File #: 2020-0199   
Type: Contract Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 3/11/2020 In control: Planning and Programming Committee
On agenda: 5/20/2020 Final action:
Title: CONSIDER: A. RECEIVING AND FILING the Centinela Grade Separation Screening Analysis for Design Concepts/Engineering Design Report; B. APPROVING Project Definition as an Aerial Grade Separation at the Florence/Centinela Crossing of the Crenshaw/LAX Line supported by Bus Bridging during the Construction Period; C. FILING an environmental Statutory Exemption pursuant to CEQA; D. Authorizing staff to proceed with preliminary engineering and final design services on the Centinela Grade Separation. This is not a request for construction funding.
Sponsors: Planning and Programming Committee, Executive Management Committee
Indexes: Budgeting, California Environmental Quality Act, Centinela Grade Separation (Project), Construction, Construction Support, Contracts, Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor Project, Environmental Impact Report, Environmental impact statements, Florence, Funding plan, Grade separations, Inglewood, Intersections, Light rail transit, Long range planning, Long Range Transportation Plan, Los Angeles International Airport, Maps, Measure M, Metro Crenshaw Line, Metro Equity Platform, Metro Exposition Line, Metro Green Line, Metro Rail C Line, Metro Rail E Line, Metro Rail K Line, Metro Vision 2028 Plan, Olympic games, Outreach, Professional Services, Project, Ridesourcing, Safety, South Bay Cities subregion, South Bay Service Sector, South Bay Subregion Council of Governments, Strategic planning, Subregional Equity Program, Westchester
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Map of Inglewood Projects, 2. Attachment B- Centinela Grade Separation Screening Analysis for Design Concepts Report, 3. Attachment C - Rendering of Above-Ground Aerial Grade Separation, 4. Presentation
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MAY 20, 2020
MAY 21, 2020





A. RECEIVING AND FILING the Centinela Grade Separation Screening Analysis for Design Concepts/Engineering Design Report;

B. APPROVING Project Definition as an Aerial Grade Separation at the Florence/Centinela Crossing of the Crenshaw/LAX Line supported by Bus Bridging during the Construction Period;

C. FILING an environmental Statutory Exemption pursuant to CEQA;

D. Authorizing staff to proceed with preliminary engineering and final design services on the Centinela Grade Separation. This is not a request for construction funding.


In December 2018 the Metro Board approved the initiation of an engineering and environmental study to support development of the Centinela Grade Separation (Item #2018-0245). The study has been conducted in cooperation with the City of Inglewood and has included the development of 15% design and a Funding and Delivery Strategy Plan for the project.

Board approval is needed to approve funding to advance engineering design to include the preparation of construction bid documents. Approval of a funding plan is needed to support final design and construction activities for the grade separation with minimal impacts to the construction, opening and operation of the Crenshaw/LAX (CLAX) LRT Project.


The Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) for CLAX
was completed in 2011. Applying Metro's Grade Crossing Policy in 2011 resulted in a
determination that an at-grade crossing application was appropriate. In 2013 the
California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) granted approval of the at-grade crossing
pending inclusion of several supplemental measures intended to improve safety and
increase queuing and traffic capacity. The final...

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