File #: 2018-0404   
Type: Program Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 6/18/2018 In control: Planning and Programming Committee
On agenda: 11/14/2018 Final action:
Title: CONSIDER: A. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer to: 1. Approve an updated project definition (Attachment A) for Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)/Environmental Impact Report (EIR); 2. Negotiate and execute third party agreements between Metro and project corridor cities and agencies; 3. Execute Modification No. 6 to Contract No. AE5999300 with WSP USA, Inc. for technical services to advance the level of design to 15% to support Draft EIS/EIR in the base amount of $6,300,216, with an optional task for third-party coordination in the amount of $1,678,228, for a total amount of $7,978,444, increasing the total contract value from $12,405,244 to $20,383,688; and 4. Execute Modification No. 2 to Contract No. PS2492300 with Arellano Associates to provide additional outreach support in the amount of $1,324,503, increasing the total contract value from $922,203 to $2,246,706. B. RECEIVING AND FILING finding in response to May 2018 comment to evaluate the feasibility a...
Sponsors: Planning and Programming Committee
Indexes: Budgeting, City of Los Angeles, Contracts, Environmental Impact Report, Environmental impact statements, Long Range Transportation Plan, Metro Blue Line, Metro Rail A Line, Metro Vision 2028 Plan, Outreach, Procurement, Program, Project, Project delivery, Ridership, Safety, Strategic planning
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Updated Project Definition, 2. Attachment B - Updated Alignment Map and Profile, 3. Attachment C-1 Procurement Summary, 4. Attachment C-2 Procurement Summary, 5. Attachment D-1 Contract Modification Log, 6. Attachment D-2 Contract Modification Log, 7. Attachment E-1 - DEOD Summary for A-1 AE5999300 (Mod. 6), 8. Attachment E-2 - DEOD Summary for A-2 PS2492300 (Mod. 2) JJ, 9. Presentation
Related files: 2018-0072, 2018-0784
Date Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsAudio
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NOVEMBER 14, 2018





A. AUTHORIZING the Chief Executive Officer to:

1. Approve an updated project definition (Attachment A) for Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)/Environmental Impact Report (EIR);

2. Negotiate and execute third party agreements between Metro and project corridor cities and agencies;

3. Execute Modification No. 6 to Contract No. AE5999300 with WSP USA, Inc. for technical services to advance the level of design to 15% to support Draft EIS/EIR in the base amount of $6,300,216, with an optional task for third-party coordination in the amount of $1,678,228, for a total amount of $7,978,444, increasing the total contract value from $12,405,244 to $20,383,688; and

4. Execute Modification No. 2 to Contract No. PS2492300 with Arellano Associates to provide additional outreach support in the amount of $1,324,503, increasing the total contract value from $922,203 to $2,246,706.

B. RECEIVING AND FILING finding in response to May 2018 comment to evaluate the feasibility and need for 4-car platforms on the West Santa Ana Branch line.


At the May 2018 meeting, the Board took action on the West Santa Ana Branch (WSAB) Project northern alignments and selected Alternative E (Alameda Underground) and Alternative G (Downtown Transit Core) for further analysis in the Draft EIS/EIR. In response to comments received from the 2017 scoping and 2018 updated scoping meetings, staff has worked closely with corridor cities, particularly cities along the southern alignment, and has conducted additional technical analysis and design. These efforts have resulted in refinements to the project alignment and project definition.

The existing technical contract includes design development up to conceptual level (5% design). Advancing the design to 15% w...

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