FEBRUARY 24, 2022
Motion by:
Clarifying Eligible Uses for SR-710 North Mobility Improvement Projects Motion
The SR-710 North Mobility Improvement Projects (MIP) were created as an alternative to the SR-710 Gap Closure project following the Board's adoption of the Transportation System Management/Transportation Demand Management (TSM/TDM) alternative in 2017 for the SR-710 project. Since its creation, some recipients of MIP funding have expressed the desire for more flexibility, and on February 16, 2022, the Monterey Park City Council decided to forego any action related to adding lanes to Garvey Avenue under their Garvey Avenue Improvements Project in favor of seeking other improvements.
As stated in the Environmental Impact Report/ Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS), the purpose of the 710 N Project is "to effectively and efficiently accommodate regional and local north-south travel demands in the study area of the western San Gabriel Valley and east/northeast Los Angeles." The purpose continues and highlights certain considerations, including "[improving the] efficiency of the existing [...] transit networks, [reducing] congestion on local arterials adversely affected due to accommodating regional traffic volumes, [and minimizing] environmental impacts related to mobile sources."
Direction from the Metro Board of Directors is necessary to clarify, based on the EIR/EIS, what kinds of MIPs are eligible for Measure R funding. This motion proposes to clarify that the following three categories of improvements are consistent with the purpose and need of the 710 N Project, support the adopted TSM/TDM alternative, and are subsequently eligible for MIP Measure R funds available for the SR-710 N Gap Closure project:
1) Bus Infrastructure Improvements: The TSM/TDM alternative includes transit service improvements which support efficiency of existin...
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