File #: 2019-0661   
Type: Contract Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 8/20/2019 In control: Planning and Programming Committee
On agenda: 11/20/2019 Final action:
Title: AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to award and execute a 36-month, firm fixed price Contract No. PS63023000 to WSP USA, Inc. in the amount of $6,372,356 for preparing 84 grant applications and 40 additional grant applications as well as optional tasks, such as greenhouse gas analysis, drone and aerial photography, and simulations. This will support Metro and local jurisdiction grant applications to discretionary federal and state funding opportunities, subject to resolution of protest(s), if any.
Sponsors: Planning and Programming Committee
Indexes: Budgeting, Contracts, Grant Aid, Procurement, Program, Project, Strategic planning
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Procurement Summary, 2. Attachment B - DEOD Summary
Related files: 2019-0671, 2019-0601
Date Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsAudio
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NOVEMBER 20, 2019




AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to award and execute a 36-month, firm fixed price Contract No. PS63023000 to WSP USA, Inc. in the amount of $6,372,356 for preparing 84 grant applications and 40 additional grant applications as well as optional tasks, such as greenhouse gas analysis, drone and aerial photography, and simulations. This will support Metro and local jurisdiction grant applications to discretionary federal and state funding opportunities, subject to resolution of protest(s), if any.


In September 2019, the Metro Board of Directors (Board) received and filed a report on federal and state funding opportunities and strategies which communicated the approach Metro staff will take to evaluate and select projects for application to discretionary grant funding programs (File #: 2019-0601). In October 2019, the Metro Board approved the Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 5 Priorities Framework to establish the eligibility and project selection process for Metro's ATP Grant Assistance Program (File #: 2019-0671). Both of these efforts to maximize discretionary grant funding for Metro and Los Angeles County projects require grant assistance services. This report recommends that the Board authorize the Chief Executive Officer to approve a contract for these services.


In November 2017, the Metro Board approved Contract No. PS44597-0000 in the amount of $2,170,485 for grant writing services to prepare up to 93 grant applications and perform greenhouse gas analysis. While the period of performance is through December 2020, the remaining contract capacity only allows for completion of up to 35 more grant applications. Staff is exploring ways to optimize this remaining capacity by directing it to upcoming time-sensitive opportunities and ot...

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