JANUARY 16, 2019
A. AUTHORIZING the Metro Open Streets Grant Program FY 2020 Mini-cycle Application and Guidelines (Attachment B); and
B. REPROGRAMMING $252,688 in unutilized Cycle Two funds towards the FY 2020 Mini-cycle; and to fully fund Cycle Three awarded events in El Monte and Paramount.
Board approval will authorize the Open Streets Grant Program FY 2020 Mini-cycle, as directed by the Metro Board at its September, 2018 meeting. Board Approval is needed to proceed with the Mini-cycle competitive grant program framework and release the Guidelines and Application to Los Angeles County Cities, County and Councils of Government offices that were not awarded funding during the Cycle Three application process and are eligible for funding assistance to implement Open Street events in FY 2020.
In September 2013 the Metro Board approved the Open Streets Competitive Grant Program framework to fund a series of regional Open Street events in response to the June 2013 Board Motion 72. Open Street events are temporary one-day events that close city streets to automotive traffic and open them to people to walk, bike or roll. The goals of the program are to provide opportunities to experience walking, riding a bike, and riding transit possibly for the first time; to encourage future mode shift to walking, bicycling and taking public transportation; and to promote civic engagement to foster the development of multi-modal policies and infrastructure at the local level.
At the June 2014 meeting, the Board awarded $3.7 million to 12 jurisdictions for Cycle One of the Open Streets Grant Program. At the September 2016 meeting, the Board awarded $4.14 million to 17 jurisdictions for Cycle Two. By the end of Cycle Two in December 2018, 25 events that were awarded funding in Cycle One and Cycle Two have been completed, totaling nearly 160 miles of open streets across 29 separate jurisdictions.
At its September 2018 meeting the Board approved funding recommendations for a third Cycle of 15 Open Street events in 18 cities, and directed staff to:
• Report back on the regional diversity of previous cycles and potential strategies to ensure regional diversity of funding in this and future cycles; and
• With a focus on regional equity, create a $1 million dollar Mini-cycle in FY 2020 of Open Street grant applications that is open to all communities and Councils of Governments in Los Angeles County, excluding those that have received funding from the Cycle Three Grants.: the cities of South Pasadena, West Hollywood, Culver City, Los Angeles, San Fernando, San Dimas, Long Beach and Paramount; and the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments.
Regional Diversity in Funding
In response to Motion 72 (Attachment A) in 2013 staff developed a comprehensive framework and competitive grant process to solicit and evaluate applications for Open Street events throughout Los Angeles County. In order to increase knowledge of the program, staff reached out via email to each of the 88 independent cities in the County and presented at the Streets and Freeways Subcommittee and the Los Angeles Technical Advisory Committee. During the 2014, 2016 and 2018 funding cycles, staff hosted application workshops at Metro Headquarters and LA County Councils of Government offices. During Cycles Two and Three additional points were added for multijurisdictional events and events proposed in disadvantaged communities, as determined by the CalEnviroScreen score. The table below represents the diverse range of applications received and funded in Cycles One, Two and Three.
Subregion |
Apps Received |
Percent of Total Apps Received |
Apps Awarded |
Percent of Total Apps Awarded |
San Gabriel Valley |
12 |
18.8% |
10 |
22.7% |
Gateway Cities |
17 |
26.6% |
9 |
20.5% |
Central Los Angeles |
12 |
18.8% |
9 |
20.5% |
Westside Cities |
10 |
15.6% |
8 |
18.2% |
South Bay |
6 |
9.4% |
3 |
6.8% |
San Fernando Valley |
4 |
6.3% |
3 |
6.8% |
Arroyo Verdugo |
3 |
4.7% |
2 |
4.5% |
Total |
64 |
100.0% |
44 |
100.0% |
In order to continue to increase regional diversity of applications and ensure that all cities have an equal opportunity to apply for events, staff will continue to work with Councils of Government offices to offer application workshops; present to relevant committees at Metro; offer an application workshop at Metro Headquarters; and coordinate with Councils of Governments and other cross-jurisdictional entities to assist with grant writing assistance for smaller, more disadvantaged cities across the County.
FY 2020 Mini-cycle Initiation
The Application and Guidelines for the FY 2020 Mini-cycle (Attachment B) will mirror those for Cycle Three, and are informed by feedback from applicants, grantees and participants of Cycles One and Two, as well as recommendations solicited from the Open Streets Evaluation Study contractor. The goal of the Application and Guidelines is to ensure that the FY 2020 Mini-cycle continues to promote multi-modal access, advance active transportation at local levels and encourage transit usage. During Cycle Three a maximum funding ceiling of $500,000 per event was implemented. That higher funding ceiling will remain for the FY 2020 Mini-cycle and is consistent with the new Equity Platform Framework in so far as a higher level of Metro funds is available to cities that would otherwise not be able to produce an Open Street event in their community due to lack of city funds available.
Reprogramming of Funds
After reconciling expended funds from Cycle Two, staff is requesting that $103,688 in unutilized funds for closed-out Cycle Two grants in the cities of San Dimas and Whittier, be reprogrammed, along with $149,000 for a cancelled event in the City of Montebello. Of the combined total, $71,688 will be reprogrammed toward the FY 2020 Mini-cycle, and $181,000 will be used to fully fund the requested grant amount for Cycle Three awarded events in the cities of El Monte and Paramount.
Equity Platform
By increasing the funding ceiling for the Open Streets program and providing additional scoring points to disadvantaged communities during the competitive application review process, as defined by the CalEnviro Screen, the Mini-cycle advances the Equity Platform. Metro outreach participation in Open Streets events, many of which are in disadvantaged communities, provides opportunities for Metro staff to discuss and answer questions about ongoing and planned initiatives with community members in the communities where they live.
The Open Streets Grant Program FY 2020 Mini-cycle will not have any adverse safety impacts on our employees and patrons.
There is no impact to the FY 2019 budget. Up to $1 million for the FY 2020 Mini-cycle will be requested during the FY 2020 budget process. Staff will work with the Office of Management and Budget to identify a funding source through the end of FY 2020. As this is a multi-year program it will be the responsibility of the cost center manager and the Chief Planning Officer to budget funds in future Cycles.
Metro Open Streets FY 2020 Mini-cycle aligns well with Strategic Plan Goal 3. By introducing local communities and stakeholders to the value of car-free and car-light mobility and providing opportunities to experience this mobility firsthand and possibly for the first time, Metro is leveraging its investment in the Open Streets Grant Program to promote the development of communities that are not reliant on personal automobile. By introducing new users to taking public transit, walking and riding a bike on a city street, possibly for the first time, Open Street events increase Metro’s ability to meet the Strategic Plan Vision 2028 of doubling non drive-alone mode-share (carpool, transit, walking and biking) trips in the next 10 years.
The Board has the option to not approve the FY 2020 Mini-cycle initiation. This alternative is not recommended as it is not in line with Board goals to increase awareness of opportunities throughout Los Angeles County for taking public transportation, walking and riding a bicycle.
Upon Board approval, staff will release the application package for the FY 2020 Mini-cycle. An easy to fill out web-based application will be utilized and an informational workshop will be held for applicants. It is anticipated that the application will be released in Spring 2019 with staff returning for Board approval of the FY 2020 Mini-cycle in June 2018 July 2019.
Attachment A - June 27, 2013 Board Motion #72
Attachment B - Open Streets FY 2020 Mini Cycle Application Package & Guidelines
Prepared by: Brett Thomas, Senior Transportation Planner, Countywide Planning & Development, (213) 922-7535
Dolores Roybal-Saltarelli, Senior Director, Countywide Planning & Development, (213) 922-3024
Frank Ching, DEO, Countywide Planning & Development, (213) 922-3033
Holly Rockwell, SEO, Countywide Planning & Development, (213) 922-5585
Reviewed by: Therese W. McMillan, Chief Planning Officer, (213) 922-7077