File #: 2016-0116   
Type: Contract Status: Withdrawn
File created: 2/3/2016 In control: Board of Directors - Regular Board Meeting
On agenda: 5/26/2016 Final action: 4/13/2016
Title: AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to award a one-year firm fixed price Contract No. AE470670022889 to Cityworks Design in the amount of $2,003,317 for the Rail to Rail Active Transportation Corridor Environmental Review, Clearance and Design - Segment A Project.
Sponsors: Planning and Development (Department)
Indexes: Bicycling, Budgeting, California Environmental Quality Act, Construction, Contracts, Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor Project, Grant Aid, Los Angeles International Airport, Metro Blue Line, Metro Crenshaw Line, Metro Exposition Line, Metro Rail E Line, Outreach, Procurement, Professional Services, Project, Request For Proposal
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Procurement Summary, 2. Attachment B - DEOD Summary, 3. Attachment C - Rail to Rail/River Active Transportation Corridor Segment Map, 4. Presentation



MAY 26, 2016











AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to award a one-year firm fixed price Contract No. AE470670022889 to Cityworks Design in the amount of $2,003,317 for the Rail to Rail Active Transportation Corridor Environmental Review, Clearance and Design - Segment A Project. 





In December 2015, a Request for Proposals (RFP) was released to acquire a professional service contract for the development of 30% design drawings and environmental review and clearance under the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), for the 6.4 mile section of Metro owned Harbor Subdivision rail right-of-way (ROW) in South Los Angeles also referred to as Rail to Rail or Rail to River Active Transportation Corridor Segment A.  Board authorization to execute the contract is needed.





The Rail to Rail Active Transportation Corridor (ATC) - Segment A Project (Project) spans 6.4 miles along an east-west alignment from the future Metro Crenshaw/LAX Fairview Heights station at Florence Avenue and West Boulevard to just east of the existing Metro Blue Line Slauson station on the Metro owned Harbor Subdivision rail (ROW (Attachment C). The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad currently holds operating easements on the corridor. However, only very limited service exists on a portion of the ROW beyond the Segment A project limits.


The Project will improve multimodal connectivity in historically disadvantaged communities in South Los Angeles. The Project will link together three regionally significant north-south transit lines in Metro's system (the Crenshaw/LAX Light Rail Transit (LRT)), the Silver Line Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) located on the 110 Harbor Transitway, and the Blue Line LRT, increasing mobility options, and enhancing access to community-identified destinations locally and regionally.


The Project area is home to residential population density more than six times the county average. Over two-thirds of the area residents are minority; more than one-fifth of households within one half (1/2) mile of the Project corridor do not own a vehicle; and over sixteen percent (16.8%) of area workers commute to work via public transit, bicycling, and/or walking.  There are no bicycle facilities currently on or connecting directly to Slauson Avenue. Those cyclists using Slauson are cycling in constrained, unsafe on-street conditions, and competing with heavy and fast moving vehicular traffic. Reducing the high rate of both pedestrian and bicycle collisions and improving pedestrian crossings are key goals and benefits of the construction of the Project. Advancing project development will significantly improve transit safety and connectivity in several disadvantaged communities in South Los Angeles.


In October 2014, the Board directed staff to allocate funding in the amount of $2.85 million to facilitate the environmental, design, and outreach efforts required to move the project forward, and to identify funding sources for construction of the project. In May 2015, the Board approved a Metro commitment of $10.8 million in local funds to facilitate competitive match requirements authorizing staff to submit two grant applications. Subsequently, successful attainment of both the Caltrans Active Transportation Program and USDOT TIGER VII Discretionary Grant Program was achieved for the construction of Rail to Rail ATC, from the LAX/Crenshaw line to just east of the Blue Line.


In December 2015, a Request for Proposals (RFP) was released to acquire an architectural & engineering services contract for the development of 30% design drawings and environmental review and clearance under the NEPA and the CEQA, for the 6.4 mile section of Metro owned Harbor Subdivision rail ROW in South Los Angeles also referred to as Rail to Rail or Rail to River Active Transportation Corridor Segment A.  Board authorization to execute the contract is needed.


Awarding this Contract will facilitate project advancement allowing the development of engineering and environmental clearances in order to meet key Project milestones and remain on schedule per Metro’s grant commitments.


Public Outreach and Rail to River Segment B Alternatives Analysis


In December 2015, Requests for Proposals to acquire professional services to conduct Public Outreach for Segment A and Segment B; and to conduct and Alternatives Analysis for Rail to River Segment B were also released.


A Notice of Intent to Award has been issued to conduct Public Outreach for Segment A and B. The recommendation is under protest by one of the proposing firms.  The protest is under review by staff.


A Notice of Intent to Award has been issued for Rail to River Segment B Alternative Analysis.





The Project has no adverse safety impacts on Metro employees and patrons.





FY16 budget includes $110,000 for this Contract in Cost Center 4360, Active Transportation, under Project 405509, Rail to Rail/River ATC.  Since this is a multi-year contract, the cost center manager and the Chief Planning Officer will be accountable for budgeting the cost in future years, including any option exercised.




Impact to Budget


The source of funds may include Measure R 2%, Proposition C 25% or other eligible revenues, which are not eligible for bus or rail operating or capital expenses.





The Board may choose not to award and execute the contract for the Project.  This option is not recommended as it would delay the Project, preventing timely achievement of environmental clearance and ultimately successful completion of construction as committed.     





After approval from the Board, staff will execute Contract No. AE470670022889 with Cityworks Design, and begin the environmental review and clearance and design work for the Rail to Rail Active Transportation Corridor - Segment A Project.





Attachment A - Procurement Summary

Attachment B - DEOD Summary

Attachment C - Rail to Rail/River Active Transportation Corridor Project Segment Map



Prepared by:                      Alice Tolar, Transportation Planning Manager, (213) 922-2218

                                          Robert Machuca, Transportation Planning Manager, (213) 922-4517

                                          Laura Cornejo, Deputy Executive Officer, (213) 922-2885

                                          Diego Cardoso, Executive Officer, (213) 922-3076


Reviewed by:                      Ivan Page, Interim Executive Director, Vendor/Contract Management

(213) 922-6383

Therese W. McMillan, Chief Planning Officer, (213) 922-7077