File #: 2016-0491   
Type: Informational Report Status: Filed
File created: 6/1/2016 In control: Executive Management Committee
On agenda: 6/16/2016 Final action: 6/16/2016
Title: RECEIVE AND FILE State and Federal Report.
Sponsors: Board of Directors - Regular Board Meeting
Indexes: Budget, Budgeting, Full Funding Grant Agreement, Grant Aid, Housing, Informational Report, Metro Blue Line, Metro Exposition Line, Metro Purple Line, Metro Rail A Line, Metro Rail D Line, Metro Rail E Line, Metro Rail L Line, Program, Westside Subway Extension/Purple Line Extension Phase 2
Attachments: 1. June 2016 Leg Matrix
Date Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsAudio
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JUNE 16, 2016



RECEIVE AND FILE State and Federal Report.
Executive Management Committee
Remarks Prepared By Raffi Haig Hamparian
Government Relations Director, Federal Affairs

Chairman Ridley-Thomas and members of the Executive Management Committee, I am pleased to provide an update on a number of federal affairs of interest to our agency. This report was prepared on June 3, 2016 and will be updated, as appropriate, at the Executive Management Committee meeting.

Federal Grants for Fiscal Year 2016
I am pleased to share with you that Metro is pursuing a number of grants authorized by the FAST Act and/or backed by the Federal Fiscal Year 2016 transportation appropriations bill adopted by the U.S. Congress late last year. As I shared with the Board last month, Metro has submitted applications for the FASTLANE Grant program and TIGER Grant program to the U.S. Department of Transportation for their consideration. The projects submitted by our agency for these grants were outlined in a Board Box issued by our Chief Executive Officer in March.

Metro's Government Relations team will continue to actively seek Congressional support for our grant applications.

Federal Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2017
Most recently, the U.S. Senate moved this May to approve the Federal Fiscal Year 2017 Transportation - HUD Appropriations Bill. We are pleased that the bill - as drafted - includes robust funding for Metro's New Starts projects. Specifically, the bill provides $100 million for the Regional Connector, $100 million for the Purple Lines Extension Phase 1, and lastly the bill states that $250 million will be available for California's three New Starts projects that are awaiting Full Funding Grant Agreements.

Over in the U.S. House or Representatives, the FY2017 Transportation-HUD Bill has be...

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