File #: 2020-0909   
Type: Informational Report Status: Filed
File created: 1/15/2021 In control: Executive Management Committee
On agenda: 2/18/2021 Final action: 2/18/2021
Title: RECEIVE AND FILE State and Federal Legislative Report.
Sponsors: Executive Management Committee
Indexes: Budget, Budgeting, Housing, Informational Report



FEBRUARY 18, 2021






ACTION:                     RECEIVE AND FILE






RECEIVE AND FILE State and Federal Legislative Report.





Executive Management Committee

Remarks Prepared by Raffi Haig Hamparian

Government Relations Senior Director, Federal Affairs


Chair Garcetti and members of the Executive Management Committee, I am pleased to provide an update on several federal matters of interest to our agency. This report was prepared on February 1, 2021 and will be updated, as appropriate, at the Executive Management Committee meeting on February 18, 2021. Status of relevant pending legislation is monitored on the Metro Government Relations Legislative Matrix <>, which is updated monthly.

There are five major issues I would like to focus on today - mindful that there are many other issues in play with respect to our Board-approved federal legislative program.


COVID - Federal Emergency Funding Package

Since Congressional and White House passage of the latest COVID relief bill in December of last year, negotiations on additional federal assistance related to COVID-19 are ongoing. Currently, the Biden Administration is advancing a $1.9 trillion aid package - with a focus on direct payments to Americans. This aid package - as of this writing - includes $20 billion for transit agencies nationwide. Metro is fully engaged with the Los Angeles County Congressional Delegation to ensure that the next COVID relief bill includes funds for our agency and transportation agencies across Los Angeles County.


Jobs-Focused Stimulus Bill

The Biden Administration is expected to formulate a jobs-focused stimulus bill that - according to reports - would be offered after the House and Senate pass their next COVID relief bill. We believe many of the programs and projects we have here at Metro can serve as a template for any future jobs-focused stimulus bill adopted by the federal government. We have and will remain engaged with the White House, USDOT and Congress to make sure items in our Board-adopted federal legislative program are embedded in any future job-focused infrastructure package.

President’s Fiscal Year 2022 Budget

We are set to work with the Biden Administration’s Office of Management to ensure that the President’s proposed budget - which will be released in the coming months - reflects our Board-approved Federal priorities.

Surface Transportation Authorization Bill:

We have already reached out and will continue to reach out to House and Senate authorizers on the bills they intend to craft this year to replace the FAST Act.  This outreach includes members of our Los Angeles County Delegation - but also includes national leaders on the committees of jurisdiction - like House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Chair Peter DeFazio of Oregon and Senate Environment and Public Works Chair Tom Carper of Delaware.

In the days, weeks, and months ahead we look forward to Metro driving the infrastructure dialogue around the nation when it comes to replacing the FAST Act - whether the topic is Local Hire, the SEED School, the New Starts Program, Goods Movement funding, the Center for Transportation Excellence, or our Rebuilding America initiative. The fact is that Metro is a national leader on many policy transportation initiatives that could be easily replicated across the nation through a future surface transportation bill.

Fiscal Year 2022 Transportation Spending Bill

As the Biden Administration issues their Fiscal Year 2022 Budget - we will - in parallel - be working with the House and Senate appropriations committees to make sure that our federal priorities are included and fully funded in the transportation spending measures adopted later this fiscal year. This effort will include, but not be limited to, working with the relevant Committee Chairs in the House and Senate and with our Los Angeles County Congressional Delegation.


Chair Garcetti - I look forward to expanding on this report at the Executive Management Committee meeting with any new developments that may occur over the next several weeks.






Executive Management Committee

State Remarks Prepared by Michael Turner

Deputy Executive Officer, Government Relations


Chair Garcetti and members of the Executive Management Committee, I am pleased to provide an update on a number of state matters of interest to our agency. This report was prepared on February 4, 2021 and will be updated, as appropriate, at the Executive Management Committee meeting on February 18, 2021. Status of relevant pending legislation is monitored on the Metro Government Relations Legislative Matrix <>, which is updated monthly.


California State Legislative Process Update

The California State Legislature is currently in session. The bill introduction deadline is February 18, 2021. Recently introduced bills are being assigned to policy committees for consideration and votes. Staff continue to review bills as they are introduced and work internally with Metro departments to evaluate impacts on Metro’s programs and projects. Through the month of January over 600 bills have been introduced between the Senate and Assembly. Over 250 spot bills will be amended to include substantial provisions in the coming weeks. Pursuant to the Board adopted legislative program goals, Metro staff continue to evaluate legislative proposals and advocate on behalf of the agency’s priorities in Sacramento. Governor Newsom has signed two bills into law thus far SB 89 (Skinner) and SB 91 (Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review) - approving a budget action and extending protections and relief to renters during the COVID crisis.


State Budget Trailer Bill Language

California State Department of Finance has published State Budget trailer bill language for review. The Legislature will consider a number of budget trailer bills later this spring to enact provisions of the state’s budget. Staff is reviewing budget trailer language for potential impacts to Metro’s funding under state-run programs, including the Transportation Development Act and Local Streets and Roads funding. Budget trailer language for funding the state’s Energy, Transportation, Housing, Local Government, and Labor priorities will be considered in the coming weeks.


COVID-19 Vaccine Prioritization for Metro’s Frontline Employees

In early December, Metro CEO Phil Washington communicated to the Governor and key leaders in Sacramento the need to prioritize vaccine distribution for Metro staff, specifically citing the need for the front-line employees who continue to serve the public on a daily basis. In January - the state’s Department of Public Health made a determination to move away from an industry-based distribution process to an age-based process. Metro, along with a coalition of Southern California transit operators submitted a letter to the Governor urging reconsideration of the industry tiers that were previously developed to ensure that frontline transit employees remain prioritized as vaccine distribution rolls out statewide. Transit employees are essential and their work is critical to providing the transportation services that support other essential industries and workforces. Staff will continue to work with the California Transit Association’s coalition of transit agencies across the state and the members of the LA County delegation to advocate for funding, policies to support recovery and priority for PPE distribution and the vaccines.


Update on Metro’s 2021 State Legislative Session Sponsored Bills

Metro’s Board of Directors approved the 2021 Legislative Program which included direction to sponsor a number of legislative proposals, including Senate Bill 44 (authored by Senator Allen) which would create a new CEQA litigation process for certain types of transit projects. Metro will be also introducing legislation that was not carried forward in last year’s legislative session - including a proposal to install front facing cameras on transit vehicles to help local municipalities enforce parking violations to improve our bus speeds and a proposal to clarify provisions of Metro’s procurement statute to accelerate project delivery.

LA County Delegation Engagement

Metro Government Relations staff will continue to work with the state legislative delegation to advance Metro’s priorities in Sacramento and locally in Senate and Assembly Districts. Historically, these briefings are held in-person, in order to have both an opportunity to brief staff from elected offices, as well as to hear comments and concerns directly from their constituents. Due to current measures in place statewide and nationwide - Government Relations staff has moved to a virtual model - hosting the updates via an online video meeting platform. These briefings, as well as district-specific briefings, will continue on a regular basis to ensure that the members of the LA delegation have access to Metro’s most up-to-date project and program information on a regular basis.



Staff will expand on this report at the Executive Management Committee meeting with any new developments that occur over the next several weeks.





Prepared by: Michael Turner, DEO, Government Relations, (213) 922-2122

                                          Raffi Hamparian, Senior Director, Government Relations, (213) 922-3769



Reviewed by: Yvette Rapose, Chief Communications Officer, (213) 418-3154