APRIL 26, 2018
Motion by:
Dupont-Walker, Barger, Solis, Krekorian and Najarian
Metrolink Surplus Funds
In January 2017, the City of Los Angeles (City) purchased the Taylor Yard G2 parcel from Union Pacific (UP), which had been used as a rail maintenance and refueling yard by UP and hosted a section of tail track that has been leased by Metrolink for its Central Maintenance Facility (CMF) emergency access since early 2007.
The City is advancing two main projects at G2: 1) The Taylor Yard G2 River Park Project; and 2) The Taylor Yard Pedestrian Bridge Project to develop much needed public open space for Angelenos and habitat restoration along the LA River. The tail track is incompatible with future uses of G2 as public space.
Metrolink has been working closely with the City to establish mutually-acceptable co-use of the existing tail track for the near-term and plan for the relocation of the tail track for the long-term.
Currently, both the main CMF access point and the leased trail track originate from the south end. Metrolink has developed a conceptual design to permanently relocate the tail track to provide a new access point to the CMF from the west end, which will not cross or interfere with the planned G2 River Park and Pedestrian Bridge.
Metrolink is partnering with the City to negotiate additional right-of-way of the G2 parcel required for the new tail track location, and is seeking funding from its Member Agencies for the design and construction of the project.
As outlined in this Board report, the successful implementation of the Metrolink Antelope Valley Line 25% Fare Discount program has helped to create an operation surplus of $14.9 million of Metro funds that can be used for additional Metrolink programs.
The surplus fund creates a good opportunity to fund the CMF West Entrance project design, especially given the fact that all other Member Agencies have approved their portions of the design cost ...
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