File #: 2020-0524   
Type: Informational Report Status: Filed
File created: 7/31/2020 In control: Construction Committee
On agenda: 8/20/2020 Final action: 8/20/2020
Title: RECEIVE AND FILE status report on the I-5 North Capacity Enhancements Project (I5 NCEP), including Construction Support Services Contract update and Construction Issue for Bid status.
Sponsors: Construction Committee
Indexes: Bids, Construction, Construction Support Services Contract, Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program, Contract administration, Contracts, Grant Aid, High occupancy vehicle lanes, I-5, I-5 North County Capacity Enhancements, Informational Report, Invitation For Bids, Procurement, Program management, Project
Related files: 2020-0491



                                                                                                                              AUGUST 20, 2020






ACTION:                     RECEIVE AND FILE







RECEIVE AND FILE status report on the I-5 North Capacity Enhancements Project (I5 NCEP), including Construction Support Services Contract update and Construction Issue for Bid status.




This status report on the I-5 NCEP includes an update on the following:

A.                     Grant funding

B.                     Collaboration with Caltrans and contract status

C.                     Construction Support Services Contract award

D.                     Construction Contract development, solicitation, and award

E.                     Schedule and Cash Flow Analysis




This 13.9-mile Measure M project on I-5 from SR-14 to Parker Road was identified for capacity enhancements intended to improve the operations and safety of the corridor, facilitate the movement of freight and people, and to reduce existing and future forecasted congestion due to expected growth in the area. The proposed improvements include the addition of one High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane in each direction to improve mobility; extension of trucking/freight lanes from Calgrove Blvd. to South of Weldon Canyon in the southbound direction (2.23 miles) and from the Gavin Canyon undercrossing to Calgrove Blvd. in the northbound direction (0.98 miles); auxiliary lanes at various locations along the corridor (2.5 miles); widening of the existing roadway and 7 bridges including the Gavin Canyon Undercrossing, Calgrove Boulevard Undercrossing, Butte Canyon Bridge, Magic Mountain Parkway Undercrossing, Santa Clara Overhead, Rye Canyon Undercrossing, and Castaic Creek Bridge; and the replacement of the Weldon Canyon bridge to accommodate the proposed freeway widening.





A.                     Grant Funding:

As of July 2020, $47M in INFRA grant funding and $247M in TCEP grant funding have been obligated by the California Transportation Commission and the federal government. Funding drawdown for TCEP funds must begin no later than May 13th, 2021.


B.                     Collaboration with Caltrans and contract status:


Monthly partnering meetings with Caltrans have ensured the timely completion of critical project milestones, including an executed Cooperative Agreement (April 2020), approval of the 100% plans, specifications, and engineering (PS&E) (April 2020), and an approved Encroachment Permit (May 2020). Staff is also nearing completion of an executed contract with the California Highway Patrol to provide Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program (COZEEP).



C.                     Construction Support Services Contract (CSSC):


Support services will begin in the construction contract procurement phase, continue through pre-construction activities and construction, and culminate in construction contract close. The CSSC Contract will be a cost-plus fixed fee contract, and all services will be performed using Advance Cost Agreement. Review of consultant proposals is complete, and Board Item 2020-0491 is on the August Agenda to seek authority to execute the contract.


D.                     Construction Contract:


Program Management staff have worked closely with Vendor/Contract Management (V/CM) and County Counsel to tailor Metro’s transit-oriented contract towards a Caltrans highway-based contract. A final draft of the I-5 NCEP contract is being routed in August 2020 to Caltrans, V/CM, County Counsel, and all other vested Metro departments for final approvals. Staff will also complete an industry review of the contract. Upon final approval from Caltrans, V/CM, and County Counsel, Metro will have satisfied all requirements necessary to solicit bids for the project.  It is anticipated that the Issue for Bid (IFB) solicitation can be made public in November, 2020


E.                     Schedule and Cash Flow:


With an anticipated IFB solicitation in November 2020, staff is preparing for an April 2021 Notice to Proceed to the lowest responsive bidder. Currently, the project FY21 budget allocation supports the completion of advanced utility relocation, the award and implementation of the CSSC, establishment of project management office, and Metro labor costs required to maintain the IFB schedule. Construction contract award is to coincide with current budgetary considerations to allow for mobilization and construction to begin in early FY22, but still fulfill the TCEP funding requirement to issue NTP by May 13, 2021. It is anticipated that grants funds will be used for the cost of construction until FY23, at which time local funding sources will be utilized.





1.                     Board Execution of CSSC Contract in August 2020

2.                     Construction IFB issued in November 2020

3.                     Construction Contract award April 2020

4.                     Construction Contract NTP April 2021



Prepared _By

Prepared by:


Brad Owen, Executive Officer, Program Management (213) 418-3143



Reviewed by:


Richard Clarke, Chief Program Management Officer, Program Management (213) 922-7447