File #: 2016-0503   
Type: Motion / Motion Response Status: Filed
File created: 6/15/2016 In control: Executive Management Committee
On agenda: 10/20/2016 Final action: 10/20/2016
Title: RECEIVE AND FILE report back on sustainability strategies, accomplishments and short and long-term plans related to green infrastructure, sustainability transportation and workforce development and resources needs to implement Metro's sustainability program.
Sponsors: Construction Committee
Indexes: Board approved a Motion, Budgeting, Construction, Guidelines, Hilda Solis, Maintenance practices, Metro Orange Line, Metro Rail A Line, Motion / Motion Response, Plan, Policy, Procurement, Program, Program management, Project, Regional transportation, Research, Safety
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Motion 57, Environmental and Sustainability Efforts, 2. Attachment B - 2016 Energy and Resource Report Cover Page, 3. Attachment C - Energy Management, 4. Attachment D - Green Construction
OCTOBER 20, 2016



RECEIVE AND FILE report back on sustainability strategies, accomplishments and short and long-term plans related to green infrastructure, sustainability transportation and workforce development and resources needs to implement Metro's sustainability program.

In February 2016, the Metro Board of Directors passed Motion #57 by Directors Garcetti, Kuehl, Ridley-Thomas, Fasana, Solis and Bonin to direct the CEO on a number of items related to Metro's environmental and sustainability efforts to further Metro's goals to reduce emissions, clean the air, and improve urban areas (Attachment A).

There are two reports required by the Motion. Staff reported back on May 31, 2016 on Item A of the Motion. This Receive and File document is the second report that is also required by the Motion. This report includes an outline of staff's response for each of the items pertaining to Water Conservation and Green Infrastructure, First and Last Mile Connections to Metro's transit system, and Strategies to better Deploy Technology and promote Green Jobs.


Central to Metro's mission of continually improving the effectiveness and efficiency of Los Angeles' transportation system is the process of ensuring the implementation of sustainability-related efforts and infrastructure. Transit systems by definition already form a sustainable air quality strategy as any agency that reduces vehicle miles travelled, congestion, and promotes land use co-benefits as a result of transit investments lead to a reduction in criteria air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions.

Although Metro has been implementing sustainability strategies, specifically as part of its construction efforts since 2003, sustainability only became a formal part of Metro's priorities in 2007, with our Board's adoption...

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