File #: 2017-0093   
Type: Motion / Motion Response Status: Passed
File created: 2/10/2017 In control: Planning and Programming Committee
On agenda: 2/15/2017 Final action: 2/23/2017
Title: APPROVE Motion by Hahn, Garcetti and Bowen that the Board direct the CEO to work with Caltrans, Los Angeles County, and the City of Norwalk to enhance first-last mile access to Norwalk Station and identify first-last mile eligible funding that could be used towards a Metro contribution of up to 25% of the project cost, which is estimated to be up to a total of $673,000.
Sponsors: Board of Directors - Regular Board Meeting
Indexes: Gateway Cities (Southeast LA County) Service Sector, Gateway Cities subregion, Motion / Motion Response, Project



FEBRUARY 15, 2017



Motion by:





Item 38: Norwalk Station First/Last Mile


The Norwalk Station is the eastern terminus of the Green Line. The station is a major park and ride location. As a result, its parking lots are at capacity on most weekdays. However, active transportation activity is currently limited at the Norwalk Station because of lack of safe access.

By improving transit access and effectiveness, more people will opt into public transportation. This in turn will reduce vehicle miles traveled and greenhouse gas emissions, integrate physical activity into daily commute patterns, and improve economic vitality by connecting people to regional markets.

Metro should contribute to alternative resources, such as first and last mile options for those accessing the Green Line. Currently, at Norwalk station, there are several options for improving bicycle and pedestrian access. This Caltrans-led project has identified a small funding shortfall.

Metro is about to embark on first-last mile planning for all existing rail stations. This item will prioritize a station with existing plans to improve first-last mile access. It is in Metro's direct interest to improve first-last mile access to Norwalk Station for the reasons stated above.



APPROVE Motion by Hahn, Garcetti and Bowen that the Board direct the CEO to work with Caltrans, Los Angeles County, and the City of Norwalk to enhance first-last mile access to Norwalk Station and identify first-last mile eligible funding that could be used towards a Metro contribution of up to 25% of the project cost, which is estimated to be up to a total of $673,000.