File #: 2022-0722   
Type: Contract Status: Passed
File created: 10/7/2022 In control: Planning and Programming Committee
On agenda: 11/16/2022 Final action: 12/1/2022
Title: AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to: A. EXECUTE Contract Nos. AE89212000 with HDR Engineering, Inc.; AE89212001 with HNTB Corporation; AE89212002 with Parsons Transportation Group; AE89212003 with TranSystems Corporation; and AE89212004 with WSP USA, Inc., respectively, for Multimodal Highway Program and Project Delivery Support Services and other related work, for a three-year base period for an aggregate not-to-exceed amount of $55,000,000 and one, one-year option term for a not-to-exceed amount of $5,000,000, for a total not-to-exceed amount of $60,000,000, subject to resolution of properly submitted protest(s), if any; and B. EXECUTE Task Orders within the approved not to exceed cumulative value.
Sponsors: Board of Directors - Regular Board Meeting
Indexes: Budgeting, Contracts, Gateway Cities (Southeast LA County) Service Sector, Gateway Cities subregion, Measure R, Metro Divisions, Multimodal, Procurement, Professional Services, Program, Program Management, Project, Project delivery, Project management
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Procurement Summary, 2. Attachment B - DEOD Summary




NOVEMBER 16, 2022












AUTHORIZE the Chief Executive Officer to:


A.                     EXECUTE Contract Nos. AE89212000 with HDR Engineering, Inc.;  AE89212001 with HNTB Corporation;  AE89212002 with Parsons Transportation Group;  AE89212003 with TranSystems Corporation;  and AE89212004 with WSP USA, Inc., respectively, for Multimodal Highway Program and Project Delivery Support Services and other related work, for a three-year base period for an aggregate not-to-exceed amount of $55,000,000 and one, one-year option term for a not-to-exceed amount of $5,000,000, for a total not-to-exceed amount of $60,000,000, subject to resolution of properly submitted protest(s), if any;  and


B.                     EXECUTE Task Orders within the approved not to exceed cumulative value.





Metro’s Complete Streets and Highways section in the Countywide Planning and Development Department’s Multimodal Integrated Planning Division requires professional services support to develop and complete transportation planning studies, environmental studies, final design, project management, risk analysis, and other transportation planning and development services. The Multimodal Complete Streets and Highways On-call services contracts will enable the award of task orders in support of subregional and agency-wide priorities.





The CEO’s September 2021 realignment that created a Multimodal Integrated Planning Division in the Countywide Planning and Development Department has enabled a re-assessment of Metro’s Highway Projects, both current (e.g. I-605 Corridor Improvements Project) and future, to ensure alignment with the Board’s recently adopted Objectives for Multimodal Highway Investments (File #2022-0302).  Metro’s Complete Streets and Highways section will be developing several small and medium scale transportation improvement projects following subregional, agency-wide priorities and the Board approved Objectives for Multimodal Highway Investments.





Since July 2020, the Complete Streets and Highways section has been successfully utilizing the current On-call support contracts to start and complete multimodal locally prioritized arterial and highway improvements throughout Los Angeles County. Through the existing On-call contracts, staff has executed 25 task orders for approximately $40 million to advance multimodal Measure R and M projects on the State Highway System (SHS) as well as local improvements in the cities of Whittier, Compton, Signal Hill, Carson and other local jurisdictions, nearly reaching the Board approved contract authority.


The new On-call services contracts will allow the advancement of a similar number of multimodal Measure R and M improvements on behalf of the cities of San Gabriel, Whittier, Hermosa Beach, Compton and other local jurisdictions throughout the County that have asked Metro for technical assistance. Staff will also develop multimodal Board-approved projects, such as the SR-14 Traffic Safety project. Metro will continue delivery of professional, technical, and administrative services in the following areas with the new contracts: (1) Planning and Technical Studies, (2) Research/Data Collection, (3) Project Approval and Environmental Document (PA/ED),(4) Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E), (5) Utilities and Right of Way, (6) Intelligent Transportation Systems Support, (7) Traffic Engineering Support Services (8) Program/Project Management Support, (9) Administrative Project Support Activities and other tasks. The Complete Streets and Highways On-call is available and has been utilized by Shared Mobility, Countywide Planning and Development, Program Management, and other departments within the Metro organization as needed. 





Approval of this procurement will support the development of a safer multimodal transportation system that will provide high-quality mobility options to enable people to spend less time traveling





Funding for the individual task orders shall be based on availability of funds and will be provided through approved FY23 Complete Streets and Highways project budgets. Approved annual budgets of other departments in current and future years that will be using this on-call will also fund individual task orders through their established annual project budgets.


Impact to Budget


There is no impact to the FY23 budget. Annually, funds will be included in the fiscal year budget for each planned project and task issued. Since these are multi-year contracts, the Senior Executive Officer, Multimodal Integrated Planning and the Cost Center Manager will be responsible for budgeting the costs in future fiscal years.





To ensure maximum opportunity for participation on this contract, Metro posted the solicitation through periodicals of general circulation, LA Sentinel, Rafu Shimpo, Los Angeles Daily News, La Opinion and Metro’s Vendor Portal, and e-mail notices were sent to small businesses within the applicable NAICS codes. A virtual pre-proposal meeting was also held on July 7, 2022. The Proposal Evaluation Team was gender diverse with half of the PET being women of color. Moreover, 30% of the work will go to SBE firms and 3% will go to DVBE firms. Staff will be working with the following EFC cities to advance their transportation priorities, Compton, Long Beach, Lynwood, San Gabriel, Signal Hill, South Gate, and Whittier.





The recommendation supports strategic plan goal #1 Provide high-quality mobility options that enable people to spend less time traveling.

Goal 1.1 Approval of the Multimodal Highway on-call will expand the transportation system as responsibly and quickly as possible as approved in Measure R and M to strengthen and expand LA County’s transportation system.





Complete streets and highways has reached the financial board approved contract amount for the existing on-call. Staff could have requested an extension or modification to increase the on-call contracting authority, however the procurement of the on-call has enabled re-competition for the On-call support services.





Upon approval by the Board, staff will execute Contract Nos. AE89212000 with HDR Engineering, Inc.; AE89212001 with HNTB Corporation; AE89212002 with Parsons Transportation Group; AE89212003 with TranSystems Corporation; and AE89212004 with WSP USA, Inc.





Attachment A - Procurement Summary

Attachment B - DEOD Summary



Prepared by:                      Isidro Panuco, Sr Manager Transportation Planning, (213) 547-4372
Ernesto Chaves, Senior Executive Officer (Interim), (213) 547-4362

                     Debra Avila, Deputy Chief Vendor Contract Management, (213) 418-8351



Reviewed by:                      
James De la Loza, Chief Planning Officer (213) 547-4215