File #: 2017-0523   
Type: Motion / Motion Response Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 7/21/2017 In control: Board of Directors - Regular Board Meeting
On agenda: 7/27/2017 Final action:
Title: WE THEREFORE MOVE that the Board direct the CEO to: A. MAINTAIN funding for the Glendale Train Station First-Last Mile Regional Improvements project; B. PROGRAM funding from the cancelled City of Los Angeles project to fill the shortfall in the City of Glendale Compressed Natural Gas Fueling and Maintenance Facility Project, which is estimated to be $2.3 million; C. PROGRAM any remaining funding from the cancelled City of Los Angeles project to the Taylor Yard Bridge design funding agreement; and D. REPORT to the Planning & Programming Committee in October on the status of MTA's First-Last Mile program.
Sponsors: Board of Directors - Regular Board Meeting
Indexes: Amtrak, Central Los Angeles subregion, City of Los Angeles, Grant Aid, Motion / Motion Response, Program, Project, Ridership, San Fernando Valley subregion, South Bay Cities subregion, Westside/Central Service Sector
Related files: 2017-0679, 2017-0554
Date Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsAudio
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JULY 27, 2017



Motion by:




July 27, 2017


Relating to Item 51, File ID 2017-0289: Call for Projects - First-Last Mile


Given the ongoing trend of falling transit ridership, it is important that MTA maintain and strengthen its commitment to First-Last Mile infrastructure.


In May 2016, the MTA Board unanimously adopted a landmark motion elevating the priority of First-Last Mile infrastructure. Point B.5. of the First-Last Mile motion instructed MTA to develop First-Last Mile plans for priority stations, including all Metrolink stations in Los Angeles County. Point B.2. of the First-Last Mile motion instructed MTA to prioritize the funding First-Last Mile projects through MTA grant programs, including the Call for Projects.


One of the projects recommended for funding in the 2015 Call for Projects was the Glendale Train Station First-Last Mile Regional Improvements project. According to the 2015 Call for Projects recommendation, this project includes “first-last mile complete streets improvements connecting Tropico and Atwater Village to regional connections through the Glendale’s Amtrak/Metrolink station and Metro Rapid buses.”


Due to a $2.3 million shortfall in another Call project, MTA now recommends shifting funding from the Glendale Train Station First-Last Mile Regional Improvements to fill the shortfall. The other project, a Compressed Natural Gas Fueling and Maintenance Facility Project serving Glendale Beeline, will lose its federal funding match if the shortfall is not filled.


MTA’s intent is to compartmentalize the impacts within the City of Glendale. However, the de-funding of a First-Last Mile project is inconsistent with First-Last Mile policies adopted by the Board and described above.


Additionally, per a 1992 settlement, MTA is legally obligated to “design, finance, and construct” a pedestrian bridge across the LA River at the Taylor Yard Metrolink Central Maintenance Facility. Although MTA is legally obligated, it has delegated responsibility for design and construction to the City of Los Angeles. There is a shortfall in the MTA funding agreement to fund the design of the bridge.


This month, MTA recommends de-obligating $2.5 million from a cancelled City of Los Angeles project.


As stated above, given the ongoing trend of falling transit ridership, it is important that MTA maintain and strengthen its commitment to First-Last Mile infrastructure.






WE THEREFORE MOVE that the Board direct the CEO to:


A.                     MAINTAIN funding for the Glendale Train Station First-Last Mile Regional Improvements project;


B.                     PROGRAM funding from the cancelled City of Los Angeles project to fill the shortfall in the City of Glendale Compressed Natural Gas Fueling and Maintenance Facility Project, which is estimated to be $2.3 million;


C.                     PROGRAM any remaining funding from the cancelled City of Los Angeles project to the Taylor Yard Bridge design funding agreement; and


D.                     REPORT to the Planning & Programming Committee in October on the status of MTA’s First-Last Mile program.