SEPTEMBER 27, 2018
Motion by:
Related to Item 22 : Secure Bike Parking at Metro Stations
The provision of secure bicycle parking at Metro Stations is an integral component of Metro's First Last Mile Strategic Plan. According to Metro's 2017 rider survey, four percent of Metro Rail customers and two percent of Metro Bus customers arrive at their station or stop by biking. Eighteen percent of Metro Rail customers report regularly bringing a bicycle on board a train for some of their trips. Half of people who drive to Metro stations live within biking distance. Metro was an early adopter of bike lockers at its rail and BRT stations, with lockers now available for rent throughout the system. More recently, Metro has constructed large capacity Bike Hubs at major transit stations, including El Monte Bus Station, Union Station, and Hollywood/Vine. The newest Bike Hub will open later this fall at the Culver City Expo Line Station. These facilities represent a major investment in first/last mile access and reduce the need for riders to carry bikes on crowded trains and buses.
Although the expansion of Bike Hubs is a critical step forward, the majority of secure bike parking is still provided by the bike locker program, which remains oversubscribed. Wait lists for lockers at some stations exceed 50 people, representing a barrier to transit use for a significant number of people. However, the lockers are leased to one individual for 6-month terms, meaning that on any given day it may sit empty. At the same time, there are no secure bike parking options for casual riders or people with
irregular commute patterns.
Metro has successfully adopted best management practices in its parking program to assess demand and manage inventory for maximum public benefit. Metro should similarly evaluate its bike parking program to assess opportunities to improve access to secure parking through changes to its manag...
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