File #: 2016-0250   
Type: Contract Status: Passed
File created: 3/18/2016 In control: Construction Committee
On agenda: 5/19/2016 Final action: 5/26/2016
Title: AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to: A. ADOPT a Design Life of Project Budget for $11,078,366 for the I-210 Barrier Replacement Project to develop a Risk Assessment Study, Environmental Clearance and Final Design documents for future construction consideration; B. AMEND FY16 Budget by $553,918 and AMEND FY17 Proposed budget by $9,970,529 to fund aforementioned efforts; C. AWARD AND EXECUTE a fourteen-month labor hour Task Order No. 12 for Contract No. PS4730-3070. Highway Programs on-call support services, to CH2M Hill Inc. in an amount not-to-exceed $4,799,967 for Architectural and Engineering (A&E) services for the preparation of the Project Report and Environmental Documents (Categorical Exemption) and the Plans, Specifications and Estimates for the Metro Gold Line Interstate 210 Barrier Replacement; and D. EXECUTE Modification No.1 to Contract No. PS4730-3070 to increase the not-to exceed value by $4,799,967 from $10,000,000 to $14,799,967.
Sponsors: Construction Committee
Indexes: Budget, Budgeting, Construction, Contracts, Metro Rail A Line, Procurement, Professional Services, Project, Safety
Attachments: 1. ATTACHMENT A-Design Life of Project Cost Estimate, 2. AtTTACHMENT B Procurement Summary, 3. ATTACHMENT C -Task Order Log.pdf, 4. ATTACHMENT D-DEOD Summary
MAY 19, 2016




AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to:

A. ADOPT a Design Life of Project Budget for $11,078,366 for the I-210 Barrier Replacement Project to develop a Risk Assessment Study, Environmental Clearance and Final Design documents for future construction consideration;

B. AMEND FY16 Budget by $553,918 and AMEND FY17 Proposed budget by $9,970,529 to fund aforementioned efforts;

C. AWARD AND EXECUTE a fourteen-month labor hour Task Order No. 12 for Contract No. PS4730-3070. Highway Programs on-call support services, to CH2M Hill Inc. in an amount not-to-exceed $4,799,967 for Architectural and Engineering (A&E) services for the preparation of the Project Report and Environmental Documents (Categorical Exemption) and the Plans, Specifications and Estimates for the Metro Gold Line Interstate 210 Barrier Replacement; and

D. EXECUTE Modification No.1 to Contract No. PS4730-3070 to increase the not-to exceed value by $4,799,967 from $10,000,000 to $14,799,967.


Since the opening of the Metro Gold Line, there have been six accidents in which a big rig vehicle, traveling on the 210 Freeway, has entered into the operating Right-of-Way. The latest incident occurred on Sunday, March 6, 2016. During the incident, the tractor caught fire causing damage to the Gold Line system and a major disruption. The Gold Line required immediate repairs which were not complete until early the following morning. Staff proposes to develop design options for barrier improvements for the Pasadena Gold Line and effectively mitigate the risks of future breaches into Metro's Gold Line Right-of-Way. Once the barrier improvements have been approved by Caltrans, Metro will procure a construction contract for installation of the improvements.


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