. Modification No. 3 to Contract No. PS2415-3172 for Southern California Regional Interconnector Project (SCRIP) with HDR, Engineering, Inc. to provide environmental and preliminary engineering services for the expansion of SCRIP to include the Los Angeles Union Station Master Plan passenger concourse and accommodate high speed rail (HSR), increasing the total contract value by $17,641,953, from $30,637,404 to a not to exceed amount of $48,279,357; and
B. an Agreement with the California State High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) up to a maximum amount of $15 million for SCRIP for the accommodation of HSR.
In October 2015, the Board approved the expansion of SCRIP to include the Los Angeles Union Station (LAUS) Master Plan passenger concourse and accommodate a HSR system in LAUS provided that a written financial agreement or a master cooperative agreement was received by the CHSRA. On February 16, 2016, the CHSRA Board approved a motion to execute a contract with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) to share project development cost for SCRIP up to a maximum of $15 million (Refer to Attachment D).
Contract Modification No. 3 is required in order to expand SCRIP to include the passenger concourse and accommodate HSR. As staff advised the Board in October 2015, by integrating the passenger concourse and accommodating HSR, it will provide a cost savings of up to $300 million by minimizing throw-away costs if SCRIP and the passenger concourse projects were to be built separately, reducing construction schedule and impacts, and enhancing passenger connectivity to all transportation services.
In April 2014, the Board authorized staff to negotiate and execute Contact No. PS2415-3172 to HDR Engineering, Inc. for SCRIP’s engineering services. In August 2014, Contract No. PS2415-3172 was fully executed for a contract price of $29,805,884. The original scope of work included run-through tracks for regional rail with a supplemental environmental impact report (EIR) and environmental impact statement (EIS) based on the original environmental work for the LAUS Run-Through Tracks in 2006. Since April 2014 through March 2016, staff is anticipated to expend up to $8,448,334 under the existing contract. Under this Board action, Contract Modification No. 3 will expand the existing scope of services to include the passenger concourse and accommodate the HSR which will be effective April 1, 2016.
On February 16, 2016, the CHSRA Board approved a motion to execute a contract with Metro to share project development cost for SCRIP (specifically related to Contract Modification No. 3) up to a maximum of $15 million as a first installment towards a full funding agreement by CHSRA. This Board action will allow the CEO to execute this agreement with the CHSRA. Staff is currently negotiating the terms of the agreement with CHSRA. CHSRA has committed to a full funding agreement for SCRIP by June 2017 and intends to contribute to the project development costs (including ROW preservation/acquisition) incrementally between now and then for the accommodation of HSR at LAUS. On a separate but parallel front, staff is continuing to work with CHSRA on an Option Agreement that will provide CHSRA with right-of-way preservation of up to two platforms and four tracks at LAUS based upon an agreed fair market value appraisal process. Staff will return to the Board for approval once the Option Agreement has been finalized.
The project is being designed in accordance with Metrolink and Metro standards, federal requirements, and state requirements and will be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. There are no pedestrian crossings of the proposed tracks so no safety impacts are expected.
The required amount of $15 million for FY 16 is included in the budget for cost center 2415 Regional Rail under SCRIP 460089. Additionally, CHSRA will be responsible to pay up to $15 million for project development work related to Contract Modification No. 3. Since this is a multi-year project, the Executive Director, Program Management and Executive Officer for Program Management will be accountable for budgeting the costs in future years.
Impact to Budget
The source of funds for environmental and preliminary engineering work is in Measure R 3% Metrolink Commuter Rail Capital Improvements. These funds are not eligible to be used for Metro bus/rail operating or capital budget expenses.
An alternative could be not to execute Contract Modification No. 3 and not advance the Project. However, this will not increase the commuter and intercity rail capacity at LAUS causing significant delays and operational challenges.
The Board could elect to allow SCRIP without the passenger concourse and preclusion of HSR. This will likely cause a significant reduction in the available funding for the project as well as increase the throw-away costs by not incorporating the passenger concourse with SCRIP. In addition, this would not provide for seamless transportation connections at Union Station and would likely preclude HSR from LAUS.
The CHSRA could incorporate and environmentally clear SCRIP as part of the HSR corridor program (from Burbank to Anaheim). However, SCRIP will be at risk if anything was to happen to the HSR corridor program (from Burbank to Anaheim). Metro owns LAUS and should continue to take the lead role in development of the station that will affect future transit ridership, transportation modes within the station, and the overall operations of LAUS.
Upon approval by the Board, staff will execute Modification No. 3 to Contract No. PS2415-3172 with HDR Engineering, Inc. for the expansion of SCRIP and execute the Agreement with CHSRA for SCRIP for the accommodation of HSR. Staff will return to the Board for approval once the Option Agreement has been finalized with CHSRA for the right-of-way preservation of up to two platforms and four tracks at LAUS. Staff anticipates returning to the Board by June 30, 2017 once a funding agreement for SCRIP by CHSRA has been finalized.
Attachment A - Procurement Summary
Attachment B - Contract Modification/Change Order Log
Attachment C - DEOD Summary
Attachment D - CHSRA Letter and Board Resolution
Prepared by: Jeanet Owens, Executive Officer, Program Management,
(213) 922-6877
Bryan Pennington, Deputy Executive Director, Program Management, (213) 922-7449
Reviewed by: Richard Clark, Executive Director, Program Management,
(213) 922--7557
Ivan Page, Interim Executive Director, Vendor Contract Management, (213) 922-6383
Nalini Ahuja, Executive Director, Finance & Budget
(213) 922-3088